
H. Anderton and S. Blazo.
Future trends in electronic displays.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 423–429. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
J. Arrillaga, D.A. Bradley, S.J. Gellen, and T.J. Densem.
Computer graphics as a tool for understanding the harmonic behavior of power systems.
J. Electrical and Electronics Eng. Australia (Australia), 5(1):1–7, March 1985.
D.A. Ackmann.
Moving images between machines: A non-standard approach.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 238–241. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
H. Adeli.
Microcomputer graphics in structural design education.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):299–301, 1985.
G.D. Abram and H. Fuchs.
VLSI architectures for computer graphics.
In P. Antognetti, F. Anceau, and J. Vuillemin, editors, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Microarchitecture of VLSI Computers, held in Urbino, Italy, 9-20 July 1984, pages 189–205. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1985.
S. Ansaldi, L. De Floriani, and B. Falcidieno.
The definition of a graph structure for the representation of objects by means of their outlines (in italian).
In A.I.C.A. Annual Conference Proceedings (2 vols); held in Rome, Italy; 24-26 Oct. 1984, volume 1, pages 105–123. Tecnoprint, Bologna, Italy, 1984.
S. Ansaldi, K. De Floriani, and B. Falcidieno.
An edge-face relational scheme for boundary representations.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):319–332, December 1985.
S. Ansaldi, L. De Floriani, and B. Falcidieno.
Geometric modeling of solid objects using a face adjacency graph representation.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):131–139, July 1985.
W.W. Armstrong and M. Green.
The dynamics of articulated rigid bodies for purposes of animation.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 407–415. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
T. Asano, L. Guibas, J. Hershberger, and H. Imai.
Visibility of disjoint polygons.
Algorithmica (Germany), 1(1):49–63, 1986.
L. Aguilar.
An interactive graphical communication format.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 72–80. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
L. Aguilar.
A format for a graphical communications protocol.
IEEECGA, 6(3):52–62, March 1986.
P. Amburn, E. Grant, and T. Whitted.
Managing geometric complexity with enhanced procedural models.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):189–195, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
H.H. Atkinson, I. Gargantini, and T.R.S. Walsh.
Filling by quadrants or octants.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process., 33(2):138–155, February 1986.
M. Mac An Aichinnigh.
The context: A high level structuring concept for GKS input.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):211–220, 1985.
A.I. Alexanin, M.F. Ivanov, A.V. Kazansky, and V.L. Perchuk.
An interactive graphics software system for solving optimization problems (DISOPT, an application program package).
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 856–861. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
T. Agui, H. Iituka, and M. Nakajima.
A precise line approximation method for planar curves (in japanese).
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Jpn. Part D (Japan), J68D(8):1539–1540, January 1985.
R. Aish.
3d icons and architectural CAD.
CGF (em Proc. Eurographics (UK) Conf.; held in Bath, England; 28-29 March 1985, 4(3):177–186, September 1985.
J.R. Van Aken.
An efficient ellipse-drawing algorithm.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(9):24–35, September 1984.
Y. Abe, M. Kubota, K. Miyake, and H. Niwa.
Intelligent mask-programmable CRT-processor.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, CE-31(3):583–591, January 1985.
J. Alander.
On interval arithmetic range approximation methods of polynomials and rational functions.
CGGB, 9(4):365–372, 1985.
K. Alesandrini.
Three types of informational graphics.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 281–284. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
G. Allen.
An introduction to solid modelling.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(4):439–447, 1984.
J.C. Almond.
The application of graphic standards.
In Proc. The SEAS Spring Meeting 1985; held in Veldhoven, Netherlands; 15-19 April 1985, pages 607–615. 1985.
G. Adorni, M. Di Manzo, and F. Giunchiglia.
Natural language driven image generation.
In Proc. COLING '84, 10th Int. Conference on Computational Linguistics; 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Comptational Linguistics; held in Stanford, CA; 2-6 July 1984, pages 195–500. Association of Computational Linguitics, Morristown, NJ, 1984.
G. Alia, E. Martinelli, and N. Tani.
Fast hardware graphic generators of curve families.
CGGB, 10(1):27–36, 1986.
R. Aish and P. Noakes.
Architecture without numbers — CAAD based on 3d modelling system.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 16(6):321–328, November 1984.
J. Van Aken and M. Novak.
Curve-drawing algorithms for raster displays.
ACMTOG, 4(2):147–169, April 1985.
H.J. Andree.
New computer films from the USA and japan (in german).
Fernseh- and Kino-Tech. (Germany), 39(10):481–486, October 1985.
R. Anderson.
UNIX through windows.
In Proceedings of COMUNIX '86, held in London, England, 3-5 June 1986, pages 115–121. Emap Int. Exhibitions, London, England, 1986.
H.J. Andree.
Fundamentals of the production of computer films (in german).
Fernseh. and Kino-Tech. (Germany), 40(2):44–50, February 1986.
434 pp., ISBN: 0-8186-0613-4.
In S. Sheppard, U.W. Pooch, and C.D. Pegden, editors, 1984 Winter Simulation Conference Proceeding; held in Dallas, TX, 28-30 Nov. 1984. IEEE, New York, 1984.
775 pp. ISBN: 0-444-87605-7.
1984 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages; held in Hiroshima, Japan; 6-8 Dec. 1984.
IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
237 pp., ISBN: 0-8186-0612-6.
INFO '84. Information Management Exposition and Conference; held in New York; 1-4 Oct. 1984.
Cahners Exposition Group, Stamford, CT, 1984.
176 pp.
Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984.
Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
414 pp., ISBN: 0-86353-012-5.
SIGSCE Bull.; Sixteenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; held in New Orleans, LA; 14-15 March 1985, 17(1), March 1985.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3), July 1985.
The graphics package `MAGIC' based on GKS (in japanese).
Mitsui Zosen Tech. Rev (Japan), 124:44–51, February 1985.
IEE Colloquium on `Computer Graphics' (Digest No. 64); held in London, England; 24 May 1985.
IEE, London, England, 1985.
20 pp.
Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985.
IERE, London, England, 1985.
91 pp., ISBN: 0-903748-58-4.
Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985.
IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
153 pp., ISBN: 0-8186-0630-4.
SPSS Inc., SPSS Graphics,.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985.
305 pp., ISBN: 0-07-047554-1.
IEE Colloquium on Electronic Design Interchange Format — EDIF (Digest No. 27), held in London, England, 27 Feb. 1986.
IEE, London, England, 1986.
Les Nouveaux Outils Du Specialiste De L'Information, Service Des Relations Exterieures 'Cours Et Seminaires' (New Tools for the Information Specialist), held in Les Arcs, France, 10-14 March 1986.
Inria, Le Chesnay, France, 1986.
259+Suppl. pp.
Proceedings of 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, TX, 25-27 June 1986.
IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1986.
X+179 pp., ISBN: 0 81 86 0722 X.
Proceedings of eurographics (UK) conference, held in glasgow, scotland, 26-28 march 1986, June 1986.
CGF, 5, 2.
Proceedings of the 1986 AIC interim meeting on color in computer generated displays; held in toronto, ont., canada, 19-20 june 1986, 1986.
Color Res. and Appl., 11 Suppl.
H.R. Arabnia and M.A. Oliver.
Fast operations on raster images with SIMD machine architectures.
CGF, 5(3):178–188, September 1986.
J.R. Van Aken and R.R. Peterson.
Color palette chip squeezes 4096 hues out of 4-bit pixels.
Electron. Des. (USA), 33(30):91–95, 26 Dec. 1985.
B. Aldefeld and H. Richter.
Semiautomatic three-dimensional interpretation of line drawings.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(4):371–380, 1984.
S. Aranoff.
DESIGNMASTER 8000: A status report on interactive real-time true color.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 1, pages 270–282. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
D. Asimov.
The grand tour: A tool for viewing multidimensional data.
Siam J. on Sci. and Stat. Comput. (USA), 6(1):128–143, January 1985.
K. Aso.
Present trend of flight simulators (in japanese).
J. Jpn. Soc. Simulation Technol. (Japan), 5(1):3–12, March 1986.
H. Assarpour.
Bit-mapped graphics using the MUPD7220A.
In Conference Record of NORTHCON/84, Mini/Micro Northwest-84; held in Seattle, WA; 2-4 Oct. 1984, pages 6/3/1–6. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
H. Astheimer.
Graphics in C: A fast program for the MC-68000 computer (in german).
MIKROComputer, 12:90–93, 1985.
G. Alia, N. Tani, and E. Martinelli.
An approach to the design of hardware curve generators for graphic displays.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 377–388. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
Y. Aono, Y. Takeda, N. Tanabe, and H. Iwaki.
A data tablet using electromagnetic induction.
Syst. and Comput. Jpn., 16(3):1–9, May-June 1985.
Y. Ariki, K. Wakimoto, H. Shieh, and T. Sakai.
Automatic transformation of drawing images based on geometrical structures.
In Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985, pages 719–723. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
G. Abram, L. Westover, and T. Whitted.
Efficient alias-free rendering using bit-masks and look-up tables.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):53–59, July 1985.
T. Asaka and Y. Yamaguchi.
High speed conic-section graphics.
In Proceedings IECON '84, 1984 Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (2 vols); held in tokyo, Japan; 22-26 Oct. 1984, volume 1, pages 428–431. IEEE, New York, 1984.
Y. Arakawa and M. Yasuda.
Robot graphics simulator (in japanese).
Natl. Tech. Rep. (Japan), 31(4):613–619, January 1985.
D.J. Allerton and E.J. Zaluska.
Computer image generation in real time.
In Proceedings of the Electronic Displays 1985 Conference, held in London, England, 29-31 Oct. 1985, volume 2, pages 17–31. Network Events, Buckingham, England, 1985.
S.E. Benzley and L.A. Adams.
Broadening the view: Displaying test data with color graphics.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(1):22–26, July 1984.
N.I. Badler.
What is required for effective human figure animation.
In S. MacKay and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '84; held in Ottawa, Canada; 28 May — 1 June 1984, page 119. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1984.
T. Baer.
Solid modeling on PC.
Mech. Eng. (USA), 107(4):26–31, April 1985.
L. Borghi, A. De Ambrosis, G. Gazzaniga, L. Ironi, P. Mascheretti, and C.I. Massara.
Elastic waves in a medium: An interactive graphics package.
Comput. and Educ. (GB), 9(1):1–7, 1985.
R.B. Balcomb.
From golden mean to microdots (computer art).
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 823–837. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
R.T. Bannon.
How to evaluate and select CAE, CAD, and CAM systems.
In Proceedings ATE Northwest; held in San Mateo, CA; 16-18 April 1985, pages VIII/1–32. Morgan-Grampian Publishing, Boston, MA, 1985.
J. Barnell.
More realism in workstation graphics.
Mach. Des. (USA), 57(27):87–91, November 1985.
R.E. Barnhill.
Surfaces in computer-aided geometric design: A survey with new results.
ACM Computing Surveys, 2(1-3):1–17, September 1985.
T.A. Barta.
Animated simulation graphics with GPSS.
In A. Miller, editor, MODRecord of Proceedings, The 18th Annual Simulation Symposium; held in Tampa, FL., 13-15 March 1985, pages 51–54. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
A.H. Barr.
Ray tracing deformed surfaces.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):287–296, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
J. Bates.
Motorola's LSI raster memory system for multi-featured displays.
In WESCON '84 Conference Record; held in Anaheim, CA; 30 Oct. — 1 Nov. 1984, pages 23/4/1–6. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
J. Bates.
Motorola's raster memory system that makes professional graphics affordable.
In Conference Record of NORTHCON/84, Mini/Micro Northwest-84; held in Seattle, WA; 2-4 Oct. 1984, pages 3/2/1–4. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
R.G. Baelie and G.A. Brennan.
POLYCAD/10 brings solids modelling to the IBM PC.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(6):42–45.
L.S. Brotman and N.I. Badler.
Generating soft shadows with a depth buffer algorithm.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(10):5–12, October 1984.
V.D. Bakhamatskii, V.G. Belyi, S.M. Bol'shinskii, L.G. Oranskii, and A.N. Poltava.
Graphics adapter for raster digital display (in russian).
Prib. and Tekh. Eksp. (USSR), 27(2):53–57, March-April 1984.
transl in: Instrum. and Exp. Tech. (USA), 27(2, Pt. 1), March-April 1984, 311-315.
S. Burrowes, T. Burrowes, and D. Burrowes.
Visualizing the sorting process.
Comput. Teach. (USA), 12(5):55–56, February 1985.
R.H. Bartels, J.C. Beatty, K.S. Booth, and I. Hardtke.
2-d and 3-d interactive computer modelling systems.
In S. MacKay and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '84; held in Ottawa, Canada; 28 May — 1 June 1984, pages 161–165. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1984.
C. Bouville, R. Brusq, J.L. Dubois, and I. Marchal.
Image synthesis by ray-casting: Algorithms and architecture (in french).
Acta Electron. (France), 26(3-4):249–259, 1984.
C. Bouville, R. Brusq, J.L. Dubois, and I. Marchal.
Generating high quality pictures by ray-tracing.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(2):87–99, June 1985.
R.C. Burton, D.G. Brewer, R.E. Penman, and R. Schilmoeller.
A cost-effective custom CAD system.
In Proc. the IEEE 1985 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference; held in Portland, OR; 20-23 May 1985, pages 356–362. IEEE, New York, 1985.
N.I. Badler and I. Carlbom.
The computer graphics scene in the united states.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 185–200. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
M. Berger and S. Chen.
Hierarchical systems for interactive raster graphics.
In 4th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology (JCIT); Next Decade in Information Technology; held in Jurosalem, Israel; 21-25 May 1984, pages 167–173. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
R.A. Becker and J.M. Chambers.
Design of the S system for data analysis.
Atandt Tech. J. (USA), 64(9):2131–2151, November 1985.
S.N. Biswas and B.B. Chaudhuri.
On the generation of discrete circular objects and their properties.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 32(2):158–170, November 1985.
C. Bizzozero and U. Cugini.
The `CADME' approach to the interface of solid modellers.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 223–229. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
J.A. Brown and H. Crowder.
Graphics applications using complex numbers in APL2.
In Proc. The SEAS Spring Meeting 1985; held in Veldhoven, Netherlands; 15-19 April 1985, pages 463–475. 1985.
J.R. Brown and D. Culanag.
Careers in computer graphics.
CG, 20(1):5–7, February 1986.
D. Boillon, J.L. Coulomb, and B. Ancelle.
Interactive graphic modelling of parametrized 2d areas application to electromagnetic device description.
In M.H. Hamza, editor, Proc. the IASTED, Int. Symposium on Modelling, Identification and Control; held in Innsbruck, Austria; 14-17 Feb. 1984, pages 131–135. ACTA Press, Anaheim, CA, 1984.
K.S. Booth, W.B. Cowan, and D.R. Forsey.
Multitasking support in a graphics workstation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, pages 82–89. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
R. Bournique, R. Candrea, and D. Hartman.
The interactive planning work station: A graphics-based UNIX tool for application users and developers.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 21–28. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
G.P. Brown, R.T. Carling, C.F. Herot, D.A. Kramlich, and P. Souza.
Program visualization: Graphical support for software development.
Computer (USA), 18(8):27–35, January 1985.
E.F. Brown, G.L. Cash, O. Johnsen, and A.N. Netravali.
An interactive graphics conferencing test-bed.
In P. Dewilde and C.A. May, editors, Links for the Future (em Science, Systems and Services for Communications, Proc. the Int. Conference on Communications (em ICC 84 (2 vols); held in Amsterdam, Netherlands; 14-17 May 1984, volume 1, pages 728–733. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
C. Bizzozero, U. Cugini, and P. Mussio.
The modeling of objects in 2 1/2 dimensions approached by way of constructive solid geometry (CSG) (in italian).
In A.I.C.A. Annual Conference Proceedings (2 vols); held in Rome, Italy; 24-26 Oct. 1984, volume 1, pages 67–85. Tecnoprint, Bologna, Italy, 1984.
C. Bouville, J.L. Dubois, and I. Marchal.
Generating high quality pictures by ray-tracing.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 161–177. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
D. Bell and C. Esperiquette.
Graphics controller chip does window, plus a whole lot more.
Electron. Des. (USA), 33(28):111–118, 28 Nov. 1985.
J. Bechlars.
Graphic workstations and GKS in networks.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 382–385. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
R.G. Belie.
Putting color graphics to the test.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(1):12–19, July 1984.
P.C. Bell.
Visual interactive modelling in operational research: Successes and opportunities.
J. Oper. Res. Soc. (GB), 36(11):975–982, November 1985.
W. Bender.
Anti-aliasing for broadcast compatible television.
In 1984 SID Int. Symposium (Digest of Technical Papers); held in San Francisco, CA; 5-7 June 1984, pages 153–156. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, 1984.
C.B. Bennett.
FRAME3D: Interactive, three-dimensional display of earthquake hypocenters.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 11(2):249–277, 1985.
N.E. Berg.
Considerations in a general purpose line drawing package.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 433–446. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
A. Bernherd.
A different kind of standard (computer graphics ergonomics).
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 107–119. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
P. Bergeron.
Shadow volumes for non-planar polygons.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 417–418. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
P. Bertrand.
Presentation des normes graphiques GKS (presentation of GKS graphics standards) (in french).
Technical Report 48, Inst. Nat. Recherche Inf. Autom., Le Chesnay, France, March 1985.
H. Bergmann.
Data acquisition via handwriting terminal, display screen, and optoelectronic keyboard (in german).
Radio Fernsehen Elektron. (Germany), 35(1):24–25, 1986.
P. Bertrand.
Presentation des normes graphiques GKS. (presentation of the GKS graphical standard) second edition, June 1986.
J. Bettels.
PHIGS — the standard and the IBM implementation.
In Proceedings of the SEAS Spring Meeting — Expert Systems, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 6-11 April 1986, pages 717–725. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1986.
L Bergman, H. Fuchs, E. Grant, and S. Spach.
Image rendering by adaptive refinement.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):29–37, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
C. Barillot, B. Gibaud, J.M. Scarabin, and J.L. Coatrieux.
3d reconstruction of cerebral blood vessels.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(12):13–19, December 1985.
A. Belaid and J.P. Haton.
Character recognition (in french).
Recherche (France), 16(170):1188–94, 1197, October 1985.
W. Buxton, R. Hill, and P. Rowley.
Issues and techniques in touch-sensitive tablet input.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 147–149. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
T. Bishop, D. Howard, and N. Schofield.
CASE — key issues for future success.
Comput. Aided Eng. J. (GB), 2(5):161–166, October 1985.
G. Bickford.
Optical data input keeps with high speed graphics display units.
In D.T. Newman, editor, Proc. the 1984 Conference on Computers in Manufacturing; held in San Francisco, CA; 28-30 Nov. 1984, pages 681–687. Nat. Inst. Manage. Res., Santa Monica, CA, 1984.
M.H. Bigbee.
Successful visual information systems.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 242–249. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
A. Bijl.
Graphical input: Can computers understand people.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):85–95, 1985.
Ho Bin.
Inputting constructive solid geometry representations directly from 2d orthographic engineering drawings.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(3):147–155, April 1986.
J. Bird.
Mainframe graphics for business presentations.
Data Processing (GB), 28(1):26–27, Jan.-Feb. 1986.
B.E. Brown and R.L. Judd.
Benchmarking — graphics workstations.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, pages 116–123. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
O. Bjorke.
Computer graphics in CAM applications.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):165–169, 1985.
W.F. Bronsvoort and F. Klok.
Ray tracing generalized cylinders.
ACMTOG, 4(4):291–303, October 1985.
J.L. Bentley and B.W. Kernighan.
GRAP — a language for typesetting graphs.
Communications of the ACM, 29(8):782–792, January 1986.
F.W. Burton, V.J. Kollias, and J.G. Kollias.
Real-time raster to quadtree and quadtree to raster conversion algorithms with modest storage requirements.
Angew. Inf. (Germany), 28(4):170–174, April 1986.
S. Bright and S. Laflin.
Shading of solid voxel models.
CGF, 5(2):131–137, June 1986.
Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986.
A. Blair.
The big screen (presentation graphics).
Micro. Des. (GB), 49:120–124, November 1985.
J. Bloomenthal.
Modeling the mighty maple.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):305–311, July 1985.
S.A. Bly.
User interface design for graphics applications.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 396–398. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
H.J. Broersma and I.W. Molenaar.
Graphical perception of distributional aspects of data.
Comput. Stat. Q. (Germany), 2(1):53–72, 1985.
G. Bouvier and R. Mengko.
A shape preprocessing unit.
In P.J. Zsombor Murray, L.J. Vroomen, and M.H. Hamza, editors, Proceedings of the ISMM International Symposium: Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-5 June 1985, pages 54–57. Acta Press, Calgary, Alta., Canada, 1986.
K.W. Brodlie, M.C. Maguire, and G.E. Pfaff.
A practical strategy for certifying GKS implementations.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 8(2):125–133, 1984.
M. Van Bavel and A. Nawaz.
High performance bit-mapped graphics with the video system controller.
In Conference Record of NORTHCON/84, Mini/Micro Northwest-84; held in Seattle, WA; 2-4 Oct. 1984, pages 6/2/1–7. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
P.G. Barker and M. Najah.
Pictorial interfaces to databases.
Int. J. of Man-Mach. Studies (GB), 23(4):423–442, October 1985.
J.S. Browne, D. Neuse, J. Dutton, and Keh Chiang Yu.
Graphical programming for simulation of computer systems.
In A. Miller, editor, Record of Proceedings, The 18th Annual Simulation Symposium; held in Tampa, FL., 13-15 March 1985, pages 109–126. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
C.S. Bailey and R. Opp.
A curve-drawing algorithm for raster graphics.
In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Small College Computing Symposium — SCCS, held in Rapid City, SD, 11-12 April 1986, pages 276–287. Small Coll. Comput. Symposium, Rapid City, SD, 1986.
L. Boen.
The sleeping giant — computerized graphic applications in education.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 285–289. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
W. Boehm.
Curvature continuous curves and surfaces.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(2):105–106, March 1986.
W. Boehm.
Multivariate spline methods in CAGD.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(2):102–104, March 1986.
K.I. Bogdatyrenko.
Choice of XY displacement ADC structure for graphics data input (in russian).
Izmer. Tekh. (USSR), 27(6):483–485, June 1984.
transl in: Meas. Tech. (USA), 27(6), June 1984, 483-485.
P.R. Bono.
A survey of graphics standards and their role in information interchange.
Computer (USA), 18(10):63–75, October 1985.
L. Bonfigliolo.
An algorithm for silhouette of curved surfaces based on graphical relations.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(2):95–101, March 1986.
F.L. Bookstein.
Computer graphics for the biometrics of shape.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 161–170. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
R.R. Boren.
Graphics simulation and programming for robotic workcell design.
Robotics Age (USA), 7(8):30–33, January 1985.
D.A. Boucher.
Illustrated documents: The integration of text and graphics.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 368–379. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
R. Bournique.
Specification and generation of variable, personalized graphical interfaces.
Int. J. of Man-Mach. Studies (GB), 22(6):663–684, June 1985.
C. Bouville.
Bounding ellipsoids for ray-fractal intersection.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):45–52, July 1985.
G.N. Boyd.
Raster scan technology opens new frontiers for the microimaged engineering drawing.
In Fifth Symposium on Automation Technology in Engineering Data Handling and CAD/CAM; held in Monterey, CA; 2-4 Nov. 1983, pages 293–295. Autom. Technol. Inst., Pebble Beach, CA, 1984.
B.I. Bertenthal, D.R. Proffitt, and S.E. Keller.
3-d graphics animation program for the apple II.
Behav. Res. Methods Instrum. and Comput. (USA), 17(2):195–202, April 1985.
P. Brouaye, T. Pudet, and J. Vicard.
Managing the semantic content of graphical data.
In G. Gardarin and E. Gelenbe, editors, Proc. a Workshop on New Applications of Data Base; held in Cambridge, England; 2-3 Sept. 1983, pages 63–84. Academic Press, London, England, 1984.
M. Begona and A. Romero.
GRASE — a graphical creation of structured programs.
In E. Luque, editor, Proc. the ISMM International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers and their applications; held in Sant Feliu De Guixols, Spain; 25-28 June 1985, pages 219–221. Int. Soc. Mini and Microcomput., Barcelona, Spain, 1985.
D.F. Brailsford.
Interaction vs. abstraction in the preparation of high-quality text and graphics.
In PROTEXT I. Proc. the First Int. Conf. on Text Processing; held in Dublin, Ireland; 24-26 Oct. 1984, pages 94–97. Boole Press, Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland, 1984.
M. Brannigan.
Multivariate data modelling by metric approximants.
Computer Statistical Data Analysis (Netherlands), 2(4):267–278, February 1985.
J. Brickmann.
Raster computer graphics in molecular physics.
In Int. J. Chem. Quantum Chem. Symp. (USA), Proc. the International Symposium on Atomic, Molecular and Solid-State Theory and Computational Quantum Chemistry; held in Flagler Beach, FL; 1-15 March 1984, 18, pages 647–659. 1984.
D. Briggs.
Testing implementations of IGES.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 537–544. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
A.D. Brown.
Computer-aided hierarchical diagrams.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 16(5):249–252, September 1984.
K.W. Brodlie.
GKS — the standard for computer graphics.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 11(3):339–344, 1985.
J.W. Brown.
Using computer graphics to enhance astronaut and systems safety.
Acta Informatica, 12(2):107–120, February 1985.
M. Brown.
Successful implementations of GKS on microcomputers.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 545–549. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
P.B. Brown.
Introduction to microcomputers: A graphics package.
J. Electrophysiol. Techn. (GB), 12(1):31–58, 1985.
P.B. Brown.
DORSALVIEW: A program which displays horizontal views of histological material in transverse spinal section.
J. Electrophysiol. Tech. (GB), 13(1):27–42, 1986.
A. Bruck.
Computer Art and Graphics. How to Program with Personal Computers.
Paul Petzold, London, UK.
144 pp., ISBN: 0-946970-06-8.
J.D. Brule.
A braille — graphics workstation.
In Conference Proceedings IEEE Workstation Technology and Systems, held in Atlantic City, NJ, 17-20 March 1986, page 30. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1986.
H.F. Barsam and Z.M. Simutis.
Computer-based graphics for terrain visualization training.
Human Factors (USA), 26(6):659–665, December 1984.
M.H. Brown and R. Sedgewick.
Techniques for algorithm animation.
IEEE Software (USA), 2(1):28–39, January 1985.
E.A Bier and M.C. Stone.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):233–240, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
G.M. Barnes, P.D. Smith, Chiann Wang, and G. Haus.
CAI for computer science: A visible algorithms update.
In H. Garrett, editor, Proceedings of 1985 Western Educational Computing Conference and Trade Show, held in Oakland, CA, 21-22 Nov. 1985, pages 85–90. California Educ. Comput. Consortium, Oakland, CA, 1985.
K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors.
Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
440 pp., $59.25, ISBN: 0-444-87617-0.
J.F. Broenink and G.D. Nijen Twilhaar.
CAMAS — a computer aided modelling, analysis and simulation environment.
In R.A. Adey, editor, Engineering Software IV. Proc. the 4th International Conference; held in London, England; June 1985, pages 15/3–16. Comput. Mech. Centre, Southampton, England, 1985.
T.F. Budinger.
An analysis of 3d display strategies.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), Processing of Three-Dimensional Data II; held in San Diego, CA; 23-24 Aug. 1984, volume 507, pages 2–8. 1984.
J.B. Butler.
Merging vector and raster graphics.
Systems and Software (USA), 4(7):74–80, July 1985.
G. Bishop and D.M. Weimer.
Fast phong shading.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):103–106, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
A.Z. Cole and E.J. Adams.
An integrated methodology for computer graphics instruction in an undergraduate computer science program.
In EDComputerCON84, pages 39–43.
A. Cakir.
Ergonomics of terminals (in german).
Elektron. J. (Germany), 20(11):60–62, 64–65, 6 June 1985.
T.W. Calvert.
Towards a language for human movement.
Computers and Humanities, 20(1):35–43, Jan.-March 1986.
S. Cameron.
Lasercomp user.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 172–176. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
P.H. Campoli.
Color dictates new technologies.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 1, pages 285–291. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
D.R. Campbell.
Interactive graphics software for an undergraduate course in digital signal processing.
Comput. and Educ. (GB), 9(2):79–86, 1985.
J. Del Campo.
A review of TV monitors II. video output stages and colour encoding (in spanish).
Rev. Esp. Electron. (Spain), 32(368):76–78, July 1985.
K.A. Carter.
IMP — a system for computer-aided typeface design.
In PROTEXT I. Proc. the First Int. Conf. on Text Processing; held in Dublin, Ireland; 24-26 Oct. 1984, pages 114–119. Boole Press, Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland, 1984.
W.S.S. Carnaby.
The one per desk workstation.
In IEE Colloquium on `Of Mice and Menus (em How New Integrated Software Packages can be used in the Office and the Home' (Digest No. 79); held in London, England; 14 Oct. 1985, pages 5/1–4. 1985.
G.S. Carson.
Conformance testing and quality assessment of graphics systems.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 10–16. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
R.J. Caruso.
Real-time circle generation for raster displays.
In Proc. the IEEE 1985 national Aerospace and Electronics Conference NAECON 1985 (2 vols); held in Dayton, OH; 20-24 May 1985, volume 2, pages 1549–1555. IEEE, New York, 1985.
S.M. Courter and J.A. Brewer.
Automated conversion of curvilinear wire-frame models to surface boundary models; a topological approach.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):171–178, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
O. Clarisse and S. Chang.
An icon manager in LISP.
In 1985 IEEE Workshop on Languages for Automation: Cognitive Aspects in Information Processing; held in Palma De Mallorca, Spain, 28-29 June 1985, pages 116–131. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
G.N. Charos, P. Clancy, K.E. Gubbins, and C.D. Naik.
Three-dimensional PTX phase diagrams through interactive computer graphics.
Fluid Phase Equilibria (Netherlands), 23(1):59–78, September 1985.
I. Carlbom, I. Chakravarty, and D. Vanderschel.
A hierarchical data structure for representing the spatial decomposition of 3-d objects.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(4):24–31, April 1985.
J. Carnet and J. Dujardin.
Numerical simulation and video display of dynamic problems.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 151–160. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
B.B. Chaudhuri and S. Dutta.
Interactive curve drawing by segmented bezier approximation with a control parameter (computer graphics).
Pattern Recognition Letters (Netherlands), 4(3):171–176, July 1986.
G. Campbell, T.A. DeFanti, J. Frederiksen, S.A. Joyce, L.A. Leske, J.A. Lindberg, and D.J Sandin.
Two bit/pixel full color encoding.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):215–223, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
L.T. Cook, S.J. Dwyer, D.F. Preston, S. Batnitzky, and K.R. Lee.
The diagnostic radiological utilization of 3-d display images.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), Processing of Three-Dimensional Data II; held in San Diego, CA; 23-24 Aug. 1984, volume 507, pages 48–51. 1984.
R. Chandler and G. Faulkner.
The painter's algorithm.
PC Tech. J. (USA), 3(11):181–184, November 1985.
H. Mei Cheng and J.D. Foley.
Parallel processing approaches to hidden-surface removal in image space.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):303–317, 1985.
J.M. Coggins, F.S. Fay, and K.E. Fogarty.
Development and application of a three-dimensional artificial visual system.
Comput. Methods and Programs Biomed. (Netherlands),, 22(1):69–77, March 1986.
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC), held in Baltimore, MD, 10-13 Nov. 1985.
U. Cugini, G. Ferri, P. Mussio, and M. Protti.
Pattern-directed restoration and vectorization of digitized engineering drawings.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(4):337–350, 1984.
S. Cavaliere, M. Fantini, and A. Turtur.
An integrated system for printing and publishing applications.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 125–132. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
S. Cavaliere, M. Fantini, and A. Turtur.
Text, images and graphics management system for editorial environment.
CGF, 5(1):51–56, March 1986.
G. Cisneros and N. Garcia.
Three-dimensional pictures with curves and surfaces in parametric coordinates.
In A. Luque, A.R. Figueiras Vidal, and J.M.R. Delgado, editors, Proc. MELECON '85, Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (4 vols); held in Madrid, Spain; 8-10 Oct. 1985, volume 2, pages 213–216. IEEE, New York, 1985.
E.K. Clemons and A.J. Greenfield.
The SAGE system architecture: A system for the rapid development of graphics interfaces for decision support.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(11):38–50, November 1985.
M.F. Cohen and D.P. Greenberg.
The hemi-cube: A radiosity for complex environments.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):31–40, July 1985.
M.F. Cohen, D.P. Greenberg, D.S. Immel, and P.J. Brock.
An efficient radiosity approach for realistic image synthesis.
IEEECGA, 6(3):26–35, March 1986.
M. Chlamtac and I. Harary.
The shift X parity watch algorithm for raster scan displays.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-34(7):666–673, July 1985.
W.T. Chang.
Hidden line removal algorithm for complex scenes.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 446–450. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
Y.K. Chan.
Realisation of 3-d objects through graphics/CAD/CAM.
In Hong Kong Computer Conference '85, `Managing Change (em Challenge of Today'; held in Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 23-24 May 1985, pages 8/1–8. 1985.
E. Chang.
Interface abstractions for an NAPLPS page creation system.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 361–363. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
K.Y. Chang.
Microcomputer graphics and applications with NAPLPS videotex.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(6):21–33, June 1985.
P. Chassignet.
An image management kernel for the design of relational and pictorial data bases.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 61–68. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
R. Chauhan.
Management of interactive graphics functionality beyond GKS.
In R.A. Adey, editor, Engineering Software IV. Proc. the 4th International Conference; held in London, England; June 1985, pages 2/31–45. Comput. Mech. Centre, Southampton, England, 1985.
R.M. Chevalier.
Information visualization — a new way to augment efficiency in office work (in german).
Off. Manage. (Germany), 33(7-8):714–715, July-Aug. 1985.
A. Chryssafis.
Anti-aliasing of computer-generated images: A picture independent approach.
CGF, 5(2):125–129, June 1986.
Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986.
Lih Shyang Chen, G.T. Herman, R.A. Raynolds, and J.K. Udupa.
Surface shading in the cuberille environment.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(12):33–43, December 1985.
P. Campbell, S.R.H. Hoole, and I. Tsals.
Finite element field analysis in 2-d and 3-d on a personal computer.
IEEETM, Int. Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 84); held in Hamburg, Germany; 10-13 April 1984, MAG-20(5, Pt. 2):1903–1905, September 1984.
Y.Z. Chung.
Computerized font design system for hangul characters (in korean).
J. Korea Info. Sci. Soc. (Korea), 11(3):153–163, January 1984.
L.D. Churchill.
Instructional design issues and the effective use of graphics in computer-assisted instruction.
Comput. Life Sci. Educ. (USA), 2(6):45–47, June 1985.
D.E. Calkins and J. Ishimaru.
Computer graphics and animation come to ship designing.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(1):32–42, July 1984.
J.J. Capowski and E.M. Johnson.
A simple hidden line removal algorithm for section reconstruction (biological structures).
J. Neurosci. Methods (Netherlands), 13(2):145–152, April 1985.
Fuhua Cheng and Wein Chung Jiaan.
Finding the intersection points of a line with a polygon and its applications.
In Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: CSC '86, held in Cincinnati, OH, 4-6 Feb. 1986, page 448. ACM, New York, NY, 1986.
R.H. Campbell and W.J. Kubitz.
The professional workstation research project.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, pages 222–230. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
H. Chiyokura and F. Kimura.
A method of representing the solid design process.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(4):32–42, April 1985.
R.H. Campbell and W.J. Kubitz.
The professional workstation research project.
IEEECGA, 6(5):11–24, May 1986.
G.T.Y. Chen, M. Kessler, and S. Pitluck.
Structure transfer between sets of three-dimensional medical imaging data.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 171–177. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
J.J. Clancy.
Directions for engineering data exchange for computer aided design and manufacturing.
In Fifth Symposium on Automation Technology in Engineering Data Handling and CAD/CAM; held in Monterey, CA; 2-4 Nov. 1983, pages 1–72. Autom. Technol. Inst., Pebble Beach, CA, 1984.
A.L. Clark.
Roughing it: Realistic surface types and textures in solid modeling.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(5):12–16, March 1985.
T.B. Clarkson.
Standardized graphics on the IBM personal computer.
IBM Systems Journal, 24(1):3–13, 1985.
H. Cheng, P. Lipp, and H. Maurer.
GASC: A low-cost, no-nonsense graphic and software communication system.
Electron. Publ. Rev. (GB), 5(2):141–155, June 1985.
R. Cleroux, Y. Lepage, and N. Ranger.
Computer graphics for multivariate data.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 29–36. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
W.S. Cleveland and R. McGill.
Graphical perception and graphical methods for analyzing scientific data.
Science (USA), 229(4716):828–833, 30 Aug. 1985.
R.L. Cook and W. McClelland.
Solid modeling application to manufacturing.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 656–662. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
G.S. Carson and E. McGinnis.
The reference model for computer graphics.
IEEECGA, 6(8):17–23, January 1986.
R. Coates.
Colour display for the kingfisher computer navigator.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 69–74. IERE, London, England, 1985.
G.S. Cohen, editor.
Proc. the 8th Ann. Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care; held in Washington, DC; 4-7 Nov. 1984.
IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Washington, USA, 1984.
1032 pp. ISBN: 0-8186-0565-0.
N. Coleman.
How high can resolution go and can we afford it?
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 15–27. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
R.P. Colwell.
Display architecture for driving two different bitmapped displays from one frame buffer.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, pages 30–37. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
A.J. Cole.
Pure mathematics applied (scanning theory of bit-mapped monitors).
Univ. Comput. (GB), 8(1):2–7, Spring 1986.
R.B. Collender.
3-d display system permits viewing without glasses.
Inf. Disp., 2(3):19–20, March 1986.
R.B. Collender.
3-d television, movies and computer graphics without glasses.
Disp. Technol. and Appl. (GB), 7(3):121–130, July 1986.
S. Cooper.
Raising the standards (graphic standards).
Comput. Syst. (GB), 6(3):37–39, March 1986.
S. Coquillart.
Displaying random fields.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(1):11–19, January 1985.
M.S. Cottingham.
A compressed data structure for surface representation.
CGF (em Proc. Eurographics (UK) Conf.; held in Bath, England; 28-29 March 1985, 4(3):217–228, September 1985.
D. Cowan.
Survey of the CAD field.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(10):5–10, December 1985.
N.L Cox.
Icon design: A case study, the xerox star.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 475–480. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
P.T. Cox and T. Pietrzykowski.
Concurrent editing and executing in PROGRAPH on graphical microcomputers.
Int. J. Mini. and Microcomput. (USA), 6(1):1–3, 1984.
L. Cardelli and R. Pike.
Squek: A language for communicating with mice.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):199–204, July 1985.
D. Cross.
Database management implications in utility mapping.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages C61–72. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
R.B. Capelli and G.C. Sax.
A device-independent graphics package for CAD applications.
IBM Journal of Research and Development, 28(5):512–523, September 1984.
M.S. Casale and E.L. Stanton.
An overview of analytic solid modeling.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(2):45–56, February 1985.
H.N. Christiansen and M.B. Stephenson.
The MOVIE.BYU computer graphics software system.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 843–855. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
J.N. Curtis and D.H. Schwieder.
Data analysis through a generalized computer animation method (DATICAM).
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):153–157, 1985.
C. L. Chu, S.B. Seshadri, E. Feingold, and O.J. Tretiak.
A low-cost image processing system.
In 1985 IEEE Microprocessor Forum; held Atlantic City, NJ; 2-4 April 1985, pages 93–97. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Springs, MD, 1985.
D. Cornell, A. Sambura, and J. Gero.
Icon-driven interfaces for drafting systems.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 131–140. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
E.S. Cohen, E.T. Smith, and L.A. Iverson.
Constraint-based tiled windows.
IEEECGA, 6(5):35–45, May 1986.
also in the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985; IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 2-11.
G.S. Coggins and D.J. Turcke.
Interactive graphics for large databases on microcomputers.
In B.A. Schrefler, R.W. Lewis, and S.A. Odorizzi, editors, Proc. the First Int. Conference on Eng. Software for Microcomputers; held in Venice, Italy; 2-5 April 1984, pages 739–746. Pineridge Press, Swansea, Wales, 1984.
B. Colyer and C.W. Trowbridge.
Finite element analysis using a single user computer.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(3):142–148, April 1985.
N. Cullmann.
GKSGRAL — a portable implementation of the GKS standard.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(3):303–307, 1984.
S. Cunnigham.
Computer graphics education directory.
Comput. Graphics (USA), 19(4):113–150, November 1985.
A. Clark, G. Walter, and C.R. Adams.
Optical disk-based image systems.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 39–71. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
J.G. Cleary, B.M. Wyvill, G.M. Birtwistle, and R. Vatti.
Multiprocessor ray tracing.
CGF, 5(1):3–12, March 1986.
R. Dallimonti.
Man/machine interface in system control (in japanese).
J. Soc. Instrum. and Control Eng. (Japan), 24(2):114–120, February 1985.
A. Van Dam.
Computer software for graphics.
Scientific American (USA), 251(3):102–113, September 1984.
E.S. Darlington.
A hand-held man-machine interface using an electroluminescent matrix display.
In 1984 SID Int. Symposium (Digest of Technical Papers); held in San Francisco, CA; 5-7 June 1984, pages 186–188. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, 1984.
R.E.J. Darby.
An interactive graphical method for designing, specifying, animating and implementing operator menu sequences.
In Int. Conference on Adv. in Command, Control and Comm. Syst.: Theory and Appl. (Conference Publ. No. 247); held in Bournemouth, England; 16-18 April 1985, pages 49–58. 1985.
J.V. Dave.
Digital image manipulation, analysis and processing systems (dimaps)—a research-oriented, experimental image-processing system.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), Applications of Artificial Intelligence II; held in Arlington, VA; 9-11 April 1985, volume 548, pages 100–109. 1985.
E.K. Davies.
Molecular models (graphics hardware).
Syst. Int. (GB), 13(11):61–62, November 1985.
J.C. Dalrymple and S.W. Bigger.
Display-processor architecture in the tektronix 4115b.
In Mini/Micro Northest. 1984 Computer Conference and Exhibition; held in Boston, MA; 15-17 May 1984, pages 14/2/1–8. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, May 1984.
R.G. Davis and C.A. Bernecker.
An evaluation of computer graphic images of the lighted environment.
J. Illum. Eng. Soc. (USA), 14(1):493–514, October 1984.
T.D. Derose and B.A. Barsky.
An intuitive approach to geometric continuity for parametric curves and surfaces.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 343–351. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
L. Dorst and R.P.W. Duin.
Spirograph theory: A framework for calculations on digitized straight lines.
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Anal. and Mach. Intell. (USA), PAMI-6(5):632–639, September 1984.
G. Desanctis and G.W. Dickson.
Computer graphics as decision support tools for data interpretation and trend spotting.
In E.L. Gallizzi, J. Elam, and R.H. Sprague Jr., editors, Proc. the 18th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences (3 vols); held in Honolulu, HI; 2-4 Jan. 1985, volume 1, pages 557–562. Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (distributed by Western Periodicals Co.), Honolulu, HI, 1985.
R.O. Dubayah and J. Dozier.
Orthographic terrain views using data derived from digital elevation models.
Photogram. Eng. and Remote Sensing, 52(4):509–518, April 1986.
M. Demetrescu.
From color proofing to press through a universal graphics language.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 1, pages 645–757. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
S. Demetrescu.
High speed image rasterization using scan line access memories.
In H. Fuchs, editor, 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; held in Chapel Hill, NC, pages 221–243. Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1985.
D. Denham.
High performance colour displays for computer graphics.
CGF, 5(1):57–63, March 1986.
G. Desanctis.
Computer graphics as decision aids: Directions for research.
Decis. Sci. (USA), 15(4):463–487, Fall 1984.
D.L. Desjardins.
Photocomposition and graphics — yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 703–712. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
B.J. Devereux.
The construction of digital terrain models on small computers.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 11(6):713–724, 1985.
D.A. Duce and E.V.C. Fielding.
Better understanding through formal specification (GKS standard).
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):333–348, December 1985.
R.A. Deininger and R.H. Gray.
Laboratory computer applications (low-cost graphics for the clinical laboratory).
J. Clin. Lab. Autom. (USA), 4(5):321–326, Sept.-Oct. 1984.
N.N. Datar, U.G. Gujar, and V.C. Bhavsar.
Analytical representation of three dimensional objects.
In Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: CSC '86, held in Cincinnati, OH, 4-6 Feb. 1986, page 453. ACM, New York, NY, 1986.
E. Denes, S. Hegyi, and I. Manno.
Histogram editor (in hungarian).
Technical Report KFKI-1985-104, Hungarian Acad. Sci., Budapest, Hungary, 1985.
S. Demko, L. Hodges, and B. Naylor.
Construction of fractal objects with iterated function systems.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):271–278, July 1985.
R. Diamond.
Interactive vector graphics (for crystallographic studies).
In S.R. Hall and T. Ashida, editors, Methods and Applications in Crystallographic Computing, Int. Summer School on Crystallographic Computing; held in Kyoto, Japan; 18-27 Aug. 1983, pages 399–403. Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1984.
F. Dietrich.
Visual intelligence: The first decade of computer art.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(7):33–45, July 1985.
T. Dipentima.
Raster image conversion for laser printing.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 75–81. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
A.R. Dill and M.D. Levine.
Non-rigid body motion.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 385–389. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
A. Duerinckx, M.H. Loew, and J.M.S. Prewitt, editors.
ISMII '84, 1984 IEEE Computer Society Int. Symposium on Medical Images and Icons; held in Arlington, VA; 24-27 July 1984.
IEEE Compt. Soc. Press, Arlington, VA, 1984.
467 pp., ISBN: 0-8186-0544-8.
V. Demichelis and L. Moltedo.
Design of interactive graphic systems in a standard computing environment.
In 1984 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages; held in Hiroshima, Japan; 6-8 Dec. 1984, pages 138–142. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
W. Dahmen and C.A. Micchelli.
Line average algorithm: A method for the computer generation of smooth surfaces.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des. (Netherlands), 2(1-3):77–85, 1985.
H. Deguchi, H. Nishimura, H. Yoshimura, T. Kawata, I. Shirakawa, and K. Omura.
High-speed image generation schemes in computer graphics system LINKS-1 (in japanese).
Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan), 25(6):944–952, 1984.
N. Donato, R. Rocchetti, and J. Tom.
A prototyping environment for real-time graphics.
In D.J. Frailey, editor, AFIPS Conference Proc. the 1984 National Computer Conference; held in Las Vegas, CA; 9-12 July 1984, pages 367–373. AFIPS Press, Reston, VA, 1984.
N.N. Duchenko and N.P. Timoshenko.
Principles of a silhouette method of image synthesis (in russian).
Elektron. Model. (USSR), 6(4):45–49, July-Aug. 1984.
W.A. Davis and Yiu Wing Tam.
An efficient method for displaying 3d images.
In P.J. Zsombor Murray, L.J. Vroomen, and M.H. Hamza, editors, Proceedings of the ISMM International Symposium: Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-5 June 1985, pages 201–204. Acta Press, Calgary, Alta., Canada, 1986.
M.J. Denber and P.M. Turner.
A differential compiler for computer animation.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):21–27, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
R. Dubois.
Distributed business graphics.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages D63–70. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
D.A. Duce.
Evolution of the graphical kernel system (GKS).
In IEE Colloquium on Standards for Digital Electronic Images (Digest No. 37); held in London, England; 12 April 1985, pages 3/1–5. IEE, London, England, 1985.
T. Duff.
Compositing 3-d rendered images.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):41–44, July 1985.
S.B. Dodonov and V.A. Visikirskii.
Data models in an interactive computer-aided design system of industrial objects (in russian).
Kibernetika (USSR), 20(5):43–47, Sept.-Oct. 1984.
Transl. in Cybernetics (USA), 20(5), Sept.-Oct. 1984, 666-672.
W.A. Davis and Xiaoning Wang.
A new approach to linear quadtrees.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 195–202. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
M.A.Z. Dippe and E.H. Wold.
Antialiasing through stochastic sampling.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):69–78, July 1985.
K.A. Duke and W.A. Wall.
A professional graphics controller.
IBM Systems Journal, 24(1):14–25, 1985.
R.A. Earnshaw.
The storage, retrieval and display of intergrated graphics and text.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages D53–62. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
C. M. Eastman.
Abstractions: A conceptual approach for structuring interaction with integrated CAD systems.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):97–105, 1985.
S.S. Abi Ezzi and A.J. Bunshaft.
An implementer's view of PHIGS.
IEEECGA, 6(2):12–23, February 1986.
J. Encarnacao, H. Borufka, T. Neumann, G. Pfaff, P. Rehwald, J. Rix, and H.R. Weber.
A reference model for components and interfaces of a CAD system.
In D. Kochan, editor, Proc. the IFIP WG 5.2/WG 5.3 Working Conference on Integration of CAD/CAM; held in Gaussig, Germany, 8-10 Nov. 1983, pages 135–159. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
P. Eckelmann.
RGB analogue signals supplied by a CMOS value store (in german).
Elektron. Ind. (Germany), 16(10):102, 106, 108, 1985.
H. Edelsbrunner.
Finding transversals for sets of simple geometric figures.
Theoretical Computer Science, 35(1):55–69, January 1985.
E. Edmonds.
Graphics: Input and output issues.
In MILComputer85, pages 407–410.
G.J. Edwards.
Fractal based terrain modelling.
In H.L. Hausen, editor, Computer FX '84. Proc. the Conference on Computer Animation and Digital Effects; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 49–56. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
O. Ekeberg, C.H. Edgblom, L. Kjelldahl, J. Ludequist, and I. Thornblom.
Improving computer graphics tools for architects.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 203–209. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
M. Erradi and C. Frasson.
A FORTH based iconic interface.
J. Forth Appl. and Res. (USA), 3(2):141–144, 1985.
P. Egloff.
Graphics and communication: Computer graphics in an open systems environment.
CGGB, 10(2):87–96, 1986.
H.J. Ehlers.
The use of color to help visualize information.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):171–176, 1985.
B. O'Hagan Eich.
Object oriented graphics library.
Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-86-1273, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 1986.
A.R. Eide, R.D. Jenison, L.H. Mashaw, L.L. Northup, and C.G. Sanders.
Engineering Graphics Fundamentals.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985.
544 pp. (tent.), ISBN: 0-07-019126-3.
N.V. Egorov and A.G. Karpov.
Graphical-data processing system (in russian).
Prib. and Tekh. Eksp. (USSR), 27(5):63–65, Sept.-Oct. 1984.
transl in: Instrum. and Exp. Tech. (USA), 27(5, Pt. 1), Sept.-Oct. 1984, 1114-1116.
J.O. Eklundh and L. Kjelldahl.
Computer graphics and computer vision — some unifying and discriminating features.
CGGB, 9(4):339–349, 1985.
S.S. Abi Ezzi and S.E. Kader.
CME, 5(1):28–36, July 1986.
G. Enderle.
Computer graphics standards.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):1–8, 1985.
H. Edelsbrunner, M.H. Overmars, and R. Seidel.
Some methods of computational geometry applied to computer graphics.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 28(1):92–108, October 1984.
D. Eccles and J. Robinson.
Special purpose hardware for 3d computer animation.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA); Optics in Entertainment; held in Los Angeles, CA; 20-21 Jan. 1983, volume 391, pages 54–58. 1983.
L. Erbeszkorn.
Graphic interpolation by computer (in hungarian).
Meres and Autom. (Hungary), 33(6):219–224, 1985.
C. Egelhaaf and G. Schuermann.
Graphics in the german research network.
In Proc. The SEAS Anni. Meeting 1984 on Distributed Intelligence (2 vols); held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; 24-28 Sept. 1984, volume 1, pages 325–329. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1984.
J. Erickson and R.J. Sayre.
The IBM PCjr Image Maker: Graphics on the IBM PCjr.
McGraw-Hill/Osborne, New York, 1984.
200 pp., $14.95, ISBN: 0-88134-138-X.
B.W. Epps, H.L. Snyder, and W.H. Muto.
Comparison of six cursor devices on a target acquisition task.
In Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, CA, 6-8 May 1986, pages 302–305. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY, 1986.
H. Freeman and J. Ahn.
A system for automatic name placement.
In 4th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology (JCIT); Next Decade in Information Technology; held in Jurosalem, Israel; 21-25 May 1984, pages 134–143. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
W. R. Franklin and V. Akman.
Building an octree from a set of parallelepipeds.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 353–359. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
W.R. Franklin and V. Akman.
Building an octree from a set of parallelepipeds.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(10):58–64, October 1985.
D.Q.M. Fay.
A hidden line mechanism using overinking.
Image and Vision Computer (GB), 2(3):150–153, January 1984.
G. Faconti and R.D. Bettarini.
An implementation independent command language for GKS.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 386–389. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
K.P. Fishkin and B.A. Barsky.
An analysis and algorithm for fill propagation.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 203–12. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
A. Fournier and B.A. Barsky.
Geometric continuity with interpolating bezier curves.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 337–341. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
J.L.C. Fernandez and F. Novesa Diaz.
Ergonomic considerations in computer aided design (in spanish).
Regul. and Mando Autom. (Spain), 18(144):127–131, December 1984.
L. De Floriani and G. Dettori.
An interpolant with tension defined over triangles.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):359–362, December 1985.
C. Frasson and M. Erradi.
Graphics interaction in databases.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 75–81. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
S. Feiner.
APEX: An experiment in the automated creation of pictorial explanations.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(11):29–37, November 1985.
S. Feiner.
Research issues in generating graphical explanations.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
W.D. Fellner.
Videotex — an environment for low-cost image creation systems.
In Proc. Videotex '84 Int., held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 20-22 Nov. 1984, pages 101–107. Online Publications, London, England, 1984.
R.P. Frail and R.S. Feedman.
Da vinci: An extendible knowledge-based software tool for graphics.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Software Tools, held in New York, 15-17 April 1985, pages 65–70. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
L. De Floriani, B. Falcidieno, G. Nagy, and C. Pienovi.
A hierarchical structure for surface approximation.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):183–193, 1984.
L. De Floriani, B. Falcidieno, C. Pienovi, D. Allen, and G. Nagy.
A visibility-based model for terrain features.
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, held in Seattle, WA, 5-10 July 1986, pages 235–250. Int. Geogr. Union, Williamsville, NY, 1986.
H. Fuchs, J. Goldfeather, J.P. Hulrquist, S. Spach, J.D. Austin, F.P. Brooks, J.G. Eyles, and J. Poulton.
Fast spheres, shadows, textures, transparencies, and image enhancements in pixel-planes.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):111–120, July 1985.
R.T. Farouki and J.K. Hinds.
A hierarchy of geometric forms.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(5):51–78, May 1985.
D.A. Field and M.B. Hatton.
Processing three-dimensional finite element assemblies and solutions.
Comput. and Struct. (GB), 21(4):815–823, 1985.
D. French and B. Hughes.
The design of a low cost CAD/CAM system.
J. Forth Appl. and Res. (USA), 3(2):149–152, 1985.
A. Fujimoto and K. Iawat.
Fast rendered constructive solid geometry.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 284–285. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
T. Field.
Using MacWrite and MacPaint.
McGraw-Hill/Osborne, New York, 1984.
160 pp., $11.95, ISBN: 0-88134-137-1.
D. Field.
Algorithms for drawing anti-aliased circles and ellipses.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process., 33(1):1–15, January 1986.
D.J. Filip.
Adaptive subdivision algorithms for a set of bezier triangles.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(2):74–78, March 1986.
G. Finley.
A high-speed point plotter for vision research.
Vision Res. (GB), 25(12):1993–1997, 1985.
R. Fiorini.
Imaging, confusion and complexity (in italian).
Pixel. Comput. Graphics, CAD/CAM, ImageProcess. (Italy), 7(4):13–21, 1986.
F. Fenyves and G. Kovacs.
On quadratic splines and their CAD-applications.
In R.A. Adey, editor, Engineering Software IV. Proc. the 4th International Conference; held in London, England; June 1985, pages 14/37–45. Comput. Mech. Centre, Southampton, England, 1985.
Zhixi Fang and Xiaobo Li.
Parallel image processing algorithms.
In Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: CSC '86, held in Cincinnati, OH, 4-6 Feb. 1986, page 454. ACM, New York, NY, 1986.
E.J. Farrell, S.E. Laux, P.L. Corson, and E.M. Buturla.
Animation and 3d color display of multiple-variable data: Application to semiconductor design.
IBM Journal of Research and Development, 29(3):302–315, May 1985.
V.I. Fabrikant, V. Latinovic, and T.S. Sankar.
Intergration on the graphics screen.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(1):47–49, July 1984.
S. Fisher and A. Marion.
Real time computer graphics from body motion.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA); Optics in Entertainment; held in Los Angeles, CA; 20-21 Jan. 1983, volume 391, pages 59–63. 1983.
A. Fournier and T. Milligan.
Frame buffer algorithms for stochastic models.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 9–16. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
A. Fournier and T. Milligan.
Frame buffer algorithms for stochastic models.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(10):40–6, October 1985.
J.D. Foley and C.F. McMath.
Dynamic process visualization.
IEEECGA, 6(3):16–25, March 1986.
H. Fukuyama and T. Ohmura.
New graphic display system of NTV (in japanese).
J. Inst. Telev. Eng. Jpn (Japan), 38(9):823–829, September 1984.
F.H. Fong.
Interactive graphics and commercial finite element codes.
Mech. Eng. (USA), 106(6):18–25, June 1984.
P. Forer.
Applied Apple Graphics.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984.
340 pp., ISBN: 0-13-039330-4.
P. Forestier.
The CATIA integrated geometry modeler.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics '85, held in London, England, 16-18 Oct. 1985, pages 381–391. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1985.
S.A. Cortazar Ferral and F.C. Martin Polo.
SEDG — a graphic display editing system.
In R. Hanham, W. Vogt, and M.H. Mickle, editors, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, held in Pittsburgh, PA, 25-26 April 1985, pages 1063–1067. ISA, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1985.
H. Fuchs and J. Poulton.
Parallel processing in pixel-planes, a VLSI logic-enhanced memory for raster graphics.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers, held in Port Chester, NY, 7-10 Oct. 1985, pages 193–197. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
A. Fournier and W.T. Reeves.
A simple model of ocean waves.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):75–84, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
D.J. Frailey, editor.
AFIPS Conference Proc. the 1984 National Computer Conference; held in Las Vegas, CA; 9-12 July 1984.
AFIPS Press, Reston, VA, 1984.
J. Frazer.
Will tomorrow's designers be satisfied by today's systems.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages A49–59. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
D.D. Freund.
An interactive procedure for constructing line and circle tangencies.
IEEECGA, 6(4):59–63, April 1986.
M. Friedell.
User-interface technology for interactive statistical analysis.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 742–748. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
V.I. Fabrikant and T.S. Sankar.
An efficient graphical method for CAD.
In Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985, pages 183–187. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
M.C. Fairhurst and C. Stephanidis.
An interactive aid for expressive communication with pictographic symbols.
Int. J. Bio-Med. Comput. (Netherlands), 17(3-4):177–184, November 1985.
M. Feuer and S. Swerling.
An engineering work station for semi-custom IC design.
In Proc. Technical papers on 1985 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications; held in Taipei, Taiwan; 8-10 May 1985, pages 112–116. Erso, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1985.
P.A. Firby and D.J. Stone.
Interference in computer graphics.
CGF (em Proc. Eurographics (UK) Conf.; held in Bath, England; 28-29 March 1985, 4(3):209–216, September 1985.
H. Farhoosh and G. Schrack.
CNS — HLS mapping using fuzzy sets.
IEEECGA, 6(6):28–35, June 1986.
A. Fujimoto, T. Tanaka, and K. Iwata.
ARTS: Accelerated ray-tracing system.
IEEECGA, 6(4):16–26, April 1986.
S. Furukawa.
An efficient convex hull algorithm for finite point sets in 3-d space (in japanese).
J. Jpn. Soc. Precis. Eng. (Japan), 50(11):1771–1776, November 1984.
J.D. Foley, V.L. Wallace, and P. Chan.
The human factors of computer graphics interaction techniques.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(11):13–48, November 1984.
E.J. Farrel, W.C. Yang, and R.A. Zappulla.
Animating 3d CT imaging.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(12):26–32, December 1985.
K. Guttag and J. Van Aken.
New silicon to solve fundamental graphics problems.
In ComputerSON85, pages 276–279.
J. Gait.
An aspect of aesthetics in human-computer communications: Pretty windows.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-11(8):714–717, January 1985.
V.A. Galaktionov.
Graphics `GRAPHOR' package: Concepts and possibilities (in russian).
Theoretical Computer Science, (158):195–199, 1984.
J. Gallop.
The standard graphics system GKS and its implementation on the PERQ.
Microprocess. Software Q. (GB), (16):3–13, January 1985.
J. Gallop.
Standards in computer graphics (GKS).
Microprocess. and Microsyst. (GB), 9(10):494–498, December 1985.
G.Y. Gardner.
Visual simulation of clouds.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):297–303, July 1985.
A.J. Garfield.
The aquarian conspiracy: An integrated undergraduate curriculum in computer graphics.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 387–390. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
L.P. Grayson and J.M. Biedenbach, editors.
1984 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings; held in Philadelphia, PA; 3-5 Oct. 1984.
IEEE, New York, 1984.
711 pp.
T.E. Granor and N.I. Badler.
GUIDE: Graphical user interface development environment.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 37–41. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
R. Grotjahn and R.M. Chervin.
Animated graphics in meteorological research and presentations.
Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. (USA), 65(11):1201–1208, November 1984.
W.L. Graves, G.A. Carey, S.L. Benac, and L.W. Cameron.
Modeling and graphic display system for cardiovascular research using random 3-d data.
In A. Duerinckx, M.H. Loew, and J.M.S. Prewitt, editors, ISMII '84, 1984 IEEE Computer Society Int. Symposium on Medical Images and Icons; held in Arlington, VA; 24-27 July 1984, pages 304–308. IEEE Compt. Soc. Press, Arlington, VA, 1984.
T. Genin and R. Dean.
Computer graphics and the arts.
In K. Duncan and D. Harris, editors, Proceedings of the IFIP TC3 4th World Conference on Computers in Education — WCCE 85, held in Norfolk, VA, 29 July-2 Aug. 1985, page 665. 1985.
D.R. Gibson and D.A. Duce.
GKS graphics and text processing.
CGF (em Proc. Eurographics (UK) Conf.; held in Bath, England; 28-29 March 1985, 4(3):259–270, September 1985.
A. Garg, J. Deland, and P.S. Walker.
Design of intramedullary femoral stems using computer graphics.
Eng. Med. (GB), 14(2):89–93, April 1985.
S. Guest and E. Edmonds.
Graphical support in a user interface management system.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 339–347. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
E.L. Gallizzi, J. Elam, and R.H. Sprague Jr., editors.
Proc. the 18th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences (3 vols); held in Honolulu, HI; 2-4 Jan. 1985.
Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (distributed by Western Periodicals Co.), Honolulu, HI, 1985.
3 vol. 704+813+386 pp.
J.S. Gero.
Logic programming for the modelling of physical objects.
In R. Clarke, editor, ACC '84, 1984 Proc. the Australian Computer Conference; held in Sydney, Australia; 4-9 Nov. 1984, pages 167–178. Australian Computer Society, Sydney, Australia, 1984.
L.A. Gerhardt.
The sensing and display of three-dimensional information with emphasis on solid modeling — status and applications.
In Proceedings on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ARGARD-LS-142), held in Trondheim, Norway, 26-27 Sept. 1985, pages 5/1–8. Agard, Neuilly Sur Seine, France, September 1985.
C. M. Geschke.
Software printing strategies.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 425–432. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
J.W. Garson and B. Foorman.
Microcomputer graphics and visual reasoning.
In D.T. Bonnette, editor, NECC '84, 6th Annual Nat. Educ. Computing Conf.; held in Dayton, OH; 13-15 June 1984, pages 7–10. Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 1984.
G. Gardarin and E. Gelenbe, editors.
Proc. a Workshop on New Applications of Data Base; held in Cambridge, England; 2-3 Sept. 1983.
Academic Press, London, England, 1984.
R.N. Goldman and D.C. Heath.
Linear subdivision is strictly a polynomial phenomenon.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des. (Netherlands), 1(3):269–278, December 1984.
N. Greene and P.S. Heckbert.
Creating raster omnimax images from multiple perspectives views using the elliptical weighted average filter.
IEEECGA, 6(6):21–27, June 1986.
J. Goldfeather, J.P.M. Hultquist, and H. Fuchs.
Fast constructive solid geometry display in the pixel-powers graphics system.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):107–116, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
W.F. Gielingh.
The use of geometric modelling for design and manufacturing.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
10 pp.
J.G. Giffiths.
An algorithm for displaying a class of space-filling curves.
Software Pract. and Exper. (GB), 16(5):403–411, May 1986.
F. Gessert and B. Kirsch.
Testing GKS implementations for conformity with standards.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 400–403. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
A. Glassner.
Adaptive precision in texture mapping.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):297–306, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
B.J. Gleason.
Using LOGO for robot simulation.
Robotics Age (USA), 7(9), September 1985.
J. Glicksman.
Identifying objects in interactive workstation environments.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, pages 144–150. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
E.P. Glinert.
Towards second generation interactive, graphical programming environments.
In Proceedings of 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, TX, 25-27 June 1986, pages 61–70. IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1986.
P.K. Ghosh and S.P. Mudur.
The bush-trajectory approach to figure specification: Some algebraic solutions.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 3(2):110–134, April 1984.
M. Girard and A.A. Maciejewski.
Computational modeling for the computer animation of legged figures.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):263–270, July 1985.
A. Gagalowicz and Song De Ma.
Model driven synthesis of natural textures for 3-d scenes.
CGGB, 10(2):161–170, 1986.
S. Gupta, R. Matick, D.T. Ling, and F.H. Dill.
All points addressable raster display memory.
In 1984 SID Int. Symposium (Digest of Technical Papers); held in San Francisco, CA; 5-7 June 1984, pages 157–159. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, 1984.
S. Gaglio, L. Massone, and P. Morasso.
The analysis and interactive generation of shapes (in italian).
In A.I.C.A. Annual Conference Proceedings (2 vols); held in Rome, Italy; 24-26 Oct. 1984, volume 1, pages 453–467. Tecnoprint, Bologna, Italy, 1984.
J.R. Gallop and C.D. Osland.
Experiences with implementing GKS on a PERQ and other computers.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), (1):9–17, 1985.
D. Goddard.
Fast remote graphics (remote plotters).
Syst. Int. (GB), 13(10):61–62, October 1985.
G.S. Goldman.
Micro-based CAD: A production tool for manufacturing engineering.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):287–300, December 1985.
R.N. Goldman.
Markov chains and computer aided geometric design II. examples and subdivision matrices.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 4(1):12–40, January 1985.
R.N. Goldman.
POLYA's URN model and computer aided geometric design.
Siam J. Algebraic and Discrete Methods (USA), 6(1):1–28, January 1985.
S.M. Goldwasser.
The voxel processor architecture for real-time display and manipulation of 3d medical objects.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 71–80. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
M. Goldapp.
Fast scan-line conversion using vectorisation.
Parallel Comput. (Netherland), 3(2):141–152, May 1986.
J.E. Gomez.
TWIXT: A 3d animation system.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 121–133. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
J.E. Gomex.
TWIXT: A 3d animation system.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):291–298, 1985.
M.J. Goodfellow.
WHIM — the window handler and input manager.
M.J. Goodfellow.
WHIM — window handler and input manager.
IEEECGA, 6(5):46–52, May 1986.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985; IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC.
K.K. Gorowara.
Representation of two bezier cubic curves.
In Proceedings of the IEEE 1986 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference — NAECON 1986, held in Dayton, OH, 19-23 May 1986, volume 3, pages 733–734. IEEE, New York, NY, 1986.
J. Gosling.
Partitioning of function in window systems.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 502–505. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
D. Goss.
Screen control for the rainbow.
In Plus Pers. (USA), pages 3–6, September 1985.
N. Gharachorloo and C. Pottle.
Super buffer: Systolic VLSI graphics engine for real-time raster image generation.
In H. Fuchs, editor, 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; held in Chapel Hill, NC, pages 221–243. Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1985.
D. Ghosal and L.M. Patnaik.
Parallel polygon scan conversion algorithms: Performance evaluation on a shared bus architecture.
CGGB, 10(1):7–25, 1986.
M. Gangnet, D. Perny, and P. Coueignoux.
Perspective mapping of planar textures.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):115–123, 1984.
K.D. Geidel and D. Rustschew.
Full graphic editor (in german).
Radio Fernsehen Elekton. (Germany), 34(8):497–499, January 1985.
H. Gjoystdal, J.E. Reinhardsen, and K. Astebol.
Computer representation of complex 3-d geological structures using a new `solid modeling' technique.
Geophy. Prospect. (Netherlands), 33(8):1195–1211, December 1985.
H. Grabowski.
Use of computer graphics instruments in application-oriented training.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):71–77, 1985.
C.W. Grant.
Integrated analytic spatial and temporal anti-aliasing for polyhedra in 4-space.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):79–84, July 1985.
M. Grant.
Graphics and the PC user.
In Proc. The SEAS Spring Meeting 1985; held in Veldhoven, Netherlands; 15-19 April 1985, pages 559–566. 1985.
J.L. Grashuis.
Grey-scale images on a matrix printer.
In Proc. the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, 1985 Dec.US Europe Symposium; held in Cannes, France, 16-20 Sept. 1985, pages 367–373. Digital Equipment Corp., Marlboro, MA, 1985.
M. Grave.
Introduction of graphic information technology (in french).
In Les Nouveaux Outils Du Specialiste De L'Information, Service Des Relations Exterieures 'Cours Et Seminaires' (New Tools for the Information Specialist), held in Les Arcs, France, 10-14 March 1986, pages 103–117. Inria, Le Chesnay, France, 1986.
N.L. Green.
Interfacing interactive graphics with fuzzy production rules in a design support system.
In Proc. the 1984 IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics; held in Halifax, Canada; 10-12 Oct. 1984, pages 226–228. IEEE, New York, 1984.
J.M. Greenberg.
Computer animation in distance teaching.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 419–423. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
R. Greene.
The drawing prism: A versatile graphic input device.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):103–110, July 1985.
J.E. Grimaldi.
How does one store color business graphics — computer generated color microfiche.
J. Imaging Technol. (USA), 10(4):143–145, January 1984.
J.G. Griffiths.
Table-driven algorithms for generating space-filling curves.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(1):37–41, Jan.-Feb. 1985.
D. Grimwade.
A guide to better presentation techniques.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 351–355. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
A. Grimm.
Graphics standards for efficient applications (in german).
CAE J. (Germany), (4):16–17, July-Aug. 1986.
H. De Groot.
Selection criteria for graphics hardware.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(3):295–301, 1984.
D.J. Grover.
Methods for the protection of computer graphics software.
In Proceedings of the Electronic Displays 1985 Conference, held in London, England, 29-31 Oct. 1985, volume 2, pages 14–16. Network Events, Buckingham, England, 1985.
T.H. Gossling and S.T.S. Stokes.
Apex and stretch: A practical form for the conic arc.
CGF (em Proc. Eurographics (UK) Conf.; held in Bath, England; 28-29 March 1985, 4(3):229–237, September 1985.
U.G. Gujar and F.W.L. So.
A flexible software character generator.
Software(emPractice SP&E Experience (GB), 15(2):191–218, February 1985.
K. Grundey, U. Schweitzer, and R. Neuser.
A user-friendly computer-aided construction of boundaries.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 297–301. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
E.P. Glinert and S.L. Tanimoto.
PICT: An interactive graphical programming environment.
Computer (USA), 17(11):7–25, November 1984.
K. Gu, Z. Tang, and J. Sun.
Reconstruction of 3d objects from orthographic projections.
In Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985, pages 807–811. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
J. Gu.
The generation of a class of quadric surfaces.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 677–682. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
V. Gardiner and D.J. Unwin.
Limitations of microcomputers in thematic mapping.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 11(3):291–295, 1985.
T.N.T. Goodman and K. Unsworth.
Manipulating shape and producing geometric conductivity in Beta-spline curves.
IEEECGA, 6(2):50–56, February 1986.
K.M. Guttag.
Semiconductors to support advanced bit-mapped graphics.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 459–467. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
C. Giloth and J. Veeder.
The paint problem.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(7):66–75, July 1985.
P. Gillard and W.M. Zuberek.
Interfacing interactive circuit simulation with standard graphics facilities.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 37–43. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
J.A. Hamilton.
Productivity features in a workstation window manager.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, page 281. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
J.C. Hanlon.
`making the CAD commitment'.
In ATE, pages 1/1–89.
B. Harris.
Networked workstations for the graphic arts.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 486–496. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
M.G. Harris.
Printing gray-scale graphics using mean dot density.
Behav. Res. Methods Instrum. and Comput. (USA), 16(6):570–571, December 1984.
P. Harrow.
Computer graphics and the oil company.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages C25–38. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
P. Harrow.
Telecommunications in a computer aided engineering environment.
In Int. Conference on Computer Aided Eng. (Conf. Publ. No. 243); held in Coventry, England; 10-12 Dec. 1984, pages 109–113. IEE, London, England, 1984.
L. Harvey.
A raster-output-device controller that uses an open architecture approach for generating high resolution hard copy.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 82–87. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
J.G. Harries.
Symmetry and notation: Regularity and symmetry in notated computer graphics.
Comput. and Math. with Appl. (GB), 12B(1-2):303–314, Jan.-April 1986.
H.L. Hausen, editor.
Computer FX '84. Proc. the Conference on Computer Animation and Digital Effects; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984.
Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
203 pp., ISBN: 0-86353-013-3.
H.L. Hausen, editor.
Proc. the Symposium on Software Validation, Inspection (em Testing (em Verification (em Alternatives; held in Darmstadt, Germany; 25-30 Sept. 1983.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
W. Havens.
PIPS: A portable image processing system.
In Proceedings of 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, TX, 25-27 June 1986, pages 125–135. IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1986.
R.J. Haw.
An application of geodesic curves to sail design.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(2):137–139, June 1985.
D. Hamar and G. Blaho.
Using MMT — interactive graphics systems for the design of printed circuits (in hungarian).
Meres and Autom. (Hungary), 33(7):250–252, 1985.
D.G. Holmes and P.I. Corke.
A real-time instrumentation system with vector graphics display.
In Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Digital Technology 1984; held in Melbourne, Australia; 31 Oct. — 2 Nov. 1984, pages 107–111. Inst. Eng. Australia, Barton, Australia, 1984.
I. Harary and M. Chlamtac.
Filling algorithm (SXPW) using contour for raster scan.
In Proc. 14th Convention of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel; held in Tel Aviv, Israel, 26-28 March 1985, pages 4.4.5/1–4. IEEE, New York, 1985.
P.T. Hulina and L.D. Coraor.
A programmable graphics processor with reconfigurable image memory.
In 1985 IEEE Microprocessor Forum; held Atlantic City, NJ; 2-4 April 1985, pages 107–113. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Springs, MD, 1985.
V.D. Hopkin, R.E. Carswell, and N.Z. Hilton.
The separation of characters by colour instead of spacing.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 39–45. IERE, London, England, 1985.
N.D. Hatziargyriou, G.C. Contaxis, and B.C. Papadias.
Microcomputer based interactive graphics for power system analysis education.
IEEE Trans. on Power Appr. and Syst. (USA), PAS-104(9):2296–301, September 1985.
R.J. Hubbold and A.A. Eid.
A computer graphic approach to lateral skull cephalostat radio graph analysis for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 43–55. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
A.M. Heath.
Mine planning on a microcomputer: An application of GKS.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages C39–50. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
P.S. Heckbert.
Techniques for real-time frame buffer animation.
In H.L. Hausen, editor, Computer FX '84. Proc. the Conference on Computer Animation and Digital Effects; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 57–67. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
P.S. Heckbert.
Filtering by repeated integration.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):315–321, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
G. Heffron.
Teleconferencing comes of age.
IEEE Spectrum (USA), 21(10):61–66, October 1984.
R.D. Hennings.
New optical technologies for information and communication (in german).
Nachr. Dok. (Germany), 36(3):137–143, June 1985.
G. Herron.
Smooth closed surfaces with discrete triangular interpolants.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des. (Netherlands), 2(4):297–306, December 1984.
F. Herbert.
Solid modeling for architectural design using octpaths.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):107–116, 1985.
A.M. Heath and R.B. Flavell.
Colour coding scales and computer graphics.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 321–328. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
M.R. Harris, A.J. Geddes, and A.C.T. North.
A versatile stereo viewing system for use with colour graphics.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 75–80. IERE, London, England, 1985.
S.R.H. Hoole and P.R.P. Hoole.
An expert system for interactive finite element design.
In 1984 Proc. the 3rd Annual Workshop on Interactive Computing on CAE; held in Pittsburgh, PA; 24-26 Oct. 1984, pages 90–93. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
M. Herbert and R. Hoffman.
Real-time simulation of robotic manipulation using solid models.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 141–145. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
C. Hoffman and J. Hopcraft.
Quadratic blending surfaces.
Technical Report 85-674, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 1985.
E.A. Hoffman and P.B. Heffernan.
A computer graphics aided 3d analysis of heart/lung interaction reconstructed via DSR scanning.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 81–92. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
D.V. Hutton and A. Hassan.
Computer graphics simulation of a CNC lathe.
Computer and Educ. (GB), 9(2):127–134, 1985.
R.M. Hilmer.
A fast algorithm for generating high quality images of molecules.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 178–184. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
L. Henderson, M. Journey, and C. Osland.
The computer graphics metafile.
IEEECGA, 6(8):24–32, January 1986.
J.A. Hoskins and M.W. King.
Interactive graphics and the representation of non-cartesian woven textile structures.
In S. MacKay and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '84; held in Ottawa, Canada; 28 May — 1 June 1984, pages 149–154. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1984.
S.E. Hudson and R. King.
Efficient recovery and reversal in graphical user interfaces generated by the HIGGENS system.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 151–158. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
I. Herman, T. Tolnay Knefely, and A. Vincze.
XGKS — a multitask implementation of GKS.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):141–144, 1984.
M. Holynski and E. Lewis.
Effectiveness standards for computer graphics.
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 23–28. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
M.J. Hawley and S.J. Leffler.
Windows for UNIX at lucasfilm.
In Proceedings of the USENIX Association Summer Conference, held in Portland, OR, 11-14 June 1985, pages 393–406. USENIX Assoc., El Cerrito, CA, 1985.
D.P. Huijsmans, W.H. Lamers, J.A. Los, J. Smith, and J. Strackee.
Computer-aided three-dimensional reconstruction from serial sections: A software package for reconstruction and selective image generation for complex topologies.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 3–13. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
L.F. Hodges and D.F. McAllister.
Technology and techniques for stereoscopic display of computer generated images.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 107–115. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
C.E. Hughes and J.M. Moshell.
Picture programming: A graphical programming environment.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 290–299. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
W. Hubner and Z.I. Markov.
GKS based graphics programming in prolog.
CGF, 5(1):41–50, March 1986.
Sung Cheng Huang, D.K. Mahoney, and M.E. Phelps.
Considerations in image display of physiological parameters from dynamic position computed tomography.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 185–191. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
J.C. Hourcade and A. Nicolas.
Algorithms for antialiased cast shadows.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):259–265, 1985.
H. Huitric and M. Nahas.
B-spline surfaces: A tool for computer painting.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(3):39–47, March 1985.
J.M. Heines and T. O'Shea.
The design of a rule-based CAI tutorial.
Int. J. of Man-Mach. Studies (GB), 23(1):1–25, July 1985.
C. Hoffman.
Automatic surface generation in computer aided design.
Technical Report 85-661, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 1985.
T.V. Hoffmann.
Power graphics.
PC Tech. J. (USA), 3(7):56–61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, July 1985.
M.B. Hohulin.
View manager: A graphical windowing system.
Uiucdept of computer science-r-85-1222, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 1985.
B.W. Hollocks.
Practical benefits of animated graphics in simulation.
In S. Sheppard, U.W. Pooch, and C.D. Pegden, editors, 1984 Winter Simulation Conference Proceeding; held in Dallas, TX, 28-30 Nov. 1984, pages 323–328. IEEE, New York, 1984.
D. Holland.
Comput. Sch. (GB), 7(4):109–113, July 1985.
F.R. Hollo.
Proposed language standards for programmable controllers.
Control Eng. (USA), 32(9):260–266, September 1985.
M.G. Holt.
Experiences with CAD solids modelling and its role in engineering design.
Comput. Aided Eng. J. (GB), 2(2):38–44, April 1985.
T. Van Hook.
Real-time shaded NC milling display.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):15–20, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
A. Hope.
Solid modelling in the CAM-x system.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
7 pp.
B. Hopgood.
Graphics standards.
In COMUNIX `85, Proc. EMAP Conference; held in London, England; 12-14 June 1985, pages 14–22. EMAP Int. Exhibitions, London, England, 1985.
F.R.A. Hopgood.
Graphics standards.
Comput. Phy. Commun. (Netherlands), 38(2):233–243, Oct.-Nov. 1985.
I. Herman and J. Reviczky.
A general device driver for GKS.
CGF (em Proc. Eurographics (UK) Conf.; held in Bath, England; 28-29 March 1985, 4(3):245–250, September 1985.
J.L. Houle and L. Richardson.
A graphics interface for interactive simulation of packet-switching networks.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 253–258. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
I. Herman, J. Reviczky, and T. Tolnay Knefely.
A concept for a GKS machine.
CGGB, 10(2):177–182, 1986.
F.W. Haining, R.F. Shaul, and D.V. Caletka.
Data base management: The key to computer aided design control.
In Proc. CADCON West; held in Anaheim, CA; 14-17 Jan. 1985, pages VIII/1–38. Morgan-Grampian Expositions Group, New York, 1985.
E.L. Hines, I. Sexton, N. Storey, and J.F. Craine.
Initial investigations into 3-d display techniques.
In E. Luque, editor, Proc. the ISMM International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers and their applications; held in Sant Feliu De Guixols, Spain; 25-28 June 1985, pages 270–273. Int. Soc. Mini and Microcomput., Barcelona, Spain, 1985.
M.B. Hsu.
An interactive graphics program for the equilibrium shape determination for tensioned fabric structures.
In B.A. Schrefler, R.W. Lewis, and S.A. Odorizzi, editors, Proc. the First Int. Conference on Eng. Software for Microcomputers; held in Venice, Italy; 2-5 April 1984, pages 227–237. Pineridge Press, Swansea, Wales, 1984.
Z.J. Hua.
The design and implementation of a graphics language oriented to computer aided mechanical design.
In Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985, pages 152–154. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
R.J. Hubbold.
3d real-time display and raster representation.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages B25–36. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
P.T.W. Hudson.
What does colour add to a display that can't be done in black and white.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 33–37. IERE, London, England, 1985.
P.K. Huish.
SOLIDESIGN — an integrated solid modeller.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
11 pp.
L. Hummel.
Dimensionless image processing.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 106–118. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
A. Hume.
Folding regular polyhedra.
In Proceedings of the USENIX Association Second Computer Graphics Workshop, held in Monterey, CA, 12-13 Dec. 1985, pages 76–81. USENIX Assoc., El Cerrito, CA, 1985.
G.M. Hunter.
3d frame buffers for interactive analysis of 3d data.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), Processing of Three-Dimensional Data II; held in San Diego, CA; 23-24 Aug. 1984, volume 507, pages 178–182. 1984.
R.D. Hurrion.
Visual interactive modeling.
Eur. J. Oper. Res. (Netherlands), 23(3):281–287, March 1986.
J.P. Harrison and N.J.A. Pears Wallace.
The role of microcomputers in interactive graphical planning.
In B.A. Schrefler, R.W. Lewis, and S.A. Odorizzi, editors, Proc. the First Int. Conference on Eng. Software for Microcomputers; held in Venice, Italy; 2-5 April 1984, pages 631–641. Pineridge Press, Swansea, Wales, 1984.
T. Horii and A. Yasuda.
A full-graphic CRT display system.
Matsishita Electr. Works Tech. Rep. (Japan), (31):16–20, January 1985.
D.S. Immel, M.F. Cohen, and D.P. Greenberg.
A radiosity method for non-diffuse environments.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):133–142, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
M. Ishii, Y. Inamoto, and H. Ishihata.
GIPSY: A graphics and image processing system.
Fujitsu Sci. and Tech. J. (Japan), 20(3):385–409, September 1984.
A. Imamiya and A. Kondoh.
Emulating a GKS input workstation with VDI and CORE terminal.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 3–9. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
A. Ipakchi and M. Khadem.
Compact analyzer: An interactive simulator.
In Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 1985 Winter Meeting of American Nuclear Society; held in San Francisco, Ca., 10-14 Nov. 1985, volume 50, pages 529–530. 1985.
M. Iwata and M. kashima.
Handwritten information input tablet (in japanese).
Natl. Tech. Rep. (Japan), 31(2):212–221, April 1985.
M. Izumi, S. Kobayashi, and M. Toda.
Development of a solid modeller for finite element mesh generation.
In ISATA 85: In Pursuit of Technical Excellence, International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (3 vols), held in Graz, Austria, 23-27 Sept., volume 2, pages 535–570. Automotive Autom., Croydon, England, 1985.
A. Imamiya.
Standardization of computer graphics software (in japanese).
J. Jpn. Soc. Precis. Eng. (Japan), 51(2):339–45, February 1985.
S. Inatsugu.
Digital computer and laser scanning.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA); Optics in Entertainment; held in Los Angeles, CA; 20-21 Jan. 1983, volume 391, pages 66–69. 1983.
A. Inselberg.
Parallel coordinates for multidimensional displays.
In Spatial Information Technologies for Remote Sensing Today and Tomorrow, The Ninth William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium; held in Sioux Falls, Sd., 2-4 Oct. 1984, pages 312–324. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Springs, MD, 1984.
N.B. Irani.
Networked graphics workstation for computational fluid dynamics.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 63–71. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
K. Ishikawa.
Interactive software for graphical QC analysis.
In American Society for Quality Control 38th Annual Quality Congress Transactions; held in Chicago, IL; 14-16 May 1984, pages 208–213. American Society of Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI, 1984.
K. Iwata.
Automatic input system of diagrams and free-hand drawings (in japanese).
J. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Eng. Jpn. (Japan), 68(5):522–528, May 1985.
J.D. Jenness and G.C. Andrews.
Graphic simulation of planar dynamic mechanisms.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(4):411–421, 1984.
R.R. Joshi and H. Arunachalam.
Multilevel picture segmentation in the graphics system — GRASP.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):167–176, 1984.
D. Jackel.
The graphics PARCUM system: A 3d memory based computer architecture for processing and display of solid models.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(1):21–32, January 1985.
H. Jaenisch.
Cost effectiveness on argon lasers in graphics.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 281–294. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
I.M. Jarett.
Using computer generated financial and operating graphics to improve the performance and productivity of corporate communications.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages D15–41. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
G.E.M. Jared.
Solid modeling.
In IEE Colloquium on `Design Databases' (Digest No. 29), held in London, England, 3 March 1986, pages 3/1–3. IEE, London, England, 1986.
K.I. Joy and M.N. Bhetanabhotla.
Ray tracing parametric surface patches utilizing numerical techniques and ray coherence.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):279–285, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
D.R. Olsen Jr., W. Buxton, R. Ehrich, D.J. Kasik, J.R. Rhyne, and J. Sibert.
A context for user interface management.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(12):33–42, December 1984.
P. Johnson and S. Cook.
People and Computers: Designing the Interface, Proceedings of the Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group, Held in Norwich, England, 17-20 Sept. 1985.
Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1985.
448 pp., ISBN: 0 521 32066 6.
D.R. Olsen Jr. and C.N. Cooper.
Spatial trees: A fast access method for unstructured graphical data.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 69–74. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
D.R. Olsen Jr., E.P. Dempsey, and R. Rogge.
Input/output linkage in a user interface management system.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):191–197, July 1985.
J. Jentjens.
Graphic controller and dual ported RAM, cost efficient way to improve computer graphics system performance.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, page 121. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
M. Jern.
The raster graphics approach in mapping.
CGGB, 9(4):373–381, 1985.
C.K. Jen, G.W. Farnell, E.L. Adler, and J.K. Slaboszeicz.
Interactive computer-aided analysis of bulk acoustic waves using a personal computer.
In B.R. McAvoy, editor, IEEE 1985 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings (2 vols); held in Dallas, TX; 14-16 Nov. 1984, volume 1, pages 430–435. IEEE, New York, 1984.
P.K. Harter Jr., D.M. Heimbigner, and R. King.
IDD: An interactive distributed debugger.
In Proc. the 5th Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems; held in Denver, CO; 13-17 May 1985, pages 498–506. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
A. Di Janni and M. Italiano.
Unified user interface for a CAD system.
Cselt Tech. Rep. (Italy), 13(3):201–207, June 1985.
A. Di Janni and M. Italiano.
Unified user interface for a CAD system.
In 22nd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference Proceedings 1985; held in Las Vegas, NV; 23-26 June 1985, pages 9–15. 1985.
H. Johnson and R. Johnson.
Enter macdraw (graphics package).
Small Comput. Libr. (USA), 5(11):18–23, December 1985.
H. Jansen and F.L. Krause.
Interpretation of freehand drawings for mechanical design processes.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(4):351–369, 1984.
H. Jansen, E. Nullimeir, and K.H. Roediger.
Handsketching as a human factor aspect in graphical interaction.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):195–210, 1985.
H.R. Jervell and K.A. Olsen.
Icons in man-machine communications.
Behav. and Inf. Technol. (GB), 4(3):249–254, July-Sept. 1985.
J. Johnson.
Calculator functions on bitmapped computers.
SIGCHI Bull. (USA), 17(1):23–28, July 1985.
R.H. Johnson.
Data base management in solid modelling.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
18 pp.
R.H. Johnson.
Solid modeling technology update.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
14 pp.
P.R. Jones.
How intelligent can business graphics software be.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 363–373. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
E. Jorda.
Slide making from computer graphics.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, page 367. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
R.J. Joty.
Solid modeling in engineering documentation.
In Fifth Symposium on Automation Technology in Engineering Data Handling and CAD/CAM; held in Monterey, CA; 2-4 Nov. 1983, pages 283–292. Autom. Technol. Inst., Pebble Beach, CA, 1984.
K.I. Joy.
A model for graphics interface tool development.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 159–165. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
M.M. Jordan, W.J. Perkins, M.R. Young, and P. D'Arcy Hart.
Computer graphics and numerical techniques in the measurement of movements within cells.
Med. and Biol. Eng. and Comput. (GB), 23(1):48–54, 1985.
S.P. Emmons Jr.
The trend towards intelligent CAD systems.
In Mini/Micro Northest. 1984 Computer Conference and Exhibition; held in Boston, MA; 15-17 May 1984, pages 14/1/1–6. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, May 1984.
A. Janjua and D. Racionzer.
A multimodality image display and image processing system.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), 3rd Int. Conf. on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS III) for Medical Applications; held in Newport Beach, CA; 7-8 Feb. 1985, volume 536, pages 165–168. 1985.
F.W. Hudson Jr., D. Sawtelle, K. Steinbrecher, and K. Thompson.
Direct CADD drawing (a flexible screen oriented user interface to CADD).
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 211–220. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
F.W. Jansen and J.J. Van Wijk.
Previewing techniques in raster graphics.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):149–161, 1984.
A. Kaufman and S. Azaria.
Texture synthesis language for computer generated images.
In JCIT, pages 174–179.
A. Kaufman and S. Azaria.
Texture synthesis techniques for computer graphics.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):139–145, 1985.
H.W. Kuhlmann and B.W. Alheit.
Communicating via graphics standard interfaces.
CGGB, 10(2):97–102, 1986.
J. Kaider.
Usage of CBDS II for PCB and hybrid design.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 147–148. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
J.T. Kajiya.
Anisotropic reflection models.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):15–21, July 1985.
J.T. Kajiya.
The rendering equation.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):143–150, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
L.E. Kazis, J.J. Anderson, R.F. Meenan, and P.M. Gertman.
Three-dimensional vector graphics: A method for displaying results in a drug trial.
Computer and Biomed. Res. (USA), 17(6):542–553, December 1984.
M Kaneko.
Computer graphics production as a business.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 405–418. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
K. Kansy.
3d extension to GKS.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):267–273, 1985.
K. Kansy.
GKS — position today.
In Proc. The SEAS Spring Meeting 1985; held in Veldhoven, Netherlands; 15-19 April 1985, pages 347–360. 1985.
H. Kimijiri, T. Agui, and M. Nakajima.
Anti-aliasing algorithm for digital figures using masks (in japanese).
TIECE, J69D(3):383–390, March 1986.
D.J. Kasik.
An architecture for graphics application development.
In 1985 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation; held in St. Louis, MO; 25-28 March 1985, pages 365–369. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
A. Kaufman.
Computer artist's color naming system.
Visual Comput. (Germany), 2(4):255–260, 1986.
H. Kawakami.
3-d geometric modelling by intuitive man-machine interface.
In 1984 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages; held in Hiroshima, Japan; 6-8 Dec. 1984, pages 102–107. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
A. Kegel and J.H. Bons.
The coding of dynamographical information with applications to scribophone, teleboard and vidibord.
In G. Cantraine and J. Destine, editors, Proc. the Second Int. Conference on New Systems and Services in Telecomunucations II; held in Liege, Belgium; 16-18 Nov. 1983. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
R.H. Kirschbrown and R.C. Dorf.
`KARMA' — a knowledge-based robot manipulation system: The graphics user interface.
In Proc. the Second Annual Int. Robot Conference; held in Long Beach, CA; 10-12 Oct. 1984, pages 43–56. Tower Conference Manage. Co., Wheaton, IL, 1984.
G. Kedem and J.L. Ellis.
The raycasting machine.
In Proc. the IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers ICCD '84; held in Port Chester, NY; 8-11 Oct. 1984, pages 533–538. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
I.V. Kerlow.
Illusion and technology (image analysis).
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 11–22. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
P. Kernot.
MElectron. des. (USA) 3d — a solid modelling system.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
12 pp.
G. Kesling.
A graphical method for displaying censored data.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 87–95. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
R.L. Ketcham.
A high-speed algorithm for generating anti-aliased lines.
In J. Morreale, editor, 1985 SID International Symposium (Digest of Technical papers); held in Orlando, FL; 30 April — 2 May 1985, pages 308–311. Pallisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, May 1985.
R.A. King and J.O. Gray.
A graphical man-machine interface for CAD and simulation of dynamic systems.
In 6th European Conference on Electrotechnics (em EUROCON 84, Computers in Communication and Control; held in Brighton, Sussex, England; 26-28 Sept. 1984, pages 42–46. Peter Peregrinus, London, England, 1984.
D. Kromker and M. Gobel.
On architectures for GKS workstations.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, page 390. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
D.B. Kaye and E.H. Herskovits.
A CRT graphics system for experimental research.
Behav. Res. Methods Instrum. and Comput. (USA), 16(5):463–467, October 1984.
J.G. Kormos and K.L. Howard.
The SDRC GEOMOD interactive solid modelling system.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
F. Kimura.
Geometric modelling and its applications: A survey.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 433–438. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
R.A. King.
Intelligent graphic circuits promise increased character definition.
In Conference Record of NORTHCON/84, Mini/Micro Northwest-84; held in Seattle, WA; 2-4 Oct. 1984, pages 3/0/1–3. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
R.G. King.
The development of computer graphics curricula for design education.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 279–288. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
R. Kingslake.
Introductory Course in Computer Graphics.
Chartwell-Bratt, Bromley, Kent, England, 1986.
144 pp., ISBN: 0 86238 073 1.
P.G. Karger and D.L. Jarmon.
Use of graphics in the development of CAD software.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 154–157. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
L. Kjelldahl.
Drawing of an unusual kind of diagram-nomogram drawing.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 357–362. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
T. Kjellberg.
Solid modelling r&d in europe.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
17 pp.
T.L. Kay and J.T. Kajiya.
Ray tracing complex scenes.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):269–278, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
F. Kimura, S. Kawabe, T. Sata, and M. Hosaka.
A study on product modelling for integration of CAD/CAM.
In D. Kochan, editor, Proc. the IFIP WG 5.2/WG 5.3 Working Conference on Integration of CAD/CAM; held in Gaussig, Germany, 8-10 Nov. 1983, pages 227–251. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
K. Kondo, F. Kimura, and T. Tazima.
Representation of 3-d shapes with the interactive rendering system (in japanese).
Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Joho Shori) (Japan), 26(11):1401–1408, 1985.
J. Klauber.
The use of typography in office communication.
In PCC '84; 1984 The Practical Aspects of Eng. Communication, Conference Record; held in Atlantic City, NJ; 10-12 Oct. 1984, pages 72–82. IEEE, New York, 1984.
R. Klette.
The m-dimensional grid point space.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 30(1):1–12, April 1985.
H.J. Kimn, K.H. Lee, and K.H. Yoon.
On somepiecewise cubic interpolating polynomials (in korean).
J. Korea Info. Sci. Soc. (Korea), 10(1):55–62, February 1983.
S. Khator and C. Moodie.
Computer assisted plant layout using a graphics editor.
Computer and Ind. Eng. (GB), 8(3-4):171–179, 1984.
O. Kurz and M. Muschiol.
State-of-the-art of german geometry modelling systems of two- and three-dimensional representation (in german).
ZWF Z. Wirtsch. Fertigung (Germany), 79(11):528–534, November 1984.
P. Srinivas Kumar and M. Manohar.
On probability of forest of quadtrees reducing to quadtrees.
Information Processing Letters, 22(3):109–111, 3 March 1986.
G.A. Keramidas, E.W. Miner, and W. Bauman.
PLOT3D, an interactive graphics code for three dimensional plots.
Microsoftware Eng. (GB), 1(1):49–64, July 1985.
K. Katsura, H. Maejima, K. Minorikawa, H. Yonezawa, and T.W. Cantrell.
Graphic display processor to integrate drawing algorithms and display controls.
In WESCON '84 Conference Record; held in Anaheim, CA; 30 Oct. — 1 Nov. 1984, pages 23/3/1–8. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
K. Katsura, H. Maejima, K. Minorikawa, and H. Yonezawa.
VLSI for high-performance graphic control utilizing multiprocessor architecture.
IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices (USA), ED-32(11):2232–2237, November 1985.
H.A. Kamel, A.V. Mobley, R. Nagulpally, and D. Kumar.
A gift for FE analysis on a microcomputer.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(4):12–20, January 1985.
S. Komada, M. Mori, and T. Watanabe.
An electrostatic transparent tablet.
Fujitsu Sci. and Tech. J. (Japan), 21(4):444–51, Autumn 1985.
S. Komada, M. Mori, and T. Watanabe.
An electrostatic transparent tablet.
In J. Morreale, editor, 1985 SID International Symposium (Digest of Technical papers); held in Orlando, FL; 30 April — 2 May 1985, pages 28–31. Pallisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, May 1985.
H. Kneissler.
An image is worth a thousand words (iman/age).
In Proceedings of SEAS Anniversary Meeting 1985: User Friendly Computing, held in Zurich, Switzerland, 23-27 Sept. 1985, volume 2, pages 1337–1350. Share Eur. Assoc., Nijmegan, Netherlands, 1985.
T. Kitamura, Y. Nagasawa, and Y. Yamazaki.
Color graphic display monitor with 20-inch CRT (in japanese).
Natl. Tech. Rep. (Japan), 30(3):349–354, June 1984.
A. Kuwae, S. Obata, and K. Hanai.
Three-dimensional description of molecular normal vibrations.
Comput. and Chem. (GB), 9(2):109–113, 1985.
W.J. Kolomyjec.
Animation at ohio state: Thoughts on a graduate program in computer graphics.
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 129–134. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
M.A. Kolitsky.
The electronic blackboard: A new way of teaching biology.
In H. Garrett, editor, Proceedings of 1985 Western Educational Computing Conference and Trade Show, held in Oakland, CA, 21-22 Nov. 1985, pages 36–40. California Educ. Comput. Consortium, Oakland, CA, 1985.
K. Komatsu.
Human skin model capable of natural shape variation.
NHK Lab. Note (Japan), 329:1, 3–12, March 1986.
L.K. Konneker.
A graphical interaction technique which uses gestures.
In R.W. Taylor, editor, Proc. the IEEE First Int. Conference on Office Automation; held in New Orleans, LA; 17-19 Dec. 1984, pages 51–55. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
W. Kovacs.
Previewing robotic motion with computer graphics.
Robotics Age (USA), 7(8):16–19, January 1985.
D. Krishnan and L.M. Patnaik.
GEODERM: Geometric shape design system using an entity-relationship model.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(4):207–218, May 1986.
I. Kas, A. Palotasi, and K. Voros.
New hardware algorithm and architecture for high-speed laser plotting.
In E. Luque, editor, Proc. the ISMM International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers and their applications; held in Sant Feliu De Guixols, Spain; 25-28 June 1985, pages 270–273. Int. Soc. Mini and Microcomput., Barcelona, Spain, 1985.
T. Kramer and J. Rix.
A new display file structure for line and surface presentations.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 83–95. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
A. Kramer.
Iconmaker — interactive user interface design.
In 1984 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages; held in Hiroshima, Japan; 6-8 Dec. 1984, pages 192–198. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
D.B. Krelle.
The 16-bit-processor 80286 (in german).
Elektron. Ind. (Germany), 16(9):124, 126, 128, 130, 1985.
E. Kristiansen.
Application of computer-generated animation in european space research.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 99–108. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
J. Kripac.
Classification of edges and its application in determining visibility.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(1):30–36, Jan.-Feb. 1985.
L. Krummel.
Interactively editing graphics and text on the quibix work surface.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 545–556. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
A. Kaprow and J.K. Shafran.
The new studio: The computer graphics workstation.
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 52–57. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
R. Karg and J. Schroter.
High-resolution colour graphic workstation.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):195–197, 1984.
J. Kuklewicz and S. Sidman.
Monolithic colour palette gives high resolution, saves on memory, space and software.
Aust. Electron. Eng. (Australia), 17(12):20–23, December 1984.
G. Koda and K. Schimizu.
An efficient algorithm for the dot generation of arbitrary ellipses (in japanese).
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Eng. Jpn. Part D, J68D(11):1934–1940, November 1985.
L. Koved and B. Shneiderman.
Embedded menus: Selecting items in context.
Communications of the ACM, 29(4):312–318, April 1986.
K. Kawasaki, H. Sakayori, and T. Fujii.
Dot matrix LCD modules with 16 or 25 lines.
Toshiba Review Int. Ed. (Japan), 149:23–27, Autumn 1984.
M.J. Kelly, F.A. Saloman, T.D. Rhodes, and W.S. Goldberg.
An intelligent windowing graphics terminal for the UNIX system.
In 1985 IEEE Int. Conference on Communications; held in Chicago, IL; 23-26 June 1985, pages 1425–1428. IEEE, New York, 1985.
T. Kunii, T. Satoh, and K. Yamaguchi.
Generation of topological boundary representations from octree encoding.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(3):29–38, March 1985.
N. Kodaira, Y. Tsujido, and M. Oshima.
Interactive robot programming with real-time graphic simulation.
In Proceedings IECON '84, 1984 Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (2 vols); held in tokyo, Japan; 22-26 Oct. 1984, pages 35–39. IEEE, New York, 1984.
C.C. Kung.
Computer graphics simulation of a multi-wedge robot manipulator.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 135–140. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
T.L. Kunii, editor.
Computer Graphics, Visual Technology and Art.
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1985.
ISBN: 3-540-70009-9.
T.L. Kunii and G. Wyvill.
A simple but systematic CSG system.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 329–336. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
M. Katoh and S. Yanase.
Three-dimensional omnimax picture by computer graphics: `we are born of stars' (in japanese).
Fujitsu (Japan), 36(2):141–149, 1985.
D.C.L. Lacey.
Geometric modeling with image plane integral (IPI) holography.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), Processing of Three-Dimensional Data II; held in San Diego, CA; 23-24 Aug. 1984, volume 507, pages 121–126. 1984.
M. Beaudouin Lafon.
UFO: A graphical meta-interface for object manipulation (in french).
In Congress and Exhibition on Hardware and Software Components and Architectures for the 5th Generation; held in Paris, France; 5-7 March 1985, pages 103–113. Afcet, Paris, France, 1985.
A.L. Lakshminarasimhan.
Computer assisted instruction for teaching curve and surface generation.
In P.J. Zsombor Murray, L.J. Vroomen, and M.H. Hamza, editors, Proceedings of the ISMM International Symposium: Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-5 June 1985, pages 90–95. Acta Press, Calgary, Alta., Canada, 1986.
C. Landauer.
Graphics for simulation model definition.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 127–134. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
R. Lawrence.
Frame buffer memory organization.
In WESCON '84 Conference Record; held in Anaheim, CA; 30 Oct. — 1 Nov. 1984, pages 28/2/1–9. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
J. Laycock.
Colour contrast calculations for displays viewd in illumination.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 7–14. IERE, London, England, 1985.
Ai Chang Lu, M.J. Biernat, and T. Grace.
Two algorithms for image display using redefinable character sets.
In Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: CSC '86, held in Cincinnati, OH, 4-6 Feb. 1986, page 455. ACM, New York, NY, 1986.
S.K. Lee, W. Buxton, and K.S. Smith.
A multi-touch three dimensional touch-sensitive tablet.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 221–222. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
A. Lippman, W. Bender, G. Solomon, and M. Saito.
Color word processsing.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(6):41–46, June 1985.
A. Lejeune, F. Bolduc, and N. Magnenat Thalmann.
Strategic use of business graphics: A stakeholder approach.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 309–312. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
M.S. Landy and Y. Cohen.
Vectorgraph coding: Efficient coding of line drawings.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 30(3):331–344, June 1985.
G. Lapalme and M. Cormier.
Design and implementation of an interactive route editor.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 259–263. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
R.L. London and R.A. Duisberg.
Animating programs using smalltalk.
Computer (USA), 18(8):61–71, January 1985.
K.K. Low and S.W. Director.
PED: A graphical process editor.
In Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, held in San Jose, CA, 5-7 May 1986, volume 2, pages 560–563. IEEE, New York, NY, 1986.
R. Lenz, P.E. Danielsson, S. Crontstrom, B. Gudmundsson, and P. Edholm.
Presentation and perception of 3d-images.
In Seventh Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition (2 vols); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canad, 30 July — 2 Aug. 1984, volume 2, pages 749–751. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
L. Lichten and R. Eaton.
An innovative user interface for microcomputer-based computer-aided design.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 231–235. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
R.J. Leach.
Graphical control systems and multiple displays.
CGGB, 9(4):415–422, 1985.
Eui In Lee.
Fractals for the PC.
PC Tech. J. (USA), 3(11):165–172.
T.J. Lee.
Intelligent peripherals and computer graphics.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 5–14. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
R. Leeman.
Is consistent motion necessary for good computer animation?
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 4–6. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
R. Lenz.
Processing and presentation of 3d-images.
In A. Duerinckx, M.H. Loew, and J.M.S. Prewitt, editors, ISMII '84, 1984 IEEE Computer Society Int. Symposium on Medical Images and Icons; held in Arlington, VA; 24-27 July 1984, pages 298–303. IEEE Compt. Soc. Press, Arlington, VA, 1984.
T.M. Leonard.
ADA and graphical kernel system.
In J.G.P. Barnes and G.A. Fisher Jr., editors, ADA in Use, Proc. the ADA International Conference 1985; held in Paris, France; 14-16 May 1985, pages 136–150. Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1985.
S. Levine.
Computer music and the human interface: Imbedding performance knowledge at the graphics level.
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 103–113. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
H.M. Levy.
Vax station: A general-purpose raster graphics architecture.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 3(1):70–83, January 1984.
M. Beaudouin Lafon and C. Gresse.
CATY: A programming environment for graphic and interactive program construction.
In E. Girard, editor, Software Eng. (em Practice and Experience, Proc. the Second Software Eng. Conference; held in Nice, France; 4-6 June 1984, pages 130–136. North Oxford Academic, Oxford, England, 1984.
Yao Tang Liao.
The prime 9955 implementation of the graphical kernel system.
In Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: CSC '86, held in Cincinnati, OH, 4-6 Feb. 1986, page 457. ACM, New York, NY, 1986.
L. Lichten.
Computer-aided design applications on microcomputers.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(10):25–28, October 1984.
M.H. Liewald.
CAD/CAM standards — a review.
In Fifth Symposium on Automation Technology in Engineering Data Handling and CAD/CAM; held in Monterey, CA; 2-4 Nov. 1983. Autom. Technol. Inst., Pebble Beach, CA, 296-308.
H. Lieberman.
Seeing what your programs are doing.
Int. J. of Man-Mach. Studies (GB), 21(4):311–331, October 1984.
L. Liebson.
Integration of graphics in the XY vision electronic publishing system.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 530–544. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
H. Lieberman.
There's more to menu systems than meets the screen.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):181–189, July 1985.
M.H. Liewald.
Initial graphics exchange specification: Successes and evolution.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):47–50, 1985.
C. Lightfoot.
Autologic's approaches to electronic publishing systems.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 305–326. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
U. Lindmark.
PLOTTIE — an easy-to-use graphics package.
In Proc. the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, 1985 Dec.US Europe Symposium; held in Cannes, France, 16-20 Sept. 1985, pages 393–394. Digital Equipment Corp., Marlboro, MA, 1985.
R. Lindner.
A prefiltering raster scan algorithm.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(2):101–109, June 1985.
C.K. Liu.
A study of graphics programming languages for computer-aided design and drafting.
In 1984 IEEE Workshop on Languages for Automation; held in New Orleans, LA; 1-3 Nov. 1984, pages 107–113. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
M. Lamb, M. Joy, and J. Martin.
An accessible, dynamically graphical user interface management system.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 435–439. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
D.T. Lee and A.K. Lin.
Computing the visibility polygon from an edge.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process., 34(1):1–19, April 1986.
T. Larrabee and C.L. Mitchell.
GAMB&IT: A prototyping approach to video game design.
IEEE Software (USA), 1(4):28–36, October 1984.
D. Laurent and S. Motet.
GEOMATIC: A 3-d graphic relief simulation system.
Computer (USA), 17(12):25–30, December 1984.
M.C. Leu and R. Mahajan.
Computer graphic simulation of robot kinematics and dynamics.
In Robots 8 Conference Proceeding (2 vold); held in Detroit, MI; 4-7 June 1984, volume 1, pages 4/80–101. Robotics Int. Sme, Dearborn, MI, 1984.
M.C. Leu and R. Mahajan.
Simulation of robot kinematics using interactive computer graphics.
COED (USA), 4(1):11–14, Jan.-Feb. 1984.
P. Lavigne and D. Meyer.
High-resolution colour graphics card. I.
Elektor (GB), 11(125):50–55, September 1985.
P. Lavigne and D. Meyer.
High-resolution colour graphics card. III.
Elektor (GB), 11(127):70–74, November 1985.
P. Lavigne and D. Meyer.
High-resolution colour graphics card. IV.
Elektor (GB), 11(128):45–51, December 1985.
P. Lavinge and D. Meyer.
High-resolution colour graphics card II.
Elektor (GB), 11(126):46–51, October 1985.
K.A. Lantz and W.I. Nowicki.
Structured graphics for distributed systems.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 3(1):23–51, January 1984.
H. Leich, B. Naumann, V. Prikhodko, and M. Rudalics.
Realization of GKS functions on a microprogrammed display module.
Microprocess. and Microprogram. (Netherlands), 14(3-4):205–210, Oct.-Nov. 1984.
J. Lacey and M. Robinson.
The Euclid system.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
12 pp.
M.E. Lee, R.A. Redner, and S.P. Uselton.
Statistically optimized sampling for distributed ray tracing.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):61–67, July 1985.
S. Leitch and F.J. Smith.
Computer-aided typography, cubic splines in font design.
In PROTEXT I. Proc. the First Int. Conf. on Text Processing; held in Dublin, Ireland; 24-26 Oct. 1984, pages 173–178. Boole Press, Dunlaoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland, 1984.
L.N. Lester and J. Sandor.
Computer graphics on a hexagonal grid.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8:401–409, 1984.
D.H. Laidlaw, W.B. Trumbore, and J.F. Hughes.
Constructive solid geometry for polyhedral objects.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):161–170, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
R.E. Lucas.
What are good computer pictures.
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 1–3. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
W. Luck.
A dialog-oriented graphic system for cartography, spatial planning and analysis.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 47–9. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
C.N. Lui.
Interactive image/graphics in computational-intensive scientific and engineering applications.
In Proc. The SEAS Spring Meeting 1985; held in Veldhoven, Netherlands; 15-19 April 1985, pages 553–557. 1985.
R.T. Lynn.
Office systems — information evolution.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 287–292. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
R.R. Martin and C. Anderson.
A proposal for an ALGOL 68 binding of GKS.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(1):43–58, January 1985.
C. MacHover.
Has computer graphics fulfilled its potential?
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 1–4. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
C. MacHover.
Background and source information about computer graphics.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(1):68–81, January 1985.
P. Madan.
Realities and tradeoffs in the design of bit-mapped graphic display controllers.
In WESCON '84 Conference Record; held in Anaheim, CA; 30 Oct. — 1 Nov. 1984, pages 23/2/1–7. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
P. Madan.
System design alternatives in graphic display applications.
In Conference Record of NORTHCON/84, Mini/Micro Northwest-84; held in Seattle, WA; 2-4 Oct. 1984, pages 3/1/1–6. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
M.C. Maguire.
A review of human factors guidelines and techniques for the design of graphical human-computer interfaces.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):221–235, 1985.
L.M. Mahony.
A computer graphics terminal with a cylindrical screen.
In J.C. Lin and B.N. Feinberg, editors, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health Care, held in Chicago, IL, 27-30 Sept. 1985, volume 2, page 1001. IEEE, New York, NY, 1985.
G. Maiorino.
Integraph approach in computer-aided geometric design using free form surfaces.
In ISATA 85: In Pursuit of Technical Excellence, International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (3 vols), held in Graz, Austria, 23-27 Sept., volume 2, pages 401–421. Automotive Autom., Croydon, England, 1985.
J. Malings.
Graphical data display manager — the workstation umbrella.
In Proc. The SEAS Anni. Meeting 1984 on Distributed Intelligence (2 vols); held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; 24-28 Sept. 1984, volume 1, pages 179–187. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1984.
J. Malings.
What about some GDDM applications.
In Proc. The SEAS Spring Meeting 1985; held in Veldhoven, Netherlands; 15-19 April 1985, pages 179–187. 1985.
N.K. Mango.
A computer-aided dynamics system modeler.
Mech. Eng. (USA), 107(7):52–63, July 1985.
J. Mantas.
Recognition of greek handwritten characters employing fuzzy set reasoning.
In A. Luque, A.R. Figueiras Vidal, and J.M.R. Delgado, editors, Proc. MELECON '85, Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (4 vols); held in Madrid, Spain; 8-10 Oct. 1985, volume 2, pages 263–266. IEEE, New York, 1985.
A. Marcus.
Corporate identity for iconic interface design: The graphic design perspective.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(12):24–32, December 1984.
R. Marrs.
Quality+control made easy the TEXET electronic publishing system.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 557–574. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
P.D. Martins.
Windowing the solution space of an optimization problem.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 16(6):324–320, November 1984.
R. Maran.
The Graphic MacIntosh Book.
Holt, Rinhart and Winston, Toronto, Ont., and New York, 1985.
43 pp., $11.95, ISBN: 0-03-928875-7.
L.S. Marshall.
A formal specification of line representations on graphics devices.
In H. Ehrig, C. Floyd, M.Nivat, and J. Thatcher, editors, Proc. the Int. Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT 2 vols); held in Berlin, Germany; 25-29 March 1985, volume 2, pages 129–147. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
R.R. Martin.
Recent advances in graphical techniques.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
18 pp.
Y. Mitani, H. Asami, and K. Sugiyama.
A construction of intelligent graphic terminal using a personal computer for an integrated software development system (in japanese).
Electrical Commun. Lab. Technical J. (Japan), 34(6):941–954, 1985.
A. Mastaff.
Engineering workstations.
Comput. Syst. (GB), 6(2):43–45, February 1986.
P.M. Mather.
The use of colour in enhancing satellite imagery of the earth.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 55–58. IERE, London, England, 1985.
A.J. Mathew.
Polygonal clipping of polylines.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):407–414, December 1985.
D. Maugey.
Computer graphics and personal computers.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages D9–14. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
N.L. Max.
Atmospheric illumination and shadows.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):117–124, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
N.L. Max.
Light diffusion through clouds and haze.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process., 33(3):280–292, March 1986.
D. Mayer.
Graphic systems for technical illustration electronic publishing.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 408–424. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
H.P. Moreton and R.D. Bergeron.
SUDS — surface description system.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 221–236. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
B.A. Myers and W. Buxton.
Creating highly-interactive and graphical user interfaces by demonstration.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):249–258, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
J.B. Millar, R.K. Barz, and A.V. Diller.
Document production in hindi and thai via a software man-machine interface.
J. Inst. Electron. and Telecommun. Eng. (India), 30(6):162–167, November 1984.
D.L.M. Mansur, M.M. Blattner, and K.I. Joy.
Sound-graphs: A numerical data analysis method for the blind.
In E.L. Gallizzi, J. Elam, and R.H. Sprague Jr., editors, Proc. the 18th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences (3 vols); held in Honolulu, HI; 2-4 Jan. 1985, pages 198–203. Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (distributed by Western Periodicals Co.), Honolulu, HI, 1985.
C.R. Mol, J.M. Burridge, and A.J. Morffew.
Three-dimensional graphics display of x-ray angiography data.
Comput. and Biomed. Res., 19(1):47–55, February 1986.
C.L. MacDonald and I.K. Crain.
Applied computer graphics in a geographic information system — problems and success.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 291–296. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
C.L. MacDonald and I.K. Crain.
Applied computer graphics in a geographic information system: Problems and successes.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(10):34–39, October 1985.
J.J. McCormick.
Present and future color display technologies for graphics.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(3):281–93, 1984.
J.D. McGregor.
An introductory course in graphics.
SIGCSE Bull., 18(1):222–224, February 1986.
Seventeenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; held in Cincinnati, OH, 6-7 Feb. 1986.
M.D. McIlroy.
A note on discrete representation of lines.
Atandt Tech. J. (USA), 64(2, Pt. 2):481–490, February 1985.
L. McKay.
GKS Primer.
Nova Graphics International, Austin, Texas, 1985.
D. McLean.
A method of generating surfaces as a composite of cyclide patches.
ComputerJOUR, 28(4):433–438, January 1985.
J. McLeod.
CRTs and printers: More colour, greater resolution.
Syst. and Software (USA), 4(7):62–64, July 1985.
J.A. Meads.
The standards pipeline.
CG, 20(3):164–166, July 1986.
B. Meier.
BUVOLIC: A program for teaching color theory to art students.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(7):57–65, July 1985.
P. Melling.
Cursor control (digitising techniques).
Syst. Int. (GB), 13(10):63–66, October 1985.
M. Meriaux.
A two-dimensional clipping divider.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 389–395. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
H. Merz.
Graphics with turbo-pascal (in german).
MIKROComputer, (10):88–90, October 1985.
S.E. Metros.
Microcomputer applications for graphic design.
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 37–41. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
M. Moran and M.B. Feldman.
Toward graphical animated debugging of concurrent programs in ADA.
In International Symposium on New Directions in Computing; held in Trondheim, Noeway, 12-14 Aug. 1985, pages 344–351. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
R. Morrison, A.L. Florianis, A. Dearle, and M.P. Atkinson.
An integrated graphics programming environment.
CGF, 5(2):147–157, June 1986.
Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986.
P.H. Mills, H. Fuchs, and S.M. Pizer.
High-speed interaction on a vibrating-mirror 3d displays.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), Processing of Three-Dimensional Data II; held in San Diego, CA; 23-24 Aug. 1984, volume 507, pages 93–101. 1984.
N. Munro and M. Griffiths.
Graphical input of system descriptions.
In Int. Conference CONTech. Rep.OL 85; held in Cambridge, England; 9-11 July 1985, pages 192–197. IEE, London, England, 1985.
Song De Ma and A. Gagalowicz.
Determination of local coordinate systems for texture synthesis on 3-d surfaces.
CGGB, 10(2):171–176, 1986.
G.W. Meyer and D.P. Greenberg.
Color education and colour synthesis in computer graphics.
Color Res. and Appl., 11 Suppl.:S39–44, 1986.
Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986.
P. McComber, A. Gakwaya, and A. Babin.
An algorithm for isochrome raster graphic display.
Computer and Struct. (GB), 20(4):699–705, 1985.
M.A. McAnulty, J.P. Gemmill, K.A. Kegley, and H.T. Chiu.
Low-level graphics cues for solid image interpretation.
In A. Duerinckx, M.H. Loew, and J.M.S. Prewitt, editors, ISMII '84, 1984 IEEE Computer Society Int. Symposium on Medical Images and Icons; held in Arlington, VA; 24-27 July 1984, pages 329–334. IEEE Compt. Soc. Press, Arlington, VA, 1984.
M. Moriconi and D.F. Hare.
PAGASYS: A system for graphical explanation of program structures.
SI&GPLAN Notices Not. (USA), Proc. the ACM SIGPLAN 85 Symposium on Language Issues in Programming Environments; Held in Seattle, WA; 25-28 June 1985, 20(7):148–160, July 1985.
B. Michna.
A universal LCD graphic controller (in german).
Elektron. Ind. (Germany), 16(6):46, 48, 1985.
B.W. Mielke.
A course in computer graphics.
SIGSCE Bull. (USA), 17(3):42–43, 53, September 1985.
M. Mikut.
Experiences and problems of implementation of standardized graphical I/O software.
In D. Kochan, editor, Proc. the IFIP WG 5.2/WG 5.3 Working Conference on Integration of CAD/CAM; held in Gaussig, Germany, 8-10 Nov. 1983, pages 117–133. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
L. Miller.
Computer graphics and the woven fabric designer.
In 1984 Annual World Conference on Computers in the World of Textiles; held in Hong Kong, 26-29 Sept. 1984, pages 634–644. Textile Inst., Manchester, England, 1984.
M.D. Millikin.
Microsoft windows — a peek at future operating systems.
Seybold Rep. Prof. Comput. (USA), 4(1):1–7, 16 Sept. 1985.
M.I. Mills.
Image synthesis: Optical identity or pictorial communication.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 303–308. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
G.S.P. Miller.
The definition and rendering of terrain maps.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):39–48, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
C. Minnich.
Xenotron's total system for text and graphic integration.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 255–266. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
R.J. Mitchell.
TURTLE 2.c2.
Comput. Sch. (USA), 2(2-3):303–305, Summer-Fall 1985.
P. Mehring and W. Jud.
NETASIM — an interactive CSSL system with on-line graphics and front-end for power electronics (in german).
In F. Breitenecker and W. Kleinert, editors, Simulationstechnik (2nd Symposium on Simulation Techniques); held in Wien, Austria; 25-27 Sept. 1984, pages 490–494. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1984.
B. Monahan, M.G. Joost, and E.L. Fisher.
Multi-modal command strategies for expert CAD systems.
In Official Proc. Speech Tech. '85, Voice Input/Output Applications Show and Conference; held in New York; 22-24 April 1985, pages 62–64. Media Dimensions, New York, 1985.
S. MacKay and E.M. Kidd, editors.
Proc. Graphics Interface '84; held in Ottawa, Canada; 28 May — 1 June 1984.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1984.
270 pp.
R.A. Meals and J.M. Kabo.
Computer graphics displays of musculoskeletal anatomy.
In G.S. Cohen, editor, Proc. the 8th Ann. Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care; held in Washington, DC; 4-7 Nov. 1984, pages 861–863. IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Washington, USA, 1984.
A.A. Maciejewski and C.A. Klein.
SAM — animation software for simulating articulated motion.
CGGB, 9(4):383–391, 1985.
H. Maejima, K. Katsura, K. Minorikawa, and H. Yonezawa.
VLSI for high performance graphic control which utilizes multi-processor architecture.
In Proc. the IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers ICCD '84; held in Port Chester, NY; 8-11 Oct. 1984, pages 586–591. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
S.L. Morgan, J.J. Kindon, and A. Nauda.
A man-machine interface simulator.
In D.T. Gantz, G.C. Blais, and S.L. Solomon, editors, Proceedings of the 1985 Winter Simulation Conference, held in San Francisco, CA, 11-13 Dec. 1985, pages 199–207. IEEE, New York, NY, 1985.
M. Moriconi and A.L. Lansky.
Representation and refinement of visual specifications.
In H.L. Hausen, editor, Proc. the Symposium on Software Validation, Inspection (em Testing (em Verification (em Alternatives; held in Darmstadt, Germany; 25-30 Sept. 1983, pages 229–254. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
N.L. Max and D.M. Lerner.
A two-and-a-half-d motion-blur algorithm.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):85–93, July 1985.
C. MacHover and W. Myers.
Interactive computer graphics.
Computer (USA), 17(10):145–161, October 1984.
R. Mahajan and J.S. Mogal.
An interactive graphic robotics instructional program-i GRIP: A study of robot motion and workspace constraints.
In Robots 8 Conference Proceeding (2 vold); held in Detroit, MI; 4-7 June 1984, volume 2, pages 16/41–56. Robotics Int. Sme, Dearborn, MI, 1984.
G. Marechal and J. Matthys.
Computer graphics development in europe.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 181–184. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
B. Melamed and R.J.T. Morris.
Visual simulation: The performance analysis workstation.
Computer (USA), 18(8):87–94, January 1985.
N. Johnson Miller, P.Y. Ngai, and D.D. Miller.
The application of computer graphics in lighting design.
J. Illum. Eng. Soc. (USA), 1984 IES Annual Conference; held in St. Louis, MO., 5-9 Aug. 1984, 14(1):6–26, October 1984.
T.G. Moher.
Videocassette course development using microcomputer graphics.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(6):34–40, June 1985.
Z. Molnar.
A real-time graphics workstation to enhance engineering productivity.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 256–262. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
D. Monjau.
Methods for increasing processing speeds in geometric modelling and representation processes (in german).
Nachrichtentech. Elektron. (Germany), 34(12):453–458, 1984.
R.J. Moore.
Integrated software: The appeal of graphics.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages D43–52. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
A. Morffew.
The use of computer graphics in research.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages B1–12. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
I.G.R. Morgan.
Painting by numbers: Customer needs and system design.
In H.L. Hausen, editor, Computer FX '84. Proc. the Conference on Computer Animation and Digital Effects; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 1–14. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
K. Moraw.
Digitisation with the camera (in german).
MIKROComputer, (10):46–54, October 1985.
J.E. Mower.
Name placement of point features through constraint propagation.
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, held in Seattle, WA, 5-10 July 1986, pages 65–73. Int. Geogr. Union, Williamsville, NY, 1986.
G.V. Mamchev and P.P. Pvsyannikov.
Operator-computer interface in the observation of three-dimensional television images.
Prib. and Tekh. Eksp. (USSR), 27(2):58–61, March-April 1984.
J.A. McDonald and J. Pedersen.
Computing environments for data analysis I. introduction.
Siam J. on Sci. and Stat. Comput. (USA), 6(4):1004–1012, October 1985.
J.A. McDonald and J. Pederson.
Computing environments for data analysis II. hardware.
Siam J. on Sci. and Stat. Comput. (USA), 6(4):1013–1021, October 1985.
T.W. Maver, C. Purdie, and D. Stearn.
Visual impact analysis — modelling and viewing the natural and built environment.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):117–124, 1985.
A.E. Middleditch and K.H. Sears.
Blend surfaces for set theoretic volume modelling systems.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):161–170, July 1985.
H. Muller and A. Schmitt.
Visible surface calculations form complex unstructured polygonal scenes.
Computing (Austria), 35(3-4):231–146, 1985.
J.B. Moffett, S.G. Smith, and S.J. De Amicis.
Technical brochure preparation.
IEEE Trans. on Prof. Commun. (USA), PC-28(2):17–20, June 1985.
B.K. Miller, N.M. Schmitt, and R.A. Jones.
An interactive graphics program for investigating digital signal processing.
COED (USA), 3(4):9–14, July-Aug. 1983.
B.J. Martin, B. Setzer, and R. Walker.
The implementation of a graphics package in ADA.
In Proceedings of 4th Annual National Conference on ADA Technology, held in Atlanta, GA, 19-20 March 1986, pages 100–103. US Army Commun. Electron. Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ, 1986.
W. Muhlmann.
The present state and problems in computer art (in german).
Wiss. Z. Tech. Hochsch. Ilmenau (Germany), 31(6):85–90, 1985.
J.H. Muller.
The great LOGO adventure.
Comput. Sch. (USA), 2(2-3):117–125, Summer-Fall 1985.
H. Muller.
Image generation by space sweep.
CGF, 5(3):189–195, September 1986.
T. Munton.
Engineering graphics overview.
In Proc. The SEAS Anni. Meeting 1984 on Distributed Intelligence (2 vols); held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; 24-28 Sept. 1984, volume 1, pages 151–170. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1984.
G.M. Murch.
Colour graphics — blessing or ballyhoo.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(2):127–135, June 1985.
A. MacIlroy and P. Wyman.
Steps to effective business graphics.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 351–356. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
J.B. Massicotte, R.E. Wurtz, R.W. Benster, and E. Klingenberg.
A menu-driven user interface for a physician's imaging console.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), 3rd Int. Conf. on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS III) for Medical Applications; held in Newport Beach, CA; 7-8 Feb. 1985, volume 536, pages 158–164. 1985.
B.A. Myers.
The user interface for SAPPHIRE.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(12):13–23, December 1984.
B.A. Myers.
Using percent-done progress indicators to enhance user interfaces.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 167–170. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
W. Myers.
Computer graphics: The next 20 years.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(8):69–76, January 1985.
R. Nabavi.
The graphical kernel system — an opportunity for APL.
APL Quote Quad (USA), APL '85 Conference Proceedings. APL and the Future; held in Seattle, WA; 12-16 May 1985, 15(4):38–41, May 1985.
I. Navazo, D. Ayala, and P. Brunet.
A geometric modeler based on the exact octree representation of polyhedra.
CGF, 5(2):91–104, June 1986.
L.R. Nackman.
Software environments for CAD systems.
In 1985 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation; held in St. Louis, MO; 25-28 March 1985, pages 354–357. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
R.E. Nagle.
Use of interactive graphic devices in the acquisition, processing and display of environmental satellite data.
In OCCEANS84, volume 1, pages 489–493.
A. Naiman.
Colour spaces and colour contrast.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 313–320. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
Yu.E. Nesterikhin, V.P. Bessmeltsev, and V.P. Koronkevitch.
Laser image output devices.
In Acta Inf. Polytech. Scan. Appl. Phys. Ser. (Finland) — Proc. Image Science '85; held in Helsinki, Finland; 11-14 June 1985, page 156. 1985.
W.B. Ngai and Y.K. Chan.
Low cost geometric modelling system for CAM.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 399–406. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
W.L. Nicholson, D.B. Carr, and L. Billard.
Looking at more than three dimensions (graphical tools for data analysis).
In Computer Science and Statistics, Proc. the Sixteenth Symposium on the Interface; held in Atlanta, GA; March 1984, pages 201–209. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1985.
H. Nishimura, H. Deguchi, T. Kawai, S. Yamashita, T. Kawata, I. Shirakawa, and K. Omura.
A multicomputer system links: Its architecture and graphics applications.
In Proceedings IECON '84, 1984 Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (2 vols); held in tokyo, Japan; 22-26 Oct. 1984, volume 1, pages 270–274. IEEE, New York, 1984.
H. Nishimura, H. Deguchi, T. Tatsumi, T. Kawata, I. Shirakawa, and K. Omura.
Performance evaluation of parallel processing in computer graphics system LINKS-1 (in japanese).
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Jpn. Part D (Japan), J68D(4):733–740, April 1985.
M. Neal.
Tour of computer graphics in japan.
IEEECGA, 6(6):11–20, June 1986.
T. Neill.
CADCAM: How IGES can be make to work.
Eng. Comput. (GB), 4(5):46–48, 50, September 1985.
G. Nelson.
Juno, a constraint-based graphics system.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):235–243, July 1985.
C.M. Newton.
Interactive searches of bushy trees: A genetics application.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 749–751. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
J. Nievergelt and K. Hinrichs.
Storage and Access Structures for Geometric Databases.
Kyoto Sangyo Univ., Kyoto, Japan, 1985.
E. Nakamae, K. Harada, T. Ishizaki, and T. Nishita.
A montage method: The overlaying of the computer generated images onto a background photograph.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):207–214, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
E. Nakamae, K. Harada, K. Kaneda, M. Yasuda, and A. Sato.
Reconstruction and semi-transparent stereographic display of an object consisting of multiple surfaces (in japanese).
Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan), 26(1):181–188, 1985.
C.J. Nicol.
Modelling solids in four dimensions.
CGF (em Proc. Eurographics (UK) Conf.; held in Bath, England; 28-29 March 1985, 4(3):239–244, September 1985.
G.M. Nielson.
A locally controllable spline with tension for interactive curve design.
Comput.-Aided Geom. Design (Netherlands), 1(3):199–205, December 1984.
D. Nims.
Instant color proofer.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 1, pages 424–435. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
H. Nakatani and T. Kitahashi.
Inferring 3-d shapes from line drawings using vanishing points.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 683–688. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
T. Noma and T.L. Kunii.
Amimengine: An engineering animation system.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(10):24–33, October 1985.
T. Noma and T.L. Kunii.
ANIMENGINE: An engineering animation system.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 83–90. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
L. Naess and P.A. Loeken.
Graphical input to a process simulator.
In Process Systems Engineering (em PSE '85, Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium on the use of Computers in Chemical Engineering; held in Cambridge, England; 31 March — 4 April 1985. Instn. Chem. Eng., Rugby, England, 1985.
K.C. Nunan, A.G. Lean, and C.P. Wang.
The shading engine — low cost parallel processor for rendering high quality color images in graphics workstations.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, pages 38–44. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
H. Newman and Z. Muscati.
Coding aspects of the virtual device metafile and other picture standards.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):39–45, 1985.
T. Nishita and E. Nakamae.
Half-tone representation of 3-d objects with smooth edges by using a multiscanning method (in japanese).
Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan), 25(5):703–711, 1984.
T. Nishita and E. Nakamae.
Continuous tone representation of three-dimensional objects taking account of shadows and interreflection.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):23–30, July 1985.
T. Nishita and E. Nakamae.
Continuous tone representation of three-dimensional objects.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):125–132, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
T. Nishita, I. Okamura, and E. Nakamae.
Shading models for point and linear sources.
ACMTOG, 4(2):124–146, April 1985.
P. Norrish.
Moving tables from paper to CRT screen.
Visible Lang. (USA), 18(2):154–170, Spring 1984.
K. Normark.
Program development on graphical workstations.
In E.L. Gallizzi, J. Elam, and R.H. Sprague Jr., editors, Proc. the 18th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences (3 vols); held in Honolulu, HI; 2-4 Jan. 1985, volume 2, pages 672–681. Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (distributed by Western Periodicals Co.), Honolulu, HI, 1985.
H. Nowacki.
Modeling in networks.
CGGB, 10(2):113–117, 1986.
H. Nakanishi, S. Okuda, T. Yoshida, and T. Sugawara.
A high resolution color CRT for CAD/CAM use.
In Conference Records of the 1985 International Display Research Conference, held in San Diego, CA, 15-17 Oct. 1985, pages 197–199. IEEE, New York, NY, 1985.
Y. Nishimura and K. Sato.
Dynamic information display: New typographic possibilities.
Visible Lang. (USA), 19(2):252–257, Spring 1985.
R.C. Nelson and H. Samet.
A consistent hierarchical representation for vector data.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):197–206, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
C.J. Nelson and C.H. Tucker.
GKS implementation issue.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 550–556. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
O. Nurmi.
A fast line-seep algorithm for hidden line elimination.
Bit (Denmark), 25(3):466–472, 1985.
M. Novacek, B. Wyvill, and G. Birtwistle.
Fuzzy objects using simula.
In Proc. the Thirteenth Simula User's Conference 1985; held in Calgary, Alta., Canada, pages 47–52. Simula, Oslo, Norway, 1985.
G.N. Ni, M. Wein, P. Tanner, and G. Bechthold.
A prototype graphics display features high level graphics functions.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 689–696. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
E. Nakamae, H. Yamashita, K. Harada, and T. Nishita.
Computer graphics for visualizing simulation results.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 419–432. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
T. Naruse, M. Yoshida, T. Takahashi, and H. Kaneko.
An architecture of a graphics computer — SIGHT (in japanese).
TIECE, 3:474–476, March 1986.
D. Oakley.
Dejagging raster graphics by pixel phasing.
In Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, CA, 6-8 May 1986, pages 344–347. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY, 1986.
Y. Ota, H. Arai, S. Tokumasu, and T. Ochi.
An automated finite polygon division method for 3-d objects.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(4):60–70, April 1985.
P. O'Malley and W.F. Carleton.
Demonstration of a simple CAD system based on a new display generator.
In Conference Record of NORTHCON/84, Mini/Micro Northwest-84; held in Seattle, WA; 2-4 Oct. 1984, pages 6/1/1–8. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
B. Ozell and R. Camarero.
A geometric modeller for turbomachinery applications.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 237–244. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
C.D. Osland and F.R.A. Hopgood.
Standards update: What happens next?
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 85–95. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
K. Ogawa and S. Horiguchi.
A hierarchical program structure for graphic systems and its evaluation (in japanese).
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Jpn. Part D (Japan), J68D(3):261–268, March 1985.
J.R. Okey and M.E. Hale.
Using computer graphics and animation in testing.
In 26th ADCIS Conference Proceeding; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-29 March 1985, pages 238–240. ADCIS, Bellingham, WA, 1985.
M.R. Ohlson.
The role and position of graphics in computer science education.
SIGCSE Bull., 18(1):232–237, February 1986.
Seventeenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; held in Cincinnati, OH, 6-7 Feb. 1986.
M.A. Oliver, T.R. King, and N.E. Wiseman.
Quadtree scan conversion.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 265–276. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
M.A. Oliver.
Two display algorithm for octrees.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 251–264. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
D.E. Olins.
Three-dimensional reconstruction and data display of chromosome structures studied by electron microscope tomography.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 199–205. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
L. Olsson.
Interactive editing of polygons.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 289–298. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
C. Olson.
Graphics crunching (engineering workstations).
Syst. Int. (GB), 13(9):56–57, September 1985.
R.A. O'Neill.
CAM-x at otter controls.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
8 pp.
P.E. Oppenheimer.
Real time design and animation of fractal plants and trees.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):55–64, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
M. Oka, N. Takano, and A. Takemoto.
Development of general purpose program on 3-dimensional graphics (in japanese).
Rep. Chiba Inst. Technol. (Japan), 30:129–135, 1985.
G.S. Owen.
Computer graphics in two and three dimensions.
J. Pascal, Ada and Modula-2 (USA), 4(2):47–54, March-April 1985.
J. Owen.
Computer graphics and CAD literature — a keyword-indexed bibliography.
CGF, 5(3):233–263, September 1986.
T. Ottmann, P. Widmayer, and D. Wood.
A fast algorithm for the boolean masking problem.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 30(3):249–268, June 1985.
T. Ottmann, P. Widmayer, and D. Wood.
A worst-case efficient algorithm for hidden-line generation.
Int. J. Comput. Math (GB), 18(2):93–119, 1985.
A. Oxley.
Surface fitting by triangulation.
Computer Journal (GB), 28(3):335–339, July 1985.
D. Painter.
XYVISION's computerised publishing system: Another important step towards electronic publishing and interactive page make-up.
Inf. Media and Technol. (GB), 18(3):107–109, Summer 1985.
A. Paller.
The next 12 months in computer graphics: 20 major trends.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages D1–7. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
P. Palerma.
Low-cost graphic terminals (in italian).
Electron. Oggi (Italy), Special Issue.:165–166, 168, 170, November 1985.
A. Paller.
The next twelve months: Ten trends shaping the business graphics industry.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 347–350. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
D.M. Palyka.
Computer/art — depolarization and unification.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(7):46–56, July 1985.
N.D. Panagiotacopulos.
Digital image processing and computer graphics methods in spine research.
Automedica (GB), 6(1-2):51–69, 1985.
D. Parker.
Intermixing text and graphics in the output device.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 1, pages 30–41. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
D. Parisi.
User-computer interface using natural language (in italian).
Sist. and Autom. (Italy), 31(264):1167–1171, November 1985.
T. Parkinson.
Solid modelling r&d in japan.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
12 pp.
M.S. Parsons.
Generating lines using quadgraph patterns.
CGF, 5(1):33–39, March 1986.
K. Pasemann.
Interfaces for CAD/CAM integration.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 404–410. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
R. Patton.
An application-level graphics standard.
Syst. and Software (USA), 4(4):121–126, April 1985.
T. Pavlidis.
Scan conversion of regions bounded by parabolic splines.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(6):47–53, June 1985.
D.J. Plunkett and M.J. Bailey.
The vectorization of a ray-tracing algorithm for improved execution speed.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(8):52–60, January 1985.
P. Prusinkiewicz and M. Christopher.
Hologram-like transmission of pictures.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 213–219. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
D.R. Peachey.
Solid texturing of complex surfaces.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):279–286, July 1985.
D.R. Peachey.
Modeling waves and surf.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):65–74, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
R.J. Peckham.
Shading evaluations with general three-dimensional models.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(7):305–310, September 1985.
S.E. Pender.
Microprocessor-based laser videodisc information systems — new tools for interactive training and simulation.
In Proc. the IEEE 1985 national Aerospace and Electronics Conference NAECON 1985 (2 vols); held in Dayton, OH; 20-24 May 1985, volume 2, pages 1103–1106. IEEE, New York, 1985.
D.E. Penna.
The use of a touch screen and graphics display to provide a user friendly interface to a multi-function computer system.
Electron. Technol. (GB), 19(5):84–87, May 1985.
R.M.V. Perez.
Computer graphics as an aid to a robot dynamical simulation analysis.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(3):265–268, 1984.
T.S. Perry.
TV networks VIE for viewer's votes (TV computer graphics).
IEEE Spectrum (USA), 21(10):68–75, October 1984.
R. Person.
Animation Magic with your IBM PC & PCjr.
McGraw-Hill/Osborne, New York, 1984.
250 pp., $15.95, ISBN: 0-88134-145-2.
K. Perlin.
An image synthesizer.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):287–296, July 1985.
J.R. Peterson.
System requirements for graphics silicon.
In ComputerSON85, pages 272–275.
W.M. Peterson.
An innovative VLSI solution to video display applications.
In Mini/Micro Northest. 1984 Computer Conference and Exhibition; held in Boston, MA; 15-17 May 1984, pages 17/2/1–10. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, May 1984.
F.J. Peters.
An algorithm for transformations of pictures represented by quadtrees.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 32(3):397–403, December 1985.
Jaime Puig Pey.
A simple algorithm for the graphical representation of surfaces.
Microsoftware Eng. (GB), 1(1):65–71, July 1985.
G.E. Pfaff.
Conformance testing of graphics software using a configurable reference system.
In H.L. Hausen, editor, Proc. the Symposium on Software Validation, Inspection (em Testing (em Verification (em Alternatives; held in Darmstadt, Germany; 25-30 Sept. 1983, pages 267–285. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
G.E. Pfaff.
A programmable graphics editor as UIMS based on GKS.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, page 399. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
J. Poulton, H. Fuchs, J.D. Austin, J.G. Eyles, J. Heinecke, Cheng Hong Hsieh, J. Goldfeather, J.P. Hultquist, and S. Spach.
Pixel planes: Building a VLSI-based graphic system.
In H. Fuchs, editor, 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; held in Chapel Hill, NC, pages 35–60. Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1985.
G.E. Pfaff.
GKSGRAL: A GKS implementation for IBM mainframes and PCs.
In Proceedings of the SEAS Spring Meeting — Expert Systems, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 6-11 April 1986, pages 701–715. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1986.
T. Powers, A. Frankel, and D. Arnold.
The computer graphics virtual device interface.
IEEECGA, 6(8):33–41, January 1986.
W. Pferd.
Entering drawings into CADDS with the skantek automatic digitizer-methods and results.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 263–269. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
R. Perucchio and A.R. Ingraffea.
An integrated boundary element analysis system with interactive computer graphics for three-dimensional linear-elastic fracture mechanics.
Computer and Struct. (GB), 20(1-3):157–171, 1985.
C.A. Pickover.
The use of computer-drawn faces as an educational aid for the presentation of statistical concepts.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):163–166, 1984.
C.A. Pickover.
On the educational uses of computer-generated cartoon faces.
J. Educ. Technol. Syst. (USA), 13(3):185–198, 1984-1985.
L. Piegl.
Defining c1 curves containing conic segments.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):177–182, 1984.
L. Piegl.
Curve fitting algorithm for rough cutting.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(2):79–82, March 1986.
R. Pike.
The BLIT: A multiplexed graphics terminal.
AT&T, 63(8, Pt. 2):1607–1631, October 1984.
E. Piller.
A general-purpose multi-microprocessor raster graphics display system with anti-aliasing.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(1):33–41, January 1985.
R. Pinkham.
Dual port memory with high speed serial access.
In 1983 Computer Conference and Exhibition on Mini/Micro West; held in San Francisco, CA; 8-11 Nov. 1983, pages 18/4/1–10. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1983.
R. Pinkham.
Video memory technology and applications.
In WESCON '84 Conference Record; held in Anaheim, CA; 30 Oct. — 1 Nov. 1984, pages 29/5/1–9. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
C.A. Pickover and E. Khorasani.
Computer graphics generated from the iteration of algebraic transformations in the complex plane.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(2):147–151, 1985.
L.B. Protsko, G.P.A. Kurtenbach, P.G. Sorenson, and J.P. Tremblay.
DEPICT: A graphical interface for systems analysis and design.
In E.L. Gallizzi, J. Elam, and R.H. Sprague Jr., editors, Proc. the 18th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences (3 vols); held in Honolulu, HI; 2-4 Jan. 1985, volume 2, pages 128–139. Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (distributed by Western Periodicals Co.), Honolulu, HI, 1985.
L.B. Protsko, G.P.A. Kurtenbach, P.G. Sorenson, and J.P. Tremblay.
Design of a graphics database in support of computer-aided information systems development.
In E.L. Gallizzi, J. Elam, and R.H. Sprague Jr., editors, Proc. the 18th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences (3 vols); held in Honolulu, HI; 2-4 Jan. 1985, volume 2, pages 140–151. Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (distributed by Western Periodicals Co.), Honolulu, HI, 1985.
S. Pfleger and K.H. Lutz.
CADOS — a graphical system development methodology.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 371–374. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
M. Plante.
NAPGEN — automatic NAPLPS page generator.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 381–383. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
R. Pike, B. Locanthi, and J. Reiser.
Hardware/software trade-offs for bitmap graphics on the BLIT.
Software(emPractice SP&E Experience (GB), 15(2):131–151, February 1985.
B. Plunkett.
Portable pictures: A case for graphics standards.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(5):37–40, March 1985.
K. Pasemann and E. Metzner.
Educational requirements for CAD in industry.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):211–213, 1984.
R.F. Puk and J.I. McConnell.
GKS-3d: A three-dimensional extension to the graphical kernel system.
IEEECGA, 6(8):42–49, January 1986.
G.E. Pfaff, R. Muller, and B. Kirsch.
A verifier for checking the conformance of programs with the GKS standard.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):19–25, 1985.
Yu.V. Polokanov, Yu.V. Moskovskii, and A.I. Mirkin.
Thermoprinting heads (in russian).
Prib. and Sist. Upr. (USSR), (3):35–37, 1985.
M.B. Phillips and G.M. Odell.
An algorithm for locating and displaying the intersection of two arbitrary surfaces.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(9):48–58, September 1984.
M.L.V. Pitteway and P.M. Olive.
Filtering edges by pixel integration.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(2):111–116, June 1985.
N.W. Polhemus.
STATGRAPHICS.PC: An interactive data analysis and statistical graphics system for personal computers.
In Proc. The SEAS Anni. Meeting 1984 on Distributed Intelligence (2 vols); held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; 24-28 Sept. 1984, pages 377–387. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1984.
H.J. Pongratz.
Computer graphics in videotex (in german).
Angew. Inf. (Germany), 27(6):232–238, June 1985.
E. Post.
Interface considerations for window based programming.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 506–513. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
D.B. Pliske and J. Psotika.
Exploratory programming environments for designing ICAI.
J. Comput. Based Instr., 13(2):52–57, Spring 1986.
R. Pineau and E. Ryherd.
Semi custom gate array chip to handle 60 hz noninterlaced video.
In WESCON '84 Conference Record; held in Anaheim, CA; 30 Oct. — 1 Nov. 1984, pages 28/3/1–8. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
J.S. Courtney Pratt.
Plate device for scanning and displaying graphics.
Tech. Dig. (USA), 77:17, October 1985.
M.J. Pratt.
Current british research and development in solid modelling and its applications.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
17 pp.
M.J. Pratt.
IGES — the present state and future trends.
Comput. Aided Eng. J. (GB), 2(4):130–133, January 1985.
M.J. Pratt.
Solid modelling: A teenaged art — when will it mature.
In R.A. Adey, editor, Engineering Software IV. Proc. the 4th International Conference; held in London, England; June 1985, pages 14/3–14. Comput. Mech. Centre, Southampton, England, 1985.
M.J. Pratt.
Solid modelling and the CAD/CAM interface.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
12 pp.
V. Pratt.
Techniques for conic splines.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):151–159, July 1985.
K. Preiss.
Constructing the solid representation from engineering projections.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(4):381–389, 1984.
A. Preusser.
Algorithm 626. tech. rep.ICP: A contour plot program for triangular meshes.
ACMTMS, 10(4):473–475, December 1984.
A. Preusser.
Computing contours by successive solution of quintic polynomial equations.
ACMTMS, 10(4):463–472, December 1984.
I. Priestley.
Data entry without keyboards.
Comput. Syst. (GB), 5(10):67–69, October 1985.
M.J. Prospero.
Evaluation of a graphical interaction technique using GKS.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):319–321, 1985.
C.J. Prosser.
Bit-mapped graphics and window: A glimpse behind the scenes.
In IEE Colloquium on `Advanced Workstations II: Review and Exhibition', (Digest No. 102); held in London, England; 19 Nov. 1985, pages 5/1–4. IEE, London, England, 1985.
R. Pinkham, D.J. Redwine, F.A. Valente, T.H. Herndon, and D.F. Anderson.
A high speed dual port memory with simultaneous serial and random mode access for video applications.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits (USA), SC-19(6):999–1007, December 1984.
F.P. Preparata and M.I. Shamos.
Computational Geometry: An Introduction.
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
390 pp., DM 148.00, ISBN: 3-540-96131-3.
W. Puchtler and J. Schoenhut.
ERLNET — distributed components of the Erlangen graphics system.
CGGB, 10(2):143–149, 1986.
L.K. Putnam and P.A. Subrahmanyam.
Boolean operations on n-dimensional objects.
IEEECGA, 6(6):43–51, June 1986.
W. Purgathofer.
A general purpose graphics editor (in german).
Angew. Inf. (Germany), 27(2):77–83, February 1985.
T. Pavlidis and C.J. Van Wyk.
An automatic beautifier for drawings and illustrations.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):225–234, July 1985.
D.A. Pucknell and R. Woloszczuk.
`ET' — a friendly interactive editing tool for IC layout.
In 4th Australian Microelectronics Conference on Migrating Systems to Silicon; held in Sydney, Australia; 13-15 May 1985, pages 161–168. Instn. Radio and Electron Eng., Sydney, Australia, 1985.
R.A. Pine, R.A. Wlaker, and N.K. Gupta.
Matrix PC: Modeling, simulation, and optimization on personal computers.
Proc. IEEE (USA), 73(12):1817–1825, December 1985.
G. Raeder.
A survey of current graphical programming techniques.
Computer (USA), 18(8):11–25, January 1985.
J.E. Rager.
Graphics packages for teaching graphics.
SIGCSE Bull., 18(1):225–231, February 1986.
Seventeenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; held in Cincinnati, OH, 6-7 Feb. 1986.
M. Rawlins.
High level graphics utilities with GKS shortcuts.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, page 390. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
M.G. Rawlins.
UNIX and graphics.
In Proceedings of COMUNIX '86, held in London, England, 3-5 June 1986, pages 95–99. Emap Int. Exhibitions, London, England, 1986.
W.T. Reeves and R. Blau.
Approximate and probabilistic algorithms for shading and rendering structured particle systems.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):313–322, July 1985.
M.H. Richer and W.J. Clancey.
GUIDON-WATCH: A graphic interface for viewing a knowledge-based system.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(11):51–64, November 1985.
A.A.G. Requicha and S.C. Chan.
Representation of geometric features, tolerances, and attributes in solid modelers based on constructive geometry.
IEEE J. Robotics and Autom., RA-26(3):156–166, September 1986.
P.W. Reach.
TECHNov.ISION — a fifth generation CAD/CAM system.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
11 pp.
P.W. Reach.
Technovision — an advanced mechanical CAD/CAM system.
Comput.-Aided Eng. J. (GB), 3(1):9–16, February 1986.
T.N. Reed.
Standardization of the virtual device metafile and the virtual device interface.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):33–38, 1985.
C.N. Reed.
Deltamap — just another new GIS.
In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, held in Seattle, WA, 5-10 July 1986, pages 375–383. Int. Geogr. Union, Williamsville, NY, 1986.
M. Rehmus.
Complex documentation preparation on an IBM PC using WIPS.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 97–105. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
P. Rehwald.
VDAFS — an interface to transfer surface description data between CAD systems.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):69–70, 1985.
A. Reinhardt.
The design of material flow systems and experimental control by means of graphic-interactive simulation (in german).
In F. Breitenecker and W. Kleinert, editors, Simulationstechnik (2nd Symposium on Simulation Techniques); held in Wien, Austria; 25-27 Sept. 1984, pages 236–240. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1984.
M. Reiss.
Pixel phasing — graphics display without steps (in german).
CAE J. (Germany), (3):27–30, May-June 1985.
G. Renner.
Conventional elements of engineering drawings — free form curves.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 59–72. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
J. Reviczky.
Filling algorithms in computer graphics (in hungarian).
Tanulmanyok Magy. Tud. Akad. Szamitastech. and Autom. Kut. Intez. (Hungary), 172:3–54, 1985.
G.J. Reynolds.
A token based graphics system.
CGF, 5(2):139–145, June 1986.
D.S.H. Rosenthal and J.A. Gosling.
System aspects of low-cost bitmapped displays.
In Proc. EUUG Conference. European Unix Systems User Group Spring Meeting; held in Paris, France; 1-3 April 1985, pages 77–85. European UNIX Systems User Group, Buntingford, Herts., England, 1985.
A. Recuero and J.P. Gutierrez.
Computerized logical operations with polygonal domains.
In B.A. Schrefler and R.W. Lewis, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Microcomputers in Engineering: Development and Application of Software, held in Swansea, Wales, 7-10 April 1986, pages 303–312. Pineridge Press, Swansea, Wales, 1986.
K. Reumann, G. Griebel, and K. Mildenstein.
Manufacturing models of biomedical objects via CAD/CAM and GKS.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):375–382, December 1985.
R.V. Rubin, E.J. Golin, and S.P. Reiss.
THINKPAD — a graphical system for programming by demonstration.
In E.L. Gallizzi, J. Elam, and R.H. Sprague Jr., editors, Proc. the 18th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences (3 vols); held in Honolulu, HI; 2-4 Jan. 1985, volume 2, pages 114–120. Hawaii Int. Conf. on Syst. Sci. (distributed by Western Periodicals Co.), Honolulu, HI, 1985.
R.V. Rubin, E.J. Golin, and S.P. Reiss.
THINKPAD: A graphical system for programming by demonstration.
IEEE Software (USA), 2(2):73–79, March 1985.
P. Rehwald and C. Hornung.
An analytical visibility method for displaying parametrically defined surfaces.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 137–149. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
P. Rehwald and C. Hornung.
An analytical visibility method for displaying parametrically defined surfaces.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):275–281, 1985.
L.G. Richards.
Engineering education: A status report on the CAD/CAM revolution.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(2):19–25, February 1985.
W.H. Righter.
Static column architecture in CHMOS dynamic RAMS — a graphics memory solution.
In 1983 Computer Conference and Exhibition on Mini/Micro West; held in San Francisco, CA; 8-11 Nov. 1983, pages 18/1/1–9. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1983.
H. Roffmann, M. Imam, and R. Mellum.
The APS-GM: More efficiency through the integration of sculptured surfaces in solid modelling.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 277–283. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
H. Rippiner.
Workstations — present and future trends.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(10):17–21, December 1985.
J. Rix.
On developing a GKS driver architecture for raster workstations.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):145–148, 1984.
M.L. Rhodes, D.W. Jackson, Y.M. Azzawi, W.V. Glenn Jr., R.S. Howland, and S.L.G. Rothman.
Computer graphics for CT-assisted knee surgery.
In A. Duerinckx, M.H. Loew, and J.M.S. Prewitt, editors, ISMII '84, 1984 IEEE Computer Society Int. Symposium on Medical Images and Icons; held in Arlington, VA; 24-27 July 1984, pages 272–278. IEEE Compt. Soc. Press, Arlington, VA, 1984.
N. Roussopoulos and S. Kelley.
GDDT — a graphical design and documentation tool for software development.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(3):309–23, 1984.
A. Roos and H. Kaitonen.
Freestyle graphics with APL.
APL Quote Quad (USA), APL '85 Conference Proceedings. APL and the Future; held in Seattle, WA; 12-16 May 1985, 15(4):19–21, May 1985.
P.K. Robertson and J.F. O'Callaghan.
The application of scene synthesis techniques to the display of multidimensional image data.
ACMTOG, 4(4):247–275, October 1985.
T.H. Richards and G.C. Onwubolu.
Automatic interpretation of engineering drawings for 3d surface representation in CAD.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(3):156–160, April 1986.
P.K. Robertson and J.F. O'Callaghan.
The generation of color sequences for univariate and bivariate mapping.
IEEECGA, 6(2):24–32, February 1986.
D. Roberts.
Interface design — a hardware perspective.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 121–129. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
J. Roberge.
A data reduction algorithm for planar curves.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 29(2):168–195, February 1985.
G.S. Rogers.
UIGKS: A distributed graphics system.
Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-86-1253, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, June 1986.
G.S. Rogers.
University of illinois graphical kernel system C language binding.
Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-86-1280, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, June 1986.
G.S. Rogers.
University of illinois graphical kernel system virtual workstation server specification.
Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-86-1281, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, June 1986.
L.J. Rosenblum.
Oceanographic data profile analysis using interactive computer graphics techniques.
In OCCEANS84, volume 1, pages 100–104.
D.S.H. Rosenthal.
Academic application developers and a window system.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 514–517. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
K. Rossel.
Interactive video I. (in german).
Fernseh- and Kino-Tech. (Germany), 39(8):377–382, January 1985.
A. Rosenfeld.
Axial representations of shape.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process., 33(2):156–173, February 1986.
S.W. Roth.
Shadow-mask CRTs meet military need for color displays.
Inf. Disp. (USA), 1(11):16, 26, November 1985.
C. Rowe.
Tablet outline (digitisers).
Syst. Int. (GB), 13(10):69–70, October 1985.
R. Rowlett.
A low cost system for the graphical display of space-filling models of proteins.
Comput. and Chem. (GB), 9(4):301–315, 1985.
J.H. Rowe.
Metafiles and computer graphics.
CGGB, 10(2):103–106, 1986.
S.P. Reiss, J.N. Pato, and M.H. Brown.
An environment for workstations.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Software Tools, held in New York, NY, 15-17 April 1985, pages 112–117. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
J.R. Rossignac and A.A.G. Requicha.
Constant-radius blending in solid modeling.
Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA), 3(1):65–73, July 1984.
D.F. Rogers and L.M. Rybak.
On an efficient general line-clipping algorithm.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(1):82–86, January 1985.
D.F. Rogers and S.D. Rogers.
A raster display package for education.
IEEECGA, 6(4):51–58, April 1986.
J.R. Rossignac and A.A.G. Requicha.
Offsetting operations in solid modeling.
Computer-Aided Geometric Design (Netherlands), 3(2):129–148, January 1986.
R.L. Rhodes and L. Serra.
Three dimensional colour graphics in real-time.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 81–84. IERE, London, England, 1985.
R.L. Rhodes and L. Serra.
Three-dimensional colour graphics in real-time.
J. Inst. Electron. and Radio Eng. (GB), 55(11-12):401–3, Nov.-Dec. 1985.
J.M. Reising and Emerson T.J.
Color in quantitative and qualitative display formats: Does color help.
In Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985, pages 1–5. IERE, London, England, 1985.
M.M. Rubin.
Spatial context as an aid to page layout: A system for planning and sketching.
Visible Lang. (USA), 19(2):243–250, Spring 1985.
M. Rudalics.
Multiprocessing memory management on a graphic workstation.
In International Symposium on New Directions in Computing; held in Trondheim, Noeway, 12-14 Aug. 1985, pages 377–386. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
W.D. Rushworth.
Computer graphics — the geographical context.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages C1–9. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
A.A.G. Requicha and H.B. Voelcker.
Boolean operations in solid modeling: Boundary evaluation and merging algorithms.
Proc. IEEE (USA), 73(1):30–44, January 1985.
S. Rose and M. Waldron.
Training of preservice teachers of the hearing impaired in microcomputer and computer graphic techniques.
In D.T. Bonnette, editor, NECC '84, 6th Annual Nat. Educ. Computing Conf.; held in Dayton, OH; 13-15 June 1984, pages 295–297. Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 1984.
C. Schmandt and B. Arons.
Phone slave: A graphical telecommunications system.
In 1984 SID Int. Symposium (Digest of Technical Papers); held in San Francisco, CA; 5-7 June 1984, pages 146–149. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, 1984.
T.W. Sederberg and D.C. Anderson.
Steiner surface patches.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(5):23–36, May 1985.
Y. Sabban.
Problems with graphic misrepresentation.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 151–152. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
J.E. Sachter.
3-d computer generated animation.
In Proc. the 4th Symp. on Small Computers in the Arts; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-28 Oct. 1984, pages 42–49. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
R.J. Salmon.
GKS as a software standard for CAD.
In Int. Conference on Computer Aided Eng. (Conf. Publ. No. 243); held in Coventry, England; 10-12 Dec. 1984, pages 92–96. IEE, London, England, 1984.
H. Samet.
Bintrees, CSG trees, and time.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):121–130, July 1985.
D. Santos.
High resolution ink jet printing for the graphic arts.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 1, pages 715–728. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
J. Sandor.
Octree data structures and perspective imagery.
CGGB, 9(4):393–405, 1985.
H.P. Santo.
Engineering graphics + computer graphics = computational engineering.
In K. Duncan and D. Harris, editors, Proceedings of the IFIP TC3 4th World Conference on Computers in Education — WCCE 85, held in Norfolk, VA, 29 July-2 Aug. 1985, pages 643–656. 1985.
M. Slater and R.J. Baker.
GRAPH — an interactive program based on the graphical kernel system.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):135–140, 1984.
S.M. Schwartz and R. Bajcsy.
Three-dimensional elastic matching of ventricles.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 206–214. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
S.I. Shaheen and H.A. Baraka.
Microcomputer based graphic system for locating hidden objects.
In E. Luque, editor, Proc. the ISMM International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers and their applications; held in Sant Feliu De Guixols, Spain; 25-28 June 1985, pages 325–329. Int. Soc. Mini and Microcomput., Barcelona, Spain, 1985.
W. Simpson and T. Barker.
SAMMIE: Computing the human factor.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 528–534. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
S.N. Steketee and N.I. Badler.
Parametric keyframe interpolation incorporating kinetic adjustment and phasing control.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):255–262, July 1985.
D. Salesin and R. Barzel.
Two-bit graphics (alpha bit mapping).
IEEECGA, 6(6):36–42, June 1986.
F.J.M. Schmitt, B.A. Barsky, and Wen Hui Du.
An adaptive subdivision method for surface-fitting from sampled data.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):179–188, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
D. Shuey, D. Bailey, and T.P. Morrissey.
PHIGS: A standard, dynamic, interactive graphics interface.
IEEECGA, 6(8):50–57, January 1986.
R. Shoucri, R. Benesch, and S. Thomas.
Note on the determination of digital straight line from chain codes.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 29(1):133–139, January 1985.
H.D. Stewart and J.N. Curtis.
A data-base driven graphics animation and simulation system.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 19–23. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
M. Schussel.
Three approaches to graphics, intelligence, and geometric modeling.
In D.T. Newman, editor, Proc. the 1984 Conference on Computers in Manufacturing; held in San Francisco, CA; 28-30 Nov. 1984, pages 701–705. Nat. Inst. Manage. Res., Santa Monica, CA, 1984.
J.J. Schiavone.
Video interfacing to flat panel displays for dynamic graphics portrayal.
In Proc. the IEEE 1985 national Aerospace and Electronics Conference NAECON 1985 (2 vols); held in Dayton, OH; 20-24 May 1985, volume 2, pages 1495–1499. IEEE, New York, 1985.
M. Schilcher.
Interactive graphic data processing in cartography.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):57–66, 1985.
C. Schmandt.
Phone slave: A graphical telecommunications interface.
Proc. S.I.D. (USA), 26(1):79–82, 1985.
T.C. Schmidt.
A single-lens three-CRT crossed dichroic color projector for data and video.
In J. Morreale, editor, 1985 SID International Symposium (Digest of Technical papers); held in Orlando, FL; 30 April — 2 May 1985, pages 270–273. Pallisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, May 1985.
L. Scholl.
Heuristic rules for visualization.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 443–446. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
G.F. Schrack.
Literature in computer graphics for the year 1984: A bibliography.
Comput. Graphics (USA), 19(2):41–77, May 1985.
A. Scheller.
Integrated processing of text and graphics within the german research network.
CGGB, 10(2):133–142, 1986.
J. Schoenhut.
Classification of graphics metafile encodings.
CGGB, 10(2):107–111, 1986.
K. Scovron.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
J. Comput. Math. and Sci. Teach., 4(4):38–39, Summer 1985.
L.R. Speer, T.D. Derose, and B.A. Barsky.
A theoretical and empirical analysis of coherent ray-tracing.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 1–8. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
J.L.C. Sanz, I. Distein, and D. Petkovic.
Computing polygonal masks in pipeline architectures for automated visual inspection applications.
In Topical Meeting on Machine Vision; held in Incline Village, NV; 20-22 March 1985, pages FB4/1–4F. Opt. Soc. America, Washington, DC, 1985.
C.H. Sequin.
Berkeley unigrafix — a modular rendering and modeling system.
In Proceedings of the USENIX Association Second Computer Graphics Workshop, held in Monterey, CA, 12-13 Dec. 1985, pages 38–53. USENIX Assoc., El Cerrito, CA, 1985.
W.M. Strome and B. Grush.
The scientific and technical issues in integrating remotely sensed imager with geocoded databases.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 171–177. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
T.W. Sederberg and R.N. Goldman.
Algebraic geometry for computer-aided geometric design.
IEEECGA, 6(6):52–59, June 1986.
M.R. Sparks and J.R. Gallop.
Language bindings for computer graphic standards.
IEEECGA, 6(8):58–65, January 1986.
S.W. Sloan and G.T. Houlsby.
An implementation of watson's algorithm for computing 2-dimensional delaunay triangulations.
Adv. Eng. Software (GB), 6(4):192–197, October 1984.
D. Shamonsky.
Scripting graphics with graphics: Icons as a visual tool.
Visible Lang. (USA), 19(2):227–242, Spring 1985.
U. Shani.
A false color editing technique for raster image display.
In Proc. 14th Convention of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel; held in Tel Aviv, Israel, 26-28 March 1985, pages 4.4.6/1–4. IEEE, New York, 1985.
J.L. Sibert, W.D. Hurley, and T.W. Bleser.
An object-oriented user interface management system.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):259–268, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
T. Shipman.
Proceedings of 1985 Conference on Lasers in Graphics: Electronic Publishing in the 80's, held in Nashville, TN, 29 Sept.-3 Oct. 1985.
Dunn Technol., Vista, Ca, December 1985.
2 Vol. LXV+666+XXIII+737 pp.
K. Shoemaker.
Animating rotation with quaternion curves.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):245–254, July 1985.
I. Sexton, E.L. Hines, N. Storey, and J.F. Craine.
Psychological considerations on 3d displays.
In E. Luque, editor, Proc. the ISMM International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers and their applications; held in Sant Feliu De Guixols, Spain; 25-28 June 1985, pages 316–320. Int. Soc. Mini and Microcomput., Barcelona, Spain, 1985.
C.R. Standridge, J.R. Hoffman, and S.A. Walker.
Presenting simulation results with TESS graphics.
In S. Sheppard, U.W. Pooch, and C.D. Pegden, editors, 1984 Winter Simulation Conference Proceeding; held in Dallas, TX, 28-30 Nov. 1984, pages 305–322. IEEE, New York, 1984.
D.S. Scott and S.S. Iyengar.
TID — a translation invariant data structure for storing images.
Communications of the ACM, 29(5):418–429, May 1986.
K.E. Sibbald.
Computer-aided design/drafting on personal computers.
Proc. IEEE (USA), 73(12):1807–1816, December 1985.
G.R. Siebers.
An introduction to computer graphics.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 18(3):161–169, April 1986.
W.A. Simcox.
A method for pragmatic communication in graphic displays.
Human Factors (USA), 26(4):483–487, January 1984.
R.M. Sim.
Recent developments in computer-aided design and engineering.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(10):11–15, December 1985.
R. Singh.
Introduction to interactive video (for CAI).
Electron. Technol. (GB), 19(8):170–172, September 1985.
H. Sato, M. Ishii, K. Sato, M. Ikesaka, H. Ishihata, M. Kakimoto, K. Horota, and K. Inoue.
Fast image generation of constructive solid geometry using a cellular array processor.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):95–102, July 1985.
J.R. Seiver and H.M. Knutson.
Computer graphics and petrochemical plant design.
IEEE Trans. on Ind. Applications (USA), IA-20(6):1431–1439, Nov.-Dec. 1984.
P. Schlosser and R. Kable.
A new high-performance transparent digitizer for computer graphics display applications.
In J. Morreale, editor, 1985 SID International Symposium (Digest of Technical papers); held in Orlando, FL; 30 April — 2 May 1985, pages 42–43. Pallisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, May 1985.
H. Schumann and A. Kotzauer.
A method of displaying transformed picture rectangles using GKS raster functions.
CGF, 5(2):119–123, June 1986.
Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986.
V. Skala.
Hidden line solution by the bresenham algorithm.
In Proceedings of the First National Conference on Computer Applications, held in Lagos, Nigeria, 28 Feb.-1 March 1985, pages 252–61. Committee of Directors Nigerian Univ. Comput. Centres, Lagos, Nigeria, 1985.
M.W. Skall.
NBS's role in computer graphics standards.
IEEECGA, 6(8):66–70, January 1986.
R. Sriraman, J. Koplowitz, and S. Mohan.
Tree searched chain coding for subpixel reconstruction of line drawings.
In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, held in Monticello, IL, 2-4 Oct. 1985, pages 324–325. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 1985.
A. Sondergaard and H.H. Larsen.
Cadastral mapping pilot project.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 27–41. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
R. Sabourin and D.A. Lowther.
Developing graphical tools with minimal GKS.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 365–372. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
K.H. Sears and A.E. Middleditch.
Technical note: Raster applications with GKS.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 17(1):42–45, Jan.-Feb. 1985.
S. Shinozawa and M. Matumoto.
An approach to software visualization.
In International Symposium on New Directions in Computing; held in Trondheim, Noeway, 12-14 Aug. 1985, pages 162–169. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
E.L. Schwartz and B. Merker.
Computer-aided neuroanatomy: Differential geometry of cortical surfaces and an optimal flattening algorithm.
IEEECGA, 6(3):36–44, March 1986.
Y.N. Shinde and S.P. Mudur.
Algorithms for handling the fill area primitive of GKS.
CGF, 5(2):105–117, June 1986.
G.W. Smethurst.
The design and implementation of a dual processor graphics terminal.
J. Microcomput. Applications (GB), 8(1):35–45, January 1985.
B.R. Smith.
Computers and art.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(2):141–147, June 1985.
P. Smith.
The graphics user interface (digitisers).
Syst. Int. (GB), 13(10):72–73, October 1985.
R.B. Smith.
The alternate reality kit — an animated environment for creating interactive simulations.
In Proceedings of 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, TX, 25-27 June 1986, pages 99–106. IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1986.
M.K. Stojcev, I.Z. Milovanovic, and Z.C. Radonjic.
Some shifting methods for matrix multiplication.
IEE Proc. E.(GB), 132(1):33–44, January 1985.
R.H. Stern and M. Neal.
Are your images being ripped off (legal rights over computer graphic images).
IEEECGA, 6(3):45–51, March 1986.
U. Schweitzer, R. Neuser, and K. Grundey.
A user friendly multi user concept of digital terrain models with interactive graphical techniques.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 24–33. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
M. Sakuchi and Y. Ohsawa.
The AI-MUDAMS: The drawing processor based on the multidimensional pattern data structure.
In Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management, held in Miami Beach, FL, 18-20 Nov. 1985, pages 154–161. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
M. Sakauchi and Y. Ohsawa.
Pattern data representation and management in image database systems.
Syst. and Comput. Jpn., 17(1):83–91, January 1986.
W.J. Solimeno.
Display ad systems.
Seybold Rep. Publ. Syst. (USA), 15(1):1–16, 9 Sept. 1985.
N.P. Sopp.
Animation with MIT LOGO.
Comput. Teach. (USA), 12(6):20–23, March 1985.
V. Sorensen.
Visualizing music with computer graphics.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 807–815. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
D. Salzman, M. O'Conner, R. Smith, A. Goodman, and D. Breslau.
A unified environment for image processing, graphics, and instrument control.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, CA, 11-14 Nov. 1985, pages 173–180. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
T.W. Sederberg and S.R. Parry.
Free-form deformation of solid geometric models.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):151–160, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
G. Short, T. Preston, and M. Asal.
Bit-map controllers.
Syst. Int. (GB), 13(9):50–54, September 1985.
M. Sparks.
Graphics language bindings — the what and why.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):387–392, December 1985.
N. Spewock.
Planning for CAD/CAM graphic data exchange using initial graphical exchange specifications (IGES).
In 2nd Biannual Int. Machine Tool Technical Conference Proceedings (4 vols); held in Chicago, IL; 5-13 Sept. 1984, volume 1, pages 3/151–170. Nat. Machine Tool Builders Assoc., Mclean, VA, 1984.
R.G. Spires.
GKS: What it means to the CG industry.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 97–106. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
R.G. Spiers.
The GKS graphics standard; for military applications.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 353–357. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
B. Sprunt.
Creating prism maps with microcomputers.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 11(3):327–329, 1985.
I. Scherson and S. Ruhman.
Associative processing in computer graphics: Image transformation and hidden surface elimination.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 465–470. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
S.G. Satterfield and D.F. Rogers.
A procedure for generating contour lines from a b-spline surface.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(4):71–75, April 1985.
R. Spence and P. Rankin.
MINNIE: A tool for interactive-graphic design of electronic circuits.
In IEE Half-day Colloquium on `Circuit Design Using Workstations' (Digest No.44); held in London, England; 26 April 1985, pages 1/1–6. IEE, London, England, 1985.
H. Samet, A. Rosenfeld, C.A. Shaffer, and R.E. Webber.
Processing geographic data with quadtrees.
In Seventh Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition (2 vols); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canad, 30 July — 2 Aug. 1984, pages 212–215. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
B. Singh and G. Schrack.
Computer graphics literature for 1985: A bibliography.
Computer Graphics, 20(3), 85-145.
J.Y. Staudhammer and J. Shi.
Trends in computer graphics support for CAD/CAM.
In 4th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology (JCIT); Next Decade in Information Technology; held in Jurosalem, Israel; 21-25 May 1984, pages 158–166. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
V.E. Saouma and E.S. Sikiotis.
Interactive graphics nonlinear constrained optimization.
Comput. and Struct. (GB), 21(4):759–769, 1985.
Y. Stepanenko and T.S. Sankar.
A system approach to dynamic simulation of robotic manipulators.
Comput. Mech. Eng., 3(6):61–66, May 1985.
H. Samet and M. Tamminen.
Experiences with new image component algorithms.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 239–249. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
M. Sakamoto and M. Takagi.
Computerized generation of high-quality fonts of the japanese alphabets (in japanese).
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Jpn. Part D (Japan), J68D(4):702–709, April 1985.
R.W. Swanson and L.J. Thayer.
A fast shaded-polygon renderer.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):95–101, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
S.M. Stash.
GKS — the common thread.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, page 390. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
M.J. Stapleton.
UNIX and graphical kernel system.
In Proceedings of COMUNIX '86, held in London, England, 3-5 June 1986, pages 101–106. Emap Int. Exhibitions, London, England, 1986.
G.K. Starkweather.
A color-correction scheme for color electronic printers.
Color Res. and Appl., 11 Suppl.:S67–6, 1986.
Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986.
M. Starling.
Visualization by solid modeling.
In IEE Colloquium on Design Databases (Digest No. 29), held in London, England, 3 March 1986, pages 1/1–3. IEE, London, England, 1986.
H.A. Steinberg.
A smooth surface based on biquadratic patches.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(9):20–23, September 1984.
W.K. Steele.
A graphics routine for stereographic projection of paleomagnetic data.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 11(1):91–94, 1985.
B.G. Stevens.
NAPLPS decoding in FORTH.
J. Forth Appl. and Res. (USA), 3(2):221–224, 1985.
S.D. Stewart.
Computer generated molecular modeling.
Simulation, 47(1):18–23, July 1986.
R.K. Stobart.
Using solid modellers in robot programming.
In J.A. Collins, editor, Proc. the 8th Annual British Robot Association Conference on Robotic Trends (em Applications, Research, Education and Safety; held in Birmingham, England; 14-17 May 1985, pages 75–85. British Robot Assoc., Kempston, Bedford, England, 1985.
M.C. Stone.
Color, graphic design, and computer systems.
Color Res. and Appl., 11 Suppl.:S75–82, 1986.
Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986.
D.H. Straayer.
The standardization of three-dimensional graphics systems.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(1):27–32, 1985.
D. Straub.
A comparison of and future trends in personal computer-based computer-aided design and drafting software.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):323–329, 1985.
D. Stredney.
The use of computer generated graphics in representing biomedical structures.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 125–131. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
S. Strassmann.
Hairy brushes.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):225–232, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
K. Sugihara.
Interpretation of an axonometric projection of a polyhedron.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(4):391–400, 1984.
J.S. Summers, editor.
Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984.
Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
2 vol. 757+782 pp.
F. Sumi.
Computers generate 3-d display for domed movie-screen.
Inf. Disp. (USA), 1(8):14, January 1985.
Y.S. Sun.
Discussion of standard interfaces of geometrical modellers.
In Proc. Trends and Applications, Making Database Work; held in Gaithersburg, MD, 23-24 May 1984, pages 226–229. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
Y. Sundblad.
Bilevel display screen presentation of text, graphics and images for page make-up work.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 397–402. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
T. Saito and E. Wade.
Graphics for bitmapped displays (in japanese).
J. Fac. Eng. Univ. Tokyo Ser. (Japan), 22:38–39, 1984.
C.H. Sequin and P.R. Wensley.
Visible feature return at object resolution.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(5):37–50, May 1985.
M. Swaine.
Windowing operating environments.
Dr. Dobb's J. (USA), 10(12):28–33, December 1985.
S.L. Stepoway, D.L. Wells, and G.R. Kane.
A multiprocessor architecture for generating fractal surfaces.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-33(11):1041–1042, November 1984.
O. Sykora.
VLSI systems for some problems of computational geometry.
Parallel Computer (Netherlands), 1(3-4):337–342, December 1984.
S.J. Sawicki, R.D. Young, and S.E. Sund.
A new program to create chemical process flow diagrams.
Comput. and Chem. Eng. (GB), 10(3):297–301, 1986.
A. Taguchi.
Optimization of the plotter pen movement in writing kanji (in japanese).
Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan), 25(3):388–393, 1984.
T. Takala.
User interface management system with geometric modeling capability: A CAD system's framework.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(4):42–50, April 1985.
S.L. Tanimoto.
Graphical operations in a hierarchical parallel computer.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA); Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision; held in Cambridge, MA; 5-8 Nov. 1984, volume 521, pages 195–201. 1985.
H. Tanino.
3-d graphics of crystal structure by a personal computer (in japanese).
Bull. Electrotech. Lab. (Japan), 49(9):721–735, 1985.
R. Taylor.
Graphics with the transputer.
In Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984, pages 29–38. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984.
J. Tayima.
Color image display algorithms (in japanese).
Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Joho Shori) (Japan), 27(1):11–20, 1986.
C.G. Topley and A.D.M. Burwell.
Tech. rep.IGPLOT: An interactive program in BASIC for plotting triangular diagrams.
Comput. and Geosci. (GB), 10(2-3):277–309, 1984.
S.T. Tan and K.C. Chan.
A subdivision algorithm for axisymmetric sections.
Comput. Aided Des. (GB), 16(6):329–334, November 1984.
D. Thalmann, L.P. Demers, and N. Magnenat Thalmann.
Locating, replacing, and deleting patterns in graphics editing of line drawings.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. (USA), 29(1):37–46, January 1985.
W. Teitelman.
A tour through CEDAR.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-11(3):285–302, March 1985.
C.C. Tappert, A. Shawhan Fox, Joonki Kim, S.E. Levy, and L.L. Zimmerman.
Handwriting recognition on transparent tablet over flat display.
In Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, CA, 6-8 May 1986, pages 308–312. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY, 1986.
C.S. Tidball and M.L. Glass.
Raster graphics in support of medical education.
In G.S. Cohen, editor, Proc. the 8th Ann. Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care; held in Washington, DC; 4-7 Nov. 1984, pages 956–960. IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Washington, USA, 1984.
W. Tiller and E.G. Hanson.
Offsets of two-dimensional profiles.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(9):36–46, September 1984.
D. Thalmann.
Animation by computer: A tradition in canada.
CIPS Rev. (Canada), 9(6):18–19, Nov.-Dec. 1985.
N. Magnenat Thalmann.
A new tool for business graphics: The animated data system.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 116–122. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
M. Takakura, M. Hayasaki, K. Iwasaki, Y. Noguchi, H. Takemura, Y. Yamane, and N. Kako.
Compact image processing system `art processor' (in japanese).
Sharp Tech. J. (Japan), (33):35–38, 1985.
G.L. Thompson.
Development of a high resolution raster graphic display memory.
In 1983 Computer Conference and Exhibition on Mini/Micro West; held in San Francisco, CA; 8-11 Nov. 1983, pages 18/5/1–5. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1983.
B.S. Thomas.
Graphics 3-d simulation of robot workcells.
In 2nd Biannual Int. Machine Tool Technical Conference Proceedings (4 vols); held in Chicago, IL; 5-13 Sept. 1984, volume 1, pages 2/85–92. Nat. Machine Tool Builders Assoc., Mclean, Va, 1984.
J.C. Thompson.
Graphical data display manager: Directions and strategy.
In Proc. The SEAS Anni. Meeting 1984 on Distributed Intelligence (2 vols); held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; 24-28 Sept. 1984, pages 183–189. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1984.
Tran Thong.
Frequency domain analysis of two-pass rotation algorithm.
In ICASSP 85. Proc. the IEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Singal Processing (4 vols); held in Tampa, FL; 26-29 March 1985, volume 3, pages 1333–1336. IEEE, New York, 1985.
A.L. Thomas.
Overlap operations and raster graphics.
CGF, 5(1):13–32, March 1986.
G.L. Tindle.
Fermi surface display.
CGGB, 10(1):77, 79, 1986.
M. Tamminen and F.W. Jansen.
An integrity filter for recursive subdivision meshes.
CGGB, 9(4):351–363, 1985.
N. Takehara and H. Kotera.
Color reproduction methods for hard-copy printer (in japanese).
Electrophotography (Japan), 24(1):60–67, 1985.
A. Tkach.
CAD system helps link imaginary vision and reality.
CIPS Rev. (Canada), 9(6):21–22, Nov.-Dec. 1985.
L.W. Freni Titulaer and W.C. Louv.
An evaluation of the symbolic multidimensional graphs-trees and castles.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 725–733. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
S.B. Tor and A.E. Middleditch.
Convex decomposition of simple polygons.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 3(4):244–265, October 1984.
J.M. Taylor and G.M. Murch.
The effective use of color in visual displays: Text and graphics applications.
Color Res. and Appl., 11 Suppl.:S3–10, 1986.
Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986.
J. Trueblood and M. Mizuno.
An efficient anti-aliasing software algorithm.
In Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, CA, 6-8 May 1986, pages 348–351. Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY, 1986.
E. Tosan, P. Maillot, J. Azencot, and B. Decoret.
On process for the construction of scenes: An attempt of formalization.
In K. Bo, E.A. Warman, and L. Estensen, editors, Preprints of the Second International Conference on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering — CAPE '86, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-23 May 1986 (2 vols.), volume 1, pages 349–362. Databe Handlingsforeningens Forlag Aps, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1986.
P.P. Tanner, S.A. MacKay, D.A. Stewart, and M. Wein.
A multitasking switchboard approach to user interface management.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):241–248, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
S. Tominaga.
A color-naming method for computer color vision.
In 1985 IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, held in Tucson, AZ, 12-15 Nov. 1985, pages 573–577. IEEE, New York, NY, 1985.
J.G. Torborg.
High performance display controller operates from single 5v power supply.
In WESCON '84 Conference Record; held in Anaheim, CA; 30 Oct. — 1 Nov. 1984, pages 28/4/1–7. Electron. Conventions, Los Angeles, CA, 1984.
D.L. Toth.
On ray tracing parametric surfaces.
Comput. Graphics (USA) (em Proc. SIGGRAPH '85; held in San Francisco, CA; 22-26 July 1985, 19(3):171–179, July 1985.
R.B. Tilove, A.A.G. Requicha, and M.R. Hopkins.
Efficient editing of solid models by exploiting structural and spatial locality.
Comput.-Aided Geom. Design (Netherlands), 1(3):227–239, December 1984.
S.S. Trivedi.
Representation of three dimensional binary scenes.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 132–144. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
S.S. Trivedi.
Interactive manipulation of three dimensional binary scenes.
Visual Comput. (Germany), 2(4):209–218, 1986.
J. Truckenbrod.
Creative computer imaging.
CGGB, 10(2):191–197, 1986.
Z Tang, J. Sun, and Y. Chen.
A method for clipping arbitrary polygons rapidly.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 457–464. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
T. Tanaka, K. Sugihara, and N. Sugie.
A method for checking the correctness of dimensioning for polyhedral objects (in japanese).
Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan), 26(1):104–111, 1985.
H. Toriya, T. Satoh, K. Ueda, and H. Chiyokura.
Undo and redo operations for solid modeling.
IEEECGA, 6(4):35–42, April 1986.
N. Magnenat Thalmann and D. Thalmann.
Computer animated scenes.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(3):331–3, 1984.
H.K Tuy and L.T. Tuy.
Direct 2-d display of 3-d objects.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 4(10):29–33, October 1984.
N. Magnenat Thalmann and D. Thalmann.
3d computer animation: More an evolution problem than a motion problem.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 91–96. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
N. Magnenat Thalmann and D. Thalmann.
An indexed bibliography on computer animation.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(7):76–86, July 1985.
N. Magnenat Thalmann and D. Thalmann.
Three-dimensional computer animation: More an evolution than a motion problem.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(10):47–57, October 1985.
J.W. Tukey and P.A. Tukey.
Computer graphics and exploratory data analysis: An introduction.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 773–785. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
N. Magnenat Thalmann and D. Thalmann.
Building complex bodies: Combining computer animation with CAD.
CME, 4(6):26–33, May 1986.
N. Magnenat Thalmann and D. Thalmann.
Special cinematographic effects with virtual movie cameras.
IEEECGA, 6(4):43–50, April 1986.
N. Magnenat Thalmann and D. Thalmann.
Three-dimensional computer animation based on simultaneous differential equations.
In F.E. Cellier, editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Continuous System Simulation Languages, held in San Diego, CA, 23-25 Jan. 1986, pages 73–77. SCS, San Diego, CA, 1986.
N. Magnenat Thalmann, D. Thalmann, and M. Fortin.
MIRANIM: An extensible director-oriented system for the animation of realistic images.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(3):61–73, March 1985.
K. Tabata, H. Takeda, and T. Machida.
High speed rotation of digital images by raster scanning and table-lookup operations.
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Eng. Jpn. Part D (Japan), J69D(1):80–90, January 1986.
T. Takeda, T. Tsunematsu, and S. Tokuda.
Integrative graphic subroutine package ARGUS-v4.
Comput. Phys. Commun. (Netherlands), 34(1-2):15–29, Nov.-Dec. 1984.
K. Turkowski.
Anti-aliasing in topological color spaces.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):307–314, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
H. Tominaga, M. Yabusaki, and H. Arakawa.
Electronic tablet `billiard scanner' by laser beam scanner (in japanese).
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Jpn. Part D (Japan), J68D(4):909–916, April 1985.
J.K. Udupa.
Display and analysis of 3d medical images using directed contours.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 145–55. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
W. Ullrich.
Mergenthaler laser-based image setters.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 177–188. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
T. Uchiki and M. Tokoro.
Solid and colored object projection environment-scope (in japanese).
Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Jpn. Part D (Japan), J68D(4):741–748, April 1985.
T. Uchiki and M. Tokoro.
SCOPE: Solid and colored object projection environment.
Syst. and Comput. Jpn., 17(2):97–104, February 1986.
J.K. Van.
Advances in computer-generated imagery for flight simulation.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(8):37–51, January 1985.
J. Vandore.
The illustrated merger text and graphics.
In Proceedings of the SEAS Spring Meeting — Expert Systems, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 6-11 April 1986, volume 1, pages 113–121. SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1986.
T. Varandy.
Integration of free-form surfaces into a volumetric modeller.
Tanulmanyok Magy. Tud. Akad. Szamitastech. and Autom. Kut. Intez. (Hungary), (171):11–179, 1985.
M.W. Vannier, G.C. Conroy, J. Krieg, and D. Falk.
Three dimensional imaging for primate bilogy.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 156–160. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
R.K. Venkata.
Graphics in business information systems.
J. Syst. Manage. (USA), 36(7):18–21, July 1985.
A. Verroust.
Visualisation method for constructive solid geometry using polygon clipping.
DEC, 461, 1985.
W.L. Verplank.
Graphics in human-computer communication: Principles of graphical user-interface design.
In H.E. Peterson and W. Schneider, editors, Proceedings of the IFIP-IMIA Second Stockholm Conference on Human-Computer Communications in Health Care, held in Stockholm, Sweden, 10-14 June 1985, pages 113–130. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1986.
G. Yu. Veprinskii, I.Ya. Fridman, E.Sh. Raiz, and A.V. Kibuz.
System ARM2-01, organisation of input and of editing graphical data on the output device (in russian).
Prib. and Sist. Upr. (USSR), 4:15–16, 1985.
transl in: Sov. J. Instrum. and Control (GB).
U. Volk and F. Hermann.
A graphics editor.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 325–328. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
S.A. Viches.
Asymptotically optimal algorithm for reporting the edge intersections of a bipartite graph.
Avtom. and Telemekh. (Japan), 45(12):133–137, October 1984.
J. Vince.
Dictionary of Computer Graphics.
Knowledge Industry Publications Inc., White Plains, NY, 1984.
132 pp., $34.95.
V.A. Vishniiakov.
Simulation of surface images for rotating bodies (in russian).
Elektron. Model. (USSR), 7(2):92–93, March-April 1985.
V.A. Vishnyakov and V.N. Kisanov.
Organisation of buffers for colour graphic displays (in russian).
Prib. and Sist. Upr. (USSR), (6):21–22, 1985.
transl. in: Sov. J. Instrum. and Control (GB).
D.L. Vossler.
Sweep-to-CSG conversion using pattern recognition techniques.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(8):61–68, January 1985.
T. Varady and M.J. Pratt.
Design techniques for the definition of solid objects with free-form geometry.
Comput.-Aided Geom. Design (Netherlands), 1(3):207–225, December 1984.
C.V. Vaidyanathan and N.V. Raman.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):203–205, 1984.
D.A. Workman, F. Arefi, and M. Dodani.
GRIP: A formal framework for developing a support environment for graphical interactive programming.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Software Tools, held in New York, 15-17 April 1985, pages 138–153. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.
G. Walter.
Input and output for optical document management system.
In ComputerSON85, pages 78–82.
G. Walter.
Raster image systems for the management of engineering documents.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 681–686. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
C.M. Wang.
Applications and computing of mosiacs.
Comput. Stat. and Data Anal. (Netherlands), 3(2):89–97, January 1985.
J.R. Warner.
The importance of device independence in CAD applications.
In Fifth Symposium on Automation Technology in Engineering Data Handling and CAD/CAM; held in Monterey, CA; 2-4 Nov. 1983, pages 103–115. Autom. Technol. Inst., Pebble Beach, CA, 1984.
G.C. Ward.
The IBM PC implementation of GKS.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 561–564. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
P.G. Ward.
Surface modelling: A part of the computer integrated manufacturing cycle.
In ISATA 85: In Pursuit of Technical Excellence, International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (3 vols), held in Graz, Austria, 23-27 Sept., volume 2, pages 335–353. Automotive Autom., Croydon, England, 1985.
J.R. Warner.
Standard graphics software for high-performance applications.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(3):74–79, March 1985.
J.R. Ward and B. Blesser.
Implications of using interactive handprint character recognition for computer input.
In Proc. Trends and Applications 1985: Utilizing Computer Graphics; held in Silver Spring, MD; 20-22 May 1985, pages 51–60. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1985.
J.R. Ward and B. Blesser.
Interactive recognition of handprinted characters for computer input.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(9):24–37, September 1985.
J. Wilhelms and B.A. Barsky.
Using dynamic analysis to animate articulated bodies such as humans and robots.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 97–104. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
J.O. Wilms and D. Behnke.
Modular CAD application for the design of pipe supports.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 81–87. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
J.R. Ward and B. Blesser.
Interactive recognition of handprinted characters for computer input.
SIGCHI Bull., 18(1):44–57, July 1986.
C. Ware and J.C. Beatty.
Using colour to display structures in multidimensional discrete data.
Color Res. and Appl., 11 Suppl.:S11–14, 1986.
Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986.
J. Woodwark and A. Bowyer.
Better and faster pictures from solid models.
Comput.-Aided Eng. (GB), 3(1):17–24, February 1986.
M.A. Whiting, D.B. Carr, P.J. Cowley, and W.L. Nicholson.
Interactive graphics for a data analysis management system.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 734–741. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
J.L. Wilson, S. Chen, and S.L. Sadofsky.
Designing a graphics application interface.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 373–380. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
J.D. Waldern and E.A. Edmonds.
A three-dimensional computer graphics workstation.
In S.A.R. Scrivener, editor, State of the Art Report on Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture, page 71. Pergamon Infotech, Maidenhead, Berks, England, 1985.
H.R. Weber.
Models for graphics dialogue programming.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):207–210, 1984.
H.R. Weber.
Meditation on man-machine interfaces or our personal role in graphics dialogue programming.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):237–245, 1985.
E. Wegner.
Conformity testing and certification (in german).
In ComputerAS '84 (Computer Applications, Software and Systems Software as a Product); held in Berlin, Germany; 9-12 Oct. 1984, pages 479–488. Vde-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1984.
K. Weiler.
Edge-based data structures for solid modeling in curved-surface environments.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(1):21–40, January 1985.
U. Weissflog.
Product data exchange: Design and implementation of IGES processors.
In Proc. The SEAS Spring Meeting 1985; held in Veldhoven, Netherlands; 15-19 April 1985, pages 329–345. 1985.
J. Weil.
The synthesis of cloth objects.
Computer Graphics, 20(4):49–54, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
H. Wenz.
Space-plot-modelling in a volume system.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):199–202, 1984.
S. Wendt.
Relation charts for graphic documentation of data structures (in german).
Angew. Inf. (Germany), 27(10):432–439, October 1985.
M.R. Weathersby and W.M. Finlay.
Infrared flight simulation using computer generated imagery.
In Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA); Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision; held in Cambridge, MA; 5-8 Nov. 1984, volume 521, pages 89–93. 1985.
P.R. Wilson, I.D. Faux, M.C. Ostrowski, and K.G. Pasquill.
Interfaces for data transfer between solid modeling systems.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(1):41–51, January 1985.
J. Walther, K.D. Geidel, and W. Fengler.
Quasi-graphic editor for development systems (in german).
Radio Fernsehen Elekton. (Germany), 34(7):463–465, July 1985.
M.B. Waldron and R.I. Hang.
Computer graphics and teaching descriptive geometry.
In K. Duncan and D. Harris, editors, Proceedings of the IFIP TC3 4th World Conference on Computers in Education — WCCE 85, held in Norfolk, VA, 29 July-2 Aug. 1985, pages 657–661. 1985.
M.B. Waldron and M.R. Hopkins.
Orthographic projection and isometric drawing tutorial using computer graphics.
In 26th ADCIS Conference Proceeding; held in Philadelphia, PA; 25-29 March 1985, pages 46–49. ADCIS, Bellingham, WA, 1985.
D. Wick.
Modular automation of prepress — present and future.
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H.P. Wiendahl.
New developments in plant layouts using computers and graphical systems.
In CAMP '85, European Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics: Applications for Management and Planning Productivity; held in Berlin, Germany; 24-27 Sept. 1985, pages 211–216. Amk Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
B.R. Wientjes.
Role of silicon solutions in computer graphics standards.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 557–560. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
J.J. Van Wijk.
Ray tracing objects defined by sweeping a sphere.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 73–82. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
J.J. Van Wijk.
Ray-tracing objects defined by sweeping planar cubic splines.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 3(3):223–237, July 1985.
C. Williford.
HTS approach to integrated composition and page make-up.
In J.S. Summers, editor, Conference Proc. Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80's (2 vols); held in New Oeleans, LA; 4-8 Nov. 1984, volume 2, pages 329–343. Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984.
P.J. Willis.
A paint program for the graphic arts in printing.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 109–120. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
A.R. Wilks.
Essential graphical components of a statistical workstation.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 719–724. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
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P.R. Wilson.
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18 pp.
P.R. Wilson.
Euler formulas and geometric modeling.
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P.R. Wilson.
Solid modelling r&d in USA.
In 1985 European Conference on Solid Modelling; held in London, England; 9-10 Sept. 1985. Oyez Sci. and Tech. Services, London, England, 1985.
18 pp.
U. Willumsen.
Interior colour-combination schemes by computer.
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Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986.
P. Wisskirchen.
Towards object-oriented graphics standards.
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D. Wittek.
Solid modeling and system design.
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I.H. Witten.
Elements of computer typography.
Int. J. Man-Mach. Stud. (GB), 23(6):623–687, December 1985.
J.J. Van Wijk and F.W. Jansen.
Realism in raster graphics.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 8(2):217–219, 1984.
J.J. Welty, J.W. Moser Jr., and M.J. Bailey.
TIMCOGS: An educational, computer graphics timber-marking simulator.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(1):61–67, January 1985.
J.J. Van Wijk, F.W. Jansen, and W.F. Bronsvorrt.
Some issues in designing user interfaces to 3d raster graphics.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(1):5–10, January 1985.
L. Watt and J. Kao.
Chemical draftsman (CDRAFT).
Comput. and Chem. (GB), 9(4):269–277, 1985.
M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors.
Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985.
Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
448 pp.
T.D. Westrup, W. Kegel, and J. Gras.
User interaction with an environment for image processing and graphics.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(3):187–202, September 1985.
G. Wyvill, T.L. Kunli, and Y. Shirai.
Space division for ray tracing in CSG (constructive solid geometry).
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P. Whiteman and G.L. Mize.
Implementation of TE/TA in the digital terrain management and display system.
In Proc. the IEEE 1985 national Aerospace and Electronics Conference NAECON 1985 (2 vols); held in Dayton, OH; 20-24 May 1985, volume 1, pages 531–537. IEEE, New York, 1985.
P. Willis and D. Milford.
Browsing high definition colour pictures.
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B. Wyvill and C. McPheeters.
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In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 17–20. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
B. Wyvill, C. McPheeters, and R. Garbutt.
A practical 3d computer animation system.
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B. Wyvill, C. McPheeters, and R. Garbutt.
University of calgary 3-d computer animation system.
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T.C. Woo.
Interfacing solid modeling to CAD and CAM: Data structures and algorithms for decomposing a solid.
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T.C. Woo.
A combinatorial analysis of boundary data structure schemata.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(3):19–27, March 1985.
T. Wakahara, K. Odaka, and M. Umeda.
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V.E. Wright.
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T. Wright.
Graphics standards — a personal assessment.
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J.J. Van Wyk.
Ray tracing objects defined by sweeping a sphere.
Comput. and Graphics (GB), 9(3):283–290, 1985.
C.P. Wyles.
Application of fibre optics in the computer graphics revolution.
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Zhigang Xiang and S.N. Srihari.
Graphics interfaces to a neurological system.
In Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, TX; 14-18 April 1985, pages 215–222. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985.
J.P. Yorchak and J.E. Allison.
Utilizing computer graphics display technology.
In Proc. the IEEE 1985 national Aerospace and Electronics Conference NAECON 1985 (2 vols); held in Dayton, OH; 20-24 May 1985, volume 2, pages 937–942. IEEE, New York, 1985.
F. Yamaguchi.
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J.K. Yan.
Advances in computer-generated imagery for flight simulation.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 697–704. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
Dao Ning Ying and Xing Feng.
Arbitrary area filling in a fast procedure.
Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands), 4(4):363–370, December 1985.
K. Yamaguchi, N. Inamoto, and T. Kunii.
A data flow language for controlling multiple interactive devices.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(3):48–60, March 1985.
K. Yamaguchi, N. Inamoto, H.S. Kunii, and T.L. Kunii.
Three-dimensional data input by selection of hierarchically defined blocks.
In K. Bo and H.A. Tucker, editors, Eurographics '84 (em Proc. the European Graphics Conference and Exhibition; held in Copenhagen, Denmark; 12-14 Sept. 1984, pages 15–24. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984.
M.C.K. Yang, Chong Kyo Kim, Kuo Young Cheng, Chung Chun Yang, and S.S. Liu.
Automatic curve fitting with quadratic b-spline functions and its applications to computer-assisted animation.
Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process., 33(3):346–363, March 1986.
T. Ylinen.
APLGRAPH — how to develop a graphics software without really trying.
APL Quote Quad (USA), APL '85 Conference Proceedings. APL and the Future; held in Seattle, WA; 12-16 May 1985, 15(4):283–288, May 1985.
S. Youssef.
A new algorithm for object oriented ray tracing.
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S. Yamakawa, Y. Oda, and K. Yada.
Development of an interactive graphics processing system.
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M.C. Yaksh, D.E. Ruiz, and L. Watawala.
The caemis triple play: Pipedraw to quickpipe to autohang.
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M.A. Yerry and M.S. Shephard.
Automatic mesh generation for three-dimensional solids.
Computer and Struct. (GB), 20(1-3):31–39, 1985.
F. Yamaguchi and T. Tokieda.
A solid modeler with a 4x4 determinant processor.
IEEE Comput. Graphics and Applications (USA), 5(4):51–59, April 1985.
L. Yaeger, C. Upson, and R. Myers.
Combining physical and visual simulation — creation of the planet jupiter for the film ``2010".
Computer Graphics, 20(4):85–93, January 1986.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay (ed.).
T. Yasuda, S. Yokoi, J.I. Toriwaki, S. Tsuruoka, and Y. Miyake.
An improved ray tracing algorithm for rendering transparent objects (in japanese).
Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan), 25(6):953–959, 1984.
T. Yasuda, S. Yokoi, S. Tsuruoka, and Y. Miyake.
An improved ray tracing algorithm for rendering transparent objects (in japanese).
Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan), 26(4):591–599, 1985.
D. Zeltzer.
Towards an integrated view of 3-d computer character animation.
In M. Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985, pages 105–115. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985.
H.R. Zheng, Q.T. Lu, Y.L. Li, and Z.Z. Lin.
An automatic way of drawing section lines in computer aided mechanical drawing.
In First Int. Conference on Computers and Applications; held in Beijing, China; 20-22 June 1984, pages 451–456. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Spring, MD, 1984.
Yu.V. Zyuzin, Yu.V. Novozhenov, and E.G. Oikhman.
Structured data model for interactive graphic systems for printed circuit design (in russian).
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Wang Ziling, HU Tieniu, Zhang Hongfan, and Zou Bofu.
Interactive graphics for ship design (in chinese).
Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao (China), 19(3):11–18, 1985.
B. Zou, Z. Tang, and J. Sun.
Solid modeling system (ASMS) using algebraic method.
In Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985, pages 812–816. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, DC, 1985.